Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
I hate this fuckin' site upgrade....I can't think of one thing good about it and everything is hard to read now...I can bearly find the smilies in this sea of grey buttons:cry::bang::nope::rant::cuss::bang::bang::bang:

I didn't get an update for this thread so went to find that tab that says watched threads...it is gone. I suppose I may disappear off a lot of thread cause I won't remember if all of a sudden I goof and erase an email...bye cruel world.
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I hate this fuckin' site upgrade....I can't think of one thing good about it and everything is hard to read now...I can bearly find the smilies in this sea of grey buttons:cry::bang::nope::rant::cuss::bang::bang::bang:

I didn't get an update for this thread so went to find that tab that says watched threads...it is gone. I suppose I may disappear off a lot of thread cause I won't remember if all of a sudden I goof and erase an email...bye cruel world.
See ya,be sure to write!


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
Sorry :hmm:

I was kidding...it's been tough without a cell phone.

A man gives up everything to rebuild from scratch, not being in control is hard enough. I am sorry if I offend anyone with my humor. It's never intentional.
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Herbal Alchemist
Sorry :hmm:

I was kidding...it's been tough without a cell phone.

A man gives up everything to rebuild from scratch, not being in control is hard enough. I am sorry if I offend anyone with my humor. It's never intentional.

You never offend me! I am not good at conveying my meaning in some of my posts. I hope I didn't give you that impression!
Are you shitting me mvapes...that stuff is poison and they are letting you take that. I will never understand docs.
She's right,Ambien is Hell on the liver. WTF are you even taking it for,you outta weed? Always choose Sweet Mary Jane over ANY pill. You know that,is something else wrong? Call me you prick if ya need to talk. But make it quick,the hash is really kicking in now...


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
I took the ambien cause last night I had a few issues and was quite anxious before bed. Today I'm squeezing out another batch of oil. Last night on FC sucked and it screwed up my thinker a bit. not all of deal with shit the same way, especially those of us who are battling 2 or 3 demons at the same time. It's over now nor do I want to talk about. Close the chapter and move on.....

Hows everyone feeling this beautiful morning?


Oil Painter
I'm awake... didn't sleep well, mostly whirling thoughts about MOVING.

It is weird going from long-term home owners to renters. My poor hubby didn't sleep, either. He's a Taurus, and BOY, is he! He's the first to admit it.

We have STUFF. George Carlin would have a hey day (hay day?) with us. Shit. We have shit, we've rented a shit storage unit, we have to pack the shit, move the shit, unpack some of the shit, and probably give away/sell/dump a lot of the shit. It is amazing how a house will just fill up.

Plus, we have two cats to move. I'm not looking forward to getting them through this, but we will do what we have to.
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