@mvapes – sorry to hear about your latest batch of hell. Been stalking you for a while now and wanted to thank you for your insight, power and inspiration

. I too am a victim of PD; my wife was recently diagnosed with an atypical form of PD - PSP and/or CBD (still all TBD!). So when you feel a bit better the BarnBoy would like to buy you one of these tasty treats I found in Flagstaff AZ…
Much better than anally taken inhalers… (co-pay up the ass or not, F-ME!)
Hey there,
Your reply brought tears to my eyes. You and your wife? When were you diagnosed?
Welcome to my family here. I'm happy you were brave enough to come forward.
My case is mostly internal, inside tremors throughout my right side with dystonic spasms in my abdomen. It's only recent that the tremors in my right hand became constant. Because of my fear of facing it I waited too long for physical therapy.
I was told during evaluation for dbt surgery that there was concern about my speech. The doctors said that they felt spasms and tremors in my diaphragm which could in turn create speech and possible breathing issues. This was at the movement disorder clinic in Gainesville. Like an idiot I paid no mind to it and probably have learned techniques for that situation. I figured it was only because I was instructed to stop all medicine for 24 hours prior.
That was the point that everything became real. I realized how important the levadopa and ropinarol are. My gait was closed and my balance had deteriorated quickly.
What's funny is at the time I was only dosing 5 times a day. Now, I eat levadopa like it's candy.
But you know what? People like you and your wife make it easier. People like my friends in this thread and on this forum who have painful illnesses. Some mental some physical but we all have something in common.
We all have a fight ahead of us. I can't vouch for anyone else but I'm gonna need all the fucking support I can get.
So please, stick around and chat.