Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Frequently up in space with Bowie
I have to admit that I dabbled a bit in the Charlie in my earlier days. After a while I found that I'd just wanted more straight away after doing some so I was never quite satisfied. Also I'd end up drinking shit loads of beer and smoke a ton of weed without actually getting drunk or stoned. Normally I'm the sort of person that will either drink or get stoned because the two don't mix well for me as they both affect me quite strongly. All this meant that the nose candy seemed kind of pointless for me so I guess I'm quite lucky in that respect because I've got quite a few mates who after they've been drinking for a few hours start going on the hunt for the old "Bolivian Marching Powder".


Vapor Sloth
Here is something to be happy about this morning, clean laundry :) My dryer repair was a success, although it wasn't easy. I totally hate appliance repair people. They want more than the cost of the part just to come "diagnose" the problem. I'm like "I know what the problem is I just want an estimate on the cost to fix it . . ." no way, no can do. Then after they come to your house and "diagnose" the problem of course they won't have parts in stock soooo, see ya next week, sucker . . . Well fuck that, I fixed it myself. My hands are all cut to shit but I have clean laundry again, and that is a blessing indeed :nod:


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
Mom is the site totally updated now? It is still ugly so wanted to know. I will change the color scheme to see if it is any better.


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
Bob I am so mad I didn't quote the dick post so the mods saw it oh well. What an entitled pos. Even three business days are not outrageous although we do like 1-2. I think maybe the tone of his messages and emails may have been well lets say not so nice. I pm'd paka to stop myself from cursing him out. I just needed to vent. Thanks for you and way2 for supporting me as I was trying to help.


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
Whats the matter dreamerr, someone upset you? I hope it wasn't me.


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
Some guy tommi in the planetvape thread complaining he got voice mail and didn't get an email back fast enough. The way it was originally written it said it took 4 hours wtf. Now if I get pissed off it is on...he just got me a bit twisted. That quad guy the other day did piss me off and pake stepped in and so did a lot of my men. He hasn't been back since. If you feel like reading it was a few pages back in the bs thread of the ascent then spilled into the solo thread about two or three pages back as well. Pasta something was his name.

I love you mvapes and am proud of you doing so well. If you are up at night and need support hit me up if you need to. You can always PM, and then take it from there what mode of communication you prefer. I am easy...hush up tweek:rofl:


vapor accessory addict
Dreamrr, I don't think vtac is finished yet with the update. I know the notice is still in the banner that the compatibility tests are still being run.

I think once the change is complete, the toolbars, etc., will revert back to the way they were before, with a few extras. ;)


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
I changed to white for now but it is bright lol. Let me know when it is done please if you remember. Thanks for the info.


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
So I guess you missed that pasta one...he got so many mad and I stepped in to resolve. The fucker had the nerve to PM me and ask about my condition. I even wrote a nice post in the solo thread saying I am not ready to forgive you so I am not answering you lol. I will mom thanks. I am from NY I don't rat with at least the report button. You know snitches get stitches and all and that is the truth not just a saying. I report myself for double posts on the occasion I do it cept for here. I think I may have reported like 5 shills that is it. I won't call 911 ever cept to get the fire dept to get the rattle snake. It is the only way to get them and that is what we are told to do.

Thanks a bunch:luv:
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