typical woman only remembers what she wishes to.
I specifically mentioned in this order.
can of spray,
bic lighter,
do not set yourself on fire
do not set anything else on fire.
Once said critter has been subdued, bbq by setting it on fire.
then eat your vanquished enemy (all crunchy on the outside, with a gooey centre)
Now, here is what you actually did.
you got a lighter,
said critter was napping on paper towel after the savage beating you gave it.
you set that paper alight, while burning your finger at the same time.
you then witness burning embers flying upwards into the desert.
critter is bbq'd, but alas not consumed.
So, as much as you still loving me is awesome and all. Attention to detail & the ability to follow instructions will come in really handy when the Zombie apocalypse comes!
lolz- nearly set fire to the desert.

I am surprised you managed to kill it, the way you described it to me,
sounded more like you were giving it a massage.