Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Vapor Sloth
I'm sick and tired of the way I feel. My family, although they don't mean it considers me a problem. My wife doesn't understand what she doing yelling at me when I haven't taken my anti-psychotic in a week!

I'm a sick, bothersome 40 years old and everyone that knows me is driving me into SO much pain. But everybody knows everything, their advice is deadly.

I'm in pain constantly, I'm going down a hill with no way of climbing out of it.

All I wear is a crown of shit. To know me is to hate me.
Now, we are starting to get somewhere . . . I have been waiting. I know this person you describe. It was, and still is, a major aspect of my identity now. Its like running to get out of a pit of quicksand and no one you know can even begin to comprehend the problem let alone how to save you or throw you a life line. It may be time for some "life style" changes . . . you have my # . . . :peace:


vapor accessory addict
Now, we are starting to get somewhere . . . I have been waiting. I know this person you describe. It was, and still is, a major aspect of my identity now. Its like running to get out of a pit of quicksand and no one you know can even begin to comprehend the problem let alone how to save you or throw you a life line. It may be time for some "life style" changes . . . you have my # . . . :peace:
It's interesting how we often have to hit bottom before we can obtain the top.......


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
Hey Guy's sorry I've been so quiet. Mentally I'm in good shape today, I actually got to hang with Vicki a little bit today at Megacon! It was pretty spectacular. We left after a while of walking and my gate started closing.

I guess this is just the hand I was dealt. Unfortunately while walking back to the car I fell at the bottom of the stairs. It was the best fall I ever had as I was helped up by spider man and a fucking wookie!

It seem's like when they get my mental health meds balanced it has some negative effect on my physical side. I;m in a much better place now but my motor skills are getting worse. I bought dragon to help me type but I still have to get it working right.

Thanks friends for your warm wishes, I think about y'all all the time.


@mvapes I've noticed this recurring sentiment among those of us that have a terminal illness, or just an illness that's longer than a few days, that we're a burden on everyone we come into contact with, especially family. I know that's not true for you, I've felt the same way and still do.

Anyways you need one of these now since you bought the Dragon... :lol:


Campers Crumpet

What has been seen can not be unseen :|
Hey Guy's sorry I've been so quiet. Mentally I'm in good shape today, I actually got to hang with Vicki a little bit today at Megacon! It was pretty spectacular. We left after a while of walking and my gate started closing.

I guess this is just the hand I was dealt. Unfortunately while walking back to the car I fell at the bottom of the stairs. It was the best fall I ever had as I was helped up by spider man and a fucking wookie!

It seem's like when they get my mental health meds balanced it has some negative effect on my physical side. I;m in a much better place now but my motor skills are getting worse. I bought dragon to help me type but I still have to get it working right.

Thanks friends for your warm wishes, I think about y'all all the time.


Vape Wizard
Accessory Maker
Hubby is trying to make me feel better this morning. I actually woke up hungry, so he's making me my favorite breakfast. Dippy eggs, bacon, hash browns and toast. :D

It's the first day of spring! It's also our 16 year wedding anniversary today as well. :)

I don't care if it kills me. I'll be damned if I miss Megacon. I might be in a wheelchair all 3 days, but I'm gonna be there damn it! :rant: Maybe John Barrowman will take pity on me and give me a kiss. Yeah right! :rofl:
Happy Anniversary!!!! :party:


Oil Painter
I was weeping, wailing in the far corner, broken-hearted. Once again, @Vicki got to live my dream, at MegaCon...

Seriously, though... had a couple of very active, outdoorsy days, and now I'm really feeling it. And I'm very medicated... and I have to get ready for work.

But, I love you all. :) Good morning!!


Herbal Alchemist
I was weeping, wailing in the far corner, broken-hearted. Once again, @Vicki got to live my dream, at MegaCon...

Seriously, though... had a couple of very active, outdoorsy days, and now I'm really feeling it. And I'm very medicated... and I have to get ready for work.

But, I love you all. :) Good morning!!

I still need to post pictures here!


Herbal Alchemist
I can relate. :nod:

The 7 types of friends you have when you’re sick.

posted in Being Sick, Life by toughtriciabravebitch

In my experience, there are 7 types of friends you have when you’re sick.

1. The One in Denial

This person just can’t accept that you are sick. They may have even forgotten. “What do you mean you can’t eat that? What do you mean you can’t do that?” They don’t even try to understand. They dismiss your symptoms and may even make fun of you. Try to limit the time you spend with these people. They may never “get it”.

2. The “Pusher”

You are their project. You are their charity case. They want to “help” you but they want to help you in the way that THEY think will help. They may be pushing a new diet or treatment on you. Their efforts come from a good place but are influenced by their own agenda. Sometimes they just need a reminder of what YOU need to realize that this isn’t about them.

