Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!

Ah yes,Yugoslavia. That's where they make white people!
To bad you got us banned. In your defense that thing you did with their flag and your taint was hilarious!
What's a Catholic?
Catholics are a a group that is really mad at us Jews for some reason. I guess it was something we did like 2,000 years ago,but I wasn't there so I don't know for sure.
Oh,and some of the Clergy may have sodomized a few children,but I guess they're cool with that....:evil:


Space is the Place
so there's a priest and a rabbi on a plane

A young boy walks by and the priest say's, oh, I wanna fuck that boy.

And the Rabbi replied - Outta what?

Ya see its not fair ,a nominal catholic couldn't tell this joke and not feel guilty

But the jewish guy can put it out there and laugh his ass off .
Along with the rest of us

PS i was born catholic


Oil Painter
I just got home from work, sugar!

Hey, you can cry, and you can be scared. Stuffing emotions down is crap. Go ahead, be scared, and then use your fear to drive you to making your plans, doing what you can, making the right choices for you... all that.

Today is Full Moon. Dearsweetgodz&goddesses.... the phone calls.
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