Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Herbal Alchemist
Sounds like you are on the mend . . . :tup:

I think I just needed to get the anesthesia drugs out of my body. I have literally been in bed all weekend long. There is a lot more swelling and bruising than when I first broke it too. This is only what can be seen outside the bandages too. I can't even imagine what it looks like under them.



Campers Crumpet

What has been seen can not be unseen :|
Wow Vicky that looks so painful :(
Just a suggestion: cold water extract the hydrocone from your pills, and sip / swish the mixture with some added cordial.
I've learned to always get anti nausea meds before surgery and after, otherwise it's puke city for days.
GIRLS ONLY STORY... (Boys leave): I had neck surgery in Feb last year, but the idiots didn't give me nausea meds, so I was puking before I woke up, anyway, woke up in recovery puked so hard I pissed the bed and shot my tampon out.


Some sort of infection maybe? Running a fever after surgery is really weird Apparently it's not as weird as I thought. I've had multiple and always had normal temp, except that one time I got some strong antibiotics IV'd, wasn't doing too well then but I turned out okay. Hope you're hanging in there alright @Vicki.

I'm outta bud, surprisingly doing alright with my nausea but had a bad headache for a good part of today. Think it's residual from daylight saving time adjustment, usually takes me a week to get used to sleeping later than I think it is/having to wake up earlier. Need to get my recommendation renewed, it expires on the 15th, might be able to make the drive up tomorrow or the day after.

Be well, everyone.
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Vapor Sloth


Herbal Alchemist
My fever finally broke on Monday when the daily vomiting stopped. I'm pretty sure it was anesthesia related. The doctor also told me that the lungs partially collapse during surgery and that I needed to take a lot of deep breaths and cough a lot. I think that is a doctor's recommendation to vaporize more. :lol: I'm a lot better today. Still carrying some nausea, but that is par for the course for me. I already took some ginger.

I'm so sorry you are feeling badly @Quetzalcoatl :(

Fuck Daylight Savings Time. :disgust:

Ooops, wrong thread again.....
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vapor accessory addict
SHE'S BACK!!!!!! :clap:

So glad you are finally feeling better Vicki!

I'm having a hell of a time with daylight savings time too. It's never affected me as badly as this year. It could be the 7 inches of snow that is falling as I type.... :bang: Usually it's a lot more spring like by now. But I'm finding myself waking up an hour later, even if I go to bed "on time." What the hell is the purpose of this anyway? They used to say it was so that the farmers would have more daylight to work the fields.. but really?



Vapor Sloth
Glad you're better Vicki and sorry you're not Q and DST sucks for me too this year. I've always been a night owl but now i'm not falling asleep till 4:30-5am !!! They should just leave it as it is now and not switch back in OCT.
I dislike disrupted sleep patterns, its why I lurk at odd hours. 4 am is bedtime for me as well, drives me crazy. If I get to sleep, 4 hours seems to be my limit before pain wakes me again. This time change hit me hard as well . . .
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Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
Sorry I've been a bit quiet lately but those fuckers we call doctors adjusted my meds and I didn't want to take a chance at putting one of my kids in the classifieds. I'm still finding that at the end of the day around 5 or 6 my mood starts to deteriorate.

It's starting to becoming annoying.
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