Well then ...God Bless You!!! I never knew a saint who didn't have a little sinnerFUCK! I shop there...
Lol... @Vicki I tend to do the same thing. I research everything I have done to me medically. The problem is that some of those searches lead you to sites that are wayyyy too informative. For instance, one does not need to know that when they inject your knee, they put the needle in until it hits the bone, and then withdraw it a bit before injecting the meds in. That was information I really didn't need to know. And there has been so much more.
My advice? Step away from the medical google searches and search instead for exercises to help strengthen the arm afterwards. I'm sure they'll probably give you some therapy too.
I'm sorry, however, to hear about losing your doctor. But who knows? Maybe you will find one you like even more. Perhaps your current GP has one to recommend?
And at least your surgery is out patient. My last roomie at the hospital was this little woman that kept talking about eating the fish and she couldn't poop. My bestt memory of her was when she left... waving and yelling "I pooped!"
I'm sorry to hear about you're Sergury my prayers go out to u.
Curiosity always gets the best of us as we are only human. We definitely need to stay away from
Google health something's are
better left a surprise lol
My wife likes to find out about my procedures/side affects of meds ect I told her I just don't want to know anything.
3 day's out of hospital I'm having a hard time with my meds. I'm actually getting scared of them im having to break them up over several doses through out the day.
Last night bp dropped to 68/55
Wife tried to take me back to hospital with some fluids and a cold rag able to get up to 80/55
and not taking meds
Good enough i'll take it
I wish u the best and a speedy recovery
Every time we get out they pull us back in![]()
You only like my hugs because of the bewbs, and you know it.Fuck off , do something real with yr life & make awesome vids like this one!
@Enchantre - I showed my wife yr vid and said 'I dont hang out with stoners, I hang with cool chicks that can pull massive tubes like this, who will then give me a big hug & a cookie.'
to any and all that I missed 'pls get better soon' and to those of you that arent sick.........
I have no sympathy for you, pls stop leeching off me.
That totally SUCKS!!!!! Sorry VickiI have to have more surgery in 3 weeks. Memorial Day weekend, Friday May 23rd. This really sucks! I go into the orthopedic surgeon to get a TENS unit, and walk out with surgery orders.
I ruptured my EPL tendon. (extensor pollicis longus) That was the pop I heard last week. He said it was probably being sawed away at by the jagged broken bone (like a knife) the whole time it was in the stupid cast. (thank you quack doctor, you fucker!) It got weak and finally snapped.
On the bright side, I got my TENS unit and didn't have to pay anything for it.![]()
Oh no@mvapes is in the hospital.Keep him in your prayers.
Don't worry about manstrating and wearing a maxipad or pissing your pants.@Vicki
Thanks Vicki for letting the crew know of my situation. I knew something was wrong when I woke up feeling somewhat like @dorkus_molorkus and thought I had pissed my pants. When I ran into the bathroom and quickly checked. I was relieved to see that I hadn't pissed, I only had my period.
WHAT THE FUCK? Once I remembered that I was a dude I knew something was wrong.
I went to the ER and once finally seen they said they weren't sure what was going on but they had called in their Neurological Surgeon since no one ever know what the fuck they're talking about when it comes to PD. Especially PDP.
Once the doctor finally arrived, seems like he must have driven in from fucking Atlanta - took him all fucking day, he sent me for an MRI and X-Ray. Turns out the new medicine I'm on to assist me when I evacuate my stomach causes my intestines to expand and contract cause they're not doing it on their own anymore. It was normal to break some blood vessels and that was what I was I was leaking. They said it should pass within a few days. They also mentioned it causing extreme flatulence which tells me those of you who I Snapchat with are in for a treat!
So, after being released I get home and of course I had to say hello to Herbie. I took 3 levadopa pills when I got here and within 5 minutes BANG! A fucking seizure, small but a warning. Once it passed I went to the bathroom cause I feeling nauseous. I stood over the toilet and the next thing I remember was my wife helping me up. I had a FUCKING huge one. It was a doozey. I hit my head, got stuck between the toilet and wall and I'm pretty sure I pissed myself.
I'm ok today, I actually feel pretty good for a man wearing a maxi-pad! Just hanging at the house and relaxing as much as I can.
Thanks everyone for the warm wishes. On another note, as you all know Nanny is now officially in hospice and yesterday we were told told that her urinary tract was infected and it's gotten into her bloodstream. She's becoming septic. They loaded her with pain killers yesterday to make her comfortable but you all know what happens next.