Should I ask about crunchy?
Should I ask about crunchy?
My 18 yo daughter works in a pharmacy, she recently had an older gentleman come in and complain about the pain caused by using a rectal suppository for laxative effect.So, I wish it was Hemorrhoids!
Turns out that my patches, although fucking awesome, led to the demise of my Anus. The patches and my diet resulted in what I call brick poops at the same time my PD is giving my sphincter muscle a run for it's money. The damage is an inch long tear in my rectum along with a fissure at the exit only door!
They can't do the surgery (fissurectomy) until the muscle loosens, the swelling goes down, and the infection is gone.
Now for the funny part...
My pharmacy had to order my scripts - said they would have them the next day. I go into the store on my way home from work and while at the register with the CROWD - the fucking girl says across the pharmacy that she couldn't find Mvapes' script to which the damn pharmacist replies...
"oh, that's the Anusol and Rectacort! I was like, REALLY! Was that necessary? So, upon looking at the onlookers in the crowd laughing as if my situation were funny I chose to let out the nastiest, retched, warm, silent fart I have ever unleashed on anyone. I saw people gagging in the crowd I left behind.
Might as well been Napalm, there is no airflow in that store.
I hope it got in everyone's eyes!
Get better, man. That's a sexy nipple, btw.Nope, wife snapped it earlier today. I'm home now, feeling better. I have a string of little gallstones that look like a pearl necklace but they don't want to mess with them. More puking and pain, I went back to solid food too quickly from Friday . . .
I posted that just for you sickos in this thread . . .Get better, man. That's a sexy nipple, btw.
I'm back in the E-E-E R . . you don't know how lucky you are boyz . . . Back in the E-E-E R . . .
Edit: Enjoy the nipplage . . .![]()
I'm back in the E-E-E R . . you don't know how lucky you are boyz . . . Back in the E-E-E R . . .
Edit: Enjoy the nipplage . . .![]()
A couple of weeks later, my arm is doing much better. So thanks again, I did find out that this is really the only cure if it was mrsa. I went to the doc yesterday, he said just keep going no antibiotics necessary. I mainly used lavender oil, but also had tea tree and lemongrass which is another they're looking at for this.Our daughter has had great success with using doTerra Lavender essential oil on her youngest son's bites and sores... he had gotten MRSA multiple times over the prior year, and her doctor had her try this... little dude has been "MRSA FREE!" for over 6 months now.
I would think any quality brand (even food grade) pure EO would be fine. I'd go with organic, myself. I often use melaluca/tea tree oil on my own "owies".
Says the man from the land of racing pigs, whom I saw at the county fair . . .That surfing pig is awesome, I want one!