Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


vapor accessory addict
I'm going to need you guys to try real hard to behave yourselves for the next couple days. I'm having surgery in the morning and wont be around until Wed. or Thurs. depending on when they'll let me out. That will depend on how badly I'm puking, I'm sure. :\ As much as I loved those drugs in the day, that heavy pain medication kicks my ass now.

So who to put in charge here amongst you.... :hmm:

Dorkus is out. That's a no brainer. Ship too. Tweek runs a close second to Ship. mvapes... well he tries but he gets weak around these guys and the same can be said for satyrday. Vicki is too nice...

Dreamrr.... you're the one. :nod: It's a big responsibility, but you've shown you have the vagina to handle it.:D



Well-Known Member
Aww Mom Im honored
Dont you worry about a thing, Ive got this totally under control:evil:

you just get better & come back to us soon.
sure you prolly wont come back to anything you are familiar with, more of a smoking shell of its former self.

But thats the price of progress right??:science:

Oh wait hang on.......................................

Wha???? How the fuck is it that Im scratched off the list 1st??
I am shocked!

I would whip these fuckers into shape in no time.
None of this soft n floppy, namby, pamby mod squadding.
I would have this place so damn tight.
The trains would run on time, Tweek would be in the institution he should be & we would be more punctual than stalag 13.

I would have a drop bear on every corner................
hang on, I would have drug dealing, trick turning drop bears on every corner.

It would be molorkoring heaven.

Now dreamerr will prolly makes us wipe our feet (and our ass), and hang fucken doilies or some other girlie shit everywhere.

It'll be more gay than Stu's basement & Tweek in bondage gear.

'Dreamrr.... you're the one. :nod: It's a big responsibility, but you've shown you have the vagina to handle it.'

WTF?? dreamerrs been showing her vagina?? where? at the movies?? youtube??
wow! maybe it wont suck so bad after all.

Tweek, call me. I gotta a rash dude & it aint going away.


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
We are here for you mom as needed...that sounds like a prescription so you need a dose of us twice daily.
That is some hard job you gave me but I am up for it. None of them got banned off chat did they hehe:lol:. They just forgot the rule of what happened in chat stays in chat so I had to put them all on blast:rofl:.

Dorky you all better now...we friends again:suspicious:
Thoughts and prayers go with ya Mom,you know that. Take the time to heal up right,like a vacation but with surgery,and meds?
But did you have to leave someone with the emotional stability of a drunken 3rd grader in charge? I know Dreamerr can handle it,but a lot vag-flashing going on.:tup: ((Who luvs ya girl))?
I also know that the women of this fine thread are in talks for an upcoming T.V. show. It's about an elite team of female forum fighters.
They are the Tough Woman Assault Team, aka "T.W.A.T." (working title). The first episode,"Assault on the oval orifice" begins filming as soon as possible.
This is no bullshit,I heard it from this Jewish guy I made up earlier today,and since we Jewish folk run the entertainment industry,(including the Internet) it must be true....right?

Get well and come back soon Mom,I have a feeling it's gonna get real strange around here,real quick.


Well-Known Member
Dreamerr put the S in S + M. She can handle it. And I don't just mean Sexy Lady.

Rude Boy is a good backup. Suited up in leather from the biker days. Yeah. I'd rather just sit back and watch it all go down.
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Oil Painter
Can someone pls explain the car crash that was chat?? damn it was like the wild west- kapow!

I have just woken up in a feather boa, covered in glitter with a carrot hanging outta my bum, my dog is wearing my leather chaps & keeps throwing me accusing looks while backing away from me like I am satan.

Any ideas?? anyone??

I dunno whether to be glad I dont remember, or ashamed of myself?
purely because I just know for sure I did something strange.

Tweek was that you in the wetsuit with the jar of mayo?? or do I have you confused with someone else?

Why is there all this plastic on the floor??

why am I all greasy?? it tastes like....................Salty chicken???


Silly, I saw the whole thing:


you were FAB U LOUS!!!

EDIT: Mom, do get well FAST, we need you here. :)

and, thanks for not even thinking of putting me in charge. :)


Herbal Alchemist
Just got back from the monthly doctor's visit. Pretty routine with med refills. Since I am feeling better, we are sticking with the Paxil and Oxycodone. Not going to increase the dosages, though.

I feel worn out just going to the doctor today. Not out of spoons, but it's a low spoon day.

I hope you are feeling ok, mvapes. You are always in my thoughts!! :)


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear that man. But looks like you've been doing your art, right? A lot of the finger art is recent isn't it? Gotta hand it to you keeping your mind busy and creative and not just focused on the disease. Hard enough to do that without such a hurdle, but sometimes it takes a challenge. Hope you feel better.


Herbal Alchemist
Mvapes is in bad shape....I have a brain scan on wendsday and I cant take any meds. I am in full PD mode - all locked up and tremoring. I am vaping as much as possible to help with symptoms.

But I'm here.... :tup:

I'm really sorry to hear this. I wish I could help. Hopefully time will fly by, and Wednesday will come and go quick. Can you sleep more to pass the time?
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