So, I've started a new health regiment. This last couple weeks have been quite an eye opener for me and something has finally hit me...
I'm fucking fat!
So there's not much I could do about this fucking disease, it's not going anywhere anytime soon. Best I could do is try and make my body stronger, faster, lighter, a lot like Steve Rogers but for whole lot less money.
I've wiped sugars and salts out, drinking a GALLON (yes, a fucking gallon)of water a day, cut my caloric intake, and have been eating nothing but fresh local produce with steamed proteins for the last 7 days. I've lost about 13 pounds and all I have to say is this...
I'm fucking starving but soon I should be reunited with the lower half of my body. It's been a while so I hope everything is still in the same place.
As hard as dieting is I'm actually excited. Even with just a few pounds I feel better, I have more energy - right arm still isn't working to well but if I work my ass of at this I can slow things down for a bit. Even my kids are enjoying the fruits and vegetables, last night my girls and I sat watching cartoons eating fresh Mango together. Ava called it Ango!
It's time to start making changes to better my future, sometimes we have to look our fear in the eye so that we can get a clear image of what the future holds. Once you see it, it's up to you to change it.