3. The Awkward Friend

They don’t know what to say. They don’t know what to do. Everything they say just comes out sounding really awkward. That’s OK though, because they really care and they are trying to understand what you are going through. They aren’t bad friends- they just want to help and just don’t know what to do. I’d rather have 10 of these than any of the “Pushers” or “Denials”.

4. The Compassionate Friend

They may be your spouse or significant other, best friend, parent or sibling. Their heart breaks to see you ill. They would do anything to take your sickness away. They are patient and good listeners. They understand what you are going through as much as they possibly can. These people are hard to find. I hope you have at least one of these and don’t ever let them go.

5. The Sick Friend

They know exactly what you are going through and you don’t even have to explain what spoons are! They may have different symptoms or a different disease but they know how it feels to fight every day. You want to support each other but you are both busy being sick! But thats OK because you both totally understand! Still, it’s nice to know that you are not alone :)

6. The Healthy/Active Friend

They might be naturally healthy or maybe they work really hard at it. Maybe they run marathons and go to the gym everyday. They might be that friend in yoga class that shows off and competes with other classmates. Maybe they work 60 hours a week , eat whatever they want and are weekend warriors – all without consequences. They might be awesome people but it’s difficult to find common ground.

7. The Complainer

They make poor life choices and don’t want to take responsibility for them. They have preventable injuries or health conditions and complain about them incessantly . They just want to vent about their “first world problems” ALL THE TIME. They hear about your diet and lifestyle and say “I could never do that” (like it’s a choice?) and then go back to complaining. This is another type of friend that I find it difficult to relate to.

Your relationships change when you get sick. Your relationships change because you change. You may go through a mourning period as you mourn your old life and all of the things you used to be able to do. Keep in mind that your friends and family might be going through a mourning period as well. They are mourning the friend they used to have, the things you used to do together and the experiences you shared.

You may find a blend of these 7 types among your friends, family and co-workers. I hope you can “weed out” or limit the time you spend with the toxic ones.

If a friend of yours gets sick – what kind of friend are you going to be?


Caveat Emptor - "A Billion People Can Be Wrong!"
Accessory Maker
I can relate. :nod:

The 7 types of friends you have when you’re sick.

posted in Being Sick, Life by toughtriciabravebitch

In my experience, there are 7 types of friends you have when you’re sick.

1. The One in Denial

This person just can’t accept that you are sick. They may have even forgotten. “What do you mean you can’t eat that? What do you mean you can’t do that?” They don’t even try to understand. They dismiss your symptoms and may even make fun of you. Try to limit the time you spend with these people. They may never “get it”.

2. The “Pusher”

You are their project. You are their charity case. They want to “help” you but they want to help you in the way that THEY think will help. They may be pushing a new diet or treatment on you. Their efforts come from a good place but are influenced by their own agenda. Sometimes they just need a reminder of what YOU need to realize that this isn’t about them.

3. The Awkward Friend

They don’t know what to say. They don’t know what to do. Everything they say just comes out sounding really awkward. That’s OK though, because they really care and they are trying to understand what you are going through. They aren’t bad friends- they just want to help and just don’t know what to do. I’d rather have 10 of these than any of the “Pushers” or “Denials”.

4. The Compassionate Friend

They may be your spouse or significant other, best friend, parent or sibling. Their heart breaks to see you ill. They would do anything to take your sickness away. They are patient and good listeners. They understand what you are going through as much as they possibly can. These people are hard to find. I hope you have at least one of these and don’t ever let them go.

5. The Sick Friend

They know exactly what you are going through and you don’t even have to explain what spoons are! They may have different symptoms or a different disease but they know how it feels to fight every day. You want to support each other but you are both busy being sick! But thats OK because you both totally understand! Still, it’s nice to know that you are not alone :)

6. The Healthy/Active Friend

They might be naturally healthy or maybe they work really hard at it. Maybe they run marathons and go to the gym everyday. They might be that friend in yoga class that shows off and competes with other classmates. Maybe they work 60 hours a week , eat whatever they want and are weekend warriors – all without consequences. They might be awesome people but it’s difficult to find common ground.

7. The Complainer

They make poor life choices and don’t want to take responsibility for them. They have preventable injuries or health conditions and complain about them incessantly . They just want to vent about their “first world problems” ALL THE TIME. They hear about your diet and lifestyle and say “I could never do that” (like it’s a choice?) and then go back to complaining. This is another type of friend that I find it difficult to relate to.

Your relationships change when you get sick. Your relationships change because you change. You may go through a mourning period as you mourn your old life and all of the things you used to be able to do. Keep in mind that your friends and family might be going through a mourning period as well. They are mourning the friend they used to have, the things you used to do together and the experiences you shared.

