Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Well-Known Member
this is the Hell to which I have woken up to.

Gee you guys have it fucken made. IDK how I can cope in this desolate wasteland.


A very nice day in OZ once again.


Frequently up in space with Bowie
Coincidentally I've just finished a delicious late night beer. I'm not a big drinker but it was one of the tastiest I've had in a long time. It went by the name of "Fursty Ferret" and it was damn good. I know I'm not adding much to the conversation but you can't blame me, it's about 3am over here.

It must be pretty shit having to put up with all that idyllic landscape, I feel so sorry for you Dorkus.


Vapor Sloth
Fuckin Koreans ripped the tail off a 777 landing at SFO . . . for fucks sake . . . they tore off the entire tail, all the way to the pressure bulkhead, some of the undercarriage, and one engine . . . :doh:


Oil Painter
Hey gang... I'm back. :)

Had a major shopping day... switched things up a bit. Got some "wax"... and some other "wax", or, um, yeah, it's sorta waxy looking. I'll take photos, I promise. Oh, and I talked myself into a "WAM oil pen" kit, which is a sort of oil tank e-cig like vape, comes with pre-loaded atomizer, with the critical CO2 extraction oil.. Indica, of course.

Hits me like a fucking hammer. I'll take photos. Really.


Well-Known Member
The Molorkus lurks :ninja:

That's why I love the old chap. He slithers and slinks in the darkest corners, occasionally appearing with a dirty joke or perverted sexual reference. My kind of friend.
That's great! I have a new appreciation for the old Molorkus.

MAke yourself known, old chap - we know you're here.

I think I did see a glancing dorkus on my way down to write this so tweek has already worked the magic.


Oil Painter
Posted in the My Stash thread :)

Now, I'm having me some medicine. Serious, serious medicine. This will completely kick pain's ass.

Edit: oh, and the pen vape I got with the WAM oil? yeah, it's the same as the O.Pen and the Gold oil pen. Just a different name on it. sigh. Well, at least the hits I've taken off it have actually impacted me GOOD, so it isn't a loss, anyway.


Well-Known Member
typical woman only remembers what she wishes to.

I specifically mentioned in this order.

can of spray,
bic lighter,
do not set yourself on fire
do not set anything else on fire.
Once said critter has been subdued, bbq by setting it on fire.
then eat your vanquished enemy (all crunchy on the outside, with a gooey centre)

Now, here is what you actually did.

you got a lighter,
said critter was napping on paper towel after the savage beating you gave it.
you set that paper alight, while burning your finger at the same time.
you then witness burning embers flying upwards into the desert.
critter is bbq'd, but alas not consumed.

So, as much as you still loving me is awesome and all. Attention to detail & the ability to follow instructions will come in really handy when the Zombie apocalypse comes!:tup:

lolz- nearly set fire to the desert. :doh:
I am surprised you managed to kill it, the way you described it to me,
sounded more like you were giving it a massage.


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
You just wait, I am going to make me a bug killing pole so I don't have to be anywhere near those dangerous things. If it was a scorpion then what?

It was hard shelled and I got no legs to kill the stupid thing. Even my heavy ass wasn't enough pressure. Damn thing was still alive in the garbage so that is why I listen to dorky and burned it and lit the desert on fire.
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