@Snappo - These are the lessons in life that cut really deep, not sure why pain seems to be our teacher here. I had similar feelings when my grandma passed, I miss her a lot. When I lived with her for a while she got the shingles because I stressed her out so much. I didn't mean to, I was a good kid, but she definitely gave me way more than I gave her. Now I have 2 kids that are not mine and its my turn to give. The circle of life. Peace be with you Snappo . . .. . . I took too much for granted. I received so much more than I gave. Never again will I have what I've lost . . . I didn't realize what I had to the incredible extent I do now. I am lost. The roots of my existence for the greatest part of my life have been cut from my body, and I feel my leaves and branches and stems and trunk withering away, fast and irrevocably. Loneliness and despair are words that fall far too short.
I agree and it's a scary thought!Death of a loved one is the hardest thing to go through.
I'm here also, just catching up on reading and posting, lots going on today. Rocket launches, MMJ votes, its all good . . .
Love people of Walmart . . .
Regardless of the things most here think of you in private...I myself have respected you for a long time and you just proved to me that my assumption was always right.
I promise not to share with those outside this thread, but your a pretty fucking cool person.
I don't remember liking any of your posts. Must be a bug in the software or something.momofthegoons liked your post in the thread Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!.
You have been awarded a trophy: 10,000 Likes
Awwww shucks, thanks mom! I couldn't have done it without your help. I really don't know what to say, I wasn't expecting this so I'm not prepared. I guess I should thank all of the little people who liked my posts along the way. I won't mention names because I don't want to leave anyone out and definitely not because I don't remember any of them. I'll never forget all the weed that made this possible, both mine that made it tolerable and that of others who were so whacked out they liked my posts. Finally, a big thanks to @vtac, who is without doubt the one to blame for all this.
Edited because I'mstupidstoned and left off the best part.
OMG... REALLY, can you really get blue ray players that cheap at Walmart ?Oh come on......!!! Am I the only one awake around here?
Edit: Ahhhhh @mvapes ... you are awake too!
How is the potfather still dandy at the end LolzGood Sunday morning. I hope every one has a great day - here's a little entertainment to start the day.
Kind of reminds of me of my office...