You may find a blend of these 7 types among your friends, family and co-workers. I hope you can “weed out” or limit the time you spend with the toxic ones.

If a friend of yours gets sick – what kind of friend are you going to be?
Sadly, I am blessed with a best friend of the #1 category - just doesn't get it. And there are no #2 thru #7's in my life, but for the #4 role, The Compassionate Friend, which goes to my dog & three cats. If it weren't for them, I'd be totally alone. I give and owe them my all :luv:.
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Herbal Alchemist
I guess I am just a big fat bitch. I have been up since 6am doing 6 loads of laundry. Busting my ass, even going out with my sister in law to do some shopping and taking her to do some of her errands. I am in so much pain I'd like to kill someone, but hubby and sister in law say, "let's do the grocery shopping tonight!"

How about let's fucking not! 12 fucking hours of non stop bullshit for me, and I am taking care of my down syndrome nephew on top of all this when she is working! I love him very much but all of this is killing me. I just told my husband to go fuck himself for not even thinking I might be in horrible pain or being able to see it on my face. He's definitely a fucking number one on the list. I want to just go scream!!!!! I am so sorry I can't push myself like a normal person you asshole!!! :cry: :disgust:


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
Hi everyone,

Again, sorry for being so quiet. @Vicki I'm so sorry about your day, I wish I was able to be on earlier but let's just say - FUCK Brighthouse!

I have some issues that I've been working with and on at home. My physical is not at it's best but my mind started playing games with me. I started to constantly have these brain farts and my short term memory is being effected.

I bet the first thing that comes to mind is duh, we've heard this before. Let me really tell you what I've been working on. I have some how been enlightened. My non-medicinal therapist has given some really good advice on breathing treatments and meditation.

I've come to learn a few things....

1. I'm not the hero I sound like, I'm a fucking idiot and never realized half the anxiety I suffer from is ME! I never came to grips with my illness, I cried like a fucking little girl in fear that I would wake up too every day worse than the day before. I've spent the better part of the last year in the clouds and doing everything I could to avoid coming to grips with my disease. Now I get it. Am I ready to face it? No! I'm not, but now I see it. I spent my time here and put so much effort into the forum that I was actually finding my happy place in helping others rather than face my fucking madness.

2. I've tried to everything to distract myself from illness, it even got as sad as buying friends things so they'd hang out with me. I started to lose grips with the fact that I'm not a kid anymore. It's time to grab the bull by the horns. As all this is starting to come out of my head I realized that I didn't need to spend all this money on glass, I don't want to feel the need to one up anyone on a vape or glass. Those of you who had been real with me from the get go I know who you are. Your the real friends, your the one who truly feel my pain.

3. I've forgotten why I created this thread. It wasn't about Parkinson's, it was a place where you could be fucking real without feeling out of place. It was a place to tell what it's really like. I became everything I'd been against. A fake! I wasn't being real with myself and that has to stop now. I can't always be the hero, there's no such thing. Sometimes I need you guy's to be my hero.

4. I've been taken advantage of a few but why get upset. It's not worth it. Or, should I say What would mom do? lol

It won't happen anymore. If I have to give to be your friend, your not a friend.

I am sorry for rambling and taking away anyone else's mojo. @Vicki - got your message and no problem!

Thanks for reading...

Going back to probably trip and fall on something :razz:
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Oil Painter
New grandbaby born at 3:30 am this morning... little boy, 7+ lbs, 18" tall.

Life does go on.

@mvapes that is really deep, man. *insert stoner voice* Love ya, dude.

But, seriously, I've just recently have been working on myself, too, and coming to grips with the fact that my brand of crazy is, indeed, crazy, and I'm probably not going to magically "get better"... fuck, I'm 53 yrs old, I'm not getting better. I can work at holding my own, and being the best me I can, but this is pretty much it for me.

I am, however, working on new relationship connections, as most of my old connections were built on crappy shit. Starting over with my hubby. It is weird how much I feel like I've gone back to square one on everything. It feels like I'm doing it better this time, though.

Gotta run, this is my go to work early day.


Caveat Emptor - "A Billion People Can Be Wrong!"
Accessory Maker
FUCK ME!!!:cuss::bang::horse:, and FUCK ME AGAIN!!! :cuss::bang::horse:. After over 2 fucking years of describing my painful sickening debilitating ailments to my clueless fucking doctor, she tells me to go to a psychiatrist because there's nothing medically wrong with me. How does one go about finding a real fucking doctor?!!! Is there such a thing??? Fucking damnit!!! Back to square one down the black hole.
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