I will be the point where I would give a blow job for a Xanax......
and here I am sitting all alone at home.
wow................. this is awkward.
After much deliberation, I have decided that if you have dentures, Im in.
(as long as the dentures are out when the transaction goes down.

BTW- out of concern for your well being, I have taken the liberty of handing out xanax at the door to all the guests for the evening. The bloke with the colostomy bag was especially enthused.
For your modesty I am currently organizing a 'gloryhole' to be cut in the toilet door.
Perhaps some sort of shower cap might be in order? I assume you will be getting yr hair done right?
Anyhoo, I cant wait.
Here in Oz this sort of thing is normally performed by one of the drunken bridesmaids sometime around the time the speeches are taking place.
But wow the bride mother doing the honors? You crazy nthn mexicans sure know how to party.
Im not too sure if I'll be able to look you in the eye again, but hey Im only going to soak up the culture anyway.
FYI- it might be best if you stay away from any UV lights
Best of luck with it all.
Remember pics or it didnt happen!