For anyone interested in medical cannabis reviews in Florida!


Calm Consistency
Went back to Sunburn to grab a 1g cart for $25.
I usually don’t go for grams because I worry it won’t be a good one and I’ll be stuck with it a while. But it was a good price

When I walked in, they just handed me a free eighth. Told me it was a random Sunday freebie. Couldn’t have been more surprised.

It’s actually pretty solid. Grape Cream Cake, 19% thc and 1.8% terps.

The cart is unfortunately not good. Absolutely 0 flavor, tastes like straight distillate and they forgot to add it back in.

But hey, if I consider it paying for the eighth, I’m happy



Calm Consistency
Sunburn doing a quarter of smalls for $35 today. May check it out and possibly try to return the cart that I got.
If their smalls are anything like their fulls, would be quite the deal


Calm Consistency
Went back to Sunburn and asked them about the cart, and they said it's not normal at all, and a manager can refund me. So all good there.
They said it was a brand new cart they just got in and no one had tested it yet.

Talked to the budtender a good bit who seemed very knowledgeable about their flower. He agreed Mac1 is one of their best looking flower, but suggested Apple Butter as his favorite strain. Explained the flavor as sweet, but still very pungent, and all around just a range of smells.

He was pretty spot on.
Pics below. Smells very strong.

Harvested on 5/3/23
21% THC
2.43% terps

Pretty great pickup for just $35/quarter. Size of buds is very respectable for "smalls".



Calm Consistency
Some more Sunburn updates.
Got my last cart swapped out for a new one, so no problems with them correcting it.

Looks like every Monday is $35 quarter smalls of any strain.

Got a quarter of GMO smalls.

Smells like straight onions. Definitely a bit nauseating, very pungent.

24.5% THC, 28.7% total Cannabinoids
1.91% terps with E-Caryophyllene, beta-Myrcene, and Limonene leading the pack.

I think it's the caryophyllene giving off that onion smell.
The generic descriptor for Limonene is typically citrusy/lime smell, but I see it ranging quite a bit depending on what terps it's paired with.



Calm Consistency
I'm a FL native med patient and I'm psyched this thread exists.

I've been thoroughly enjoying the garlic gas wax as a great end of the day indica. Last time it actually put me to sleep in my chair.

I'll definitely be at home in here and giving some reviews in the future.
Where you get the wax from?
Only seen Garlic strains from GH, but they were definitely solid.


Calm Consistency
It's from trulieve by sunshine cannabis. Definitely a great strain now if only we could get some cheeses around here.
I do love me some cheesy strains, but ya we have some slim pickins here. As mentioned Queso Perro is a solid option, it's a cross with stardawg and some other strain.

SunnySide also has a Queso strain but I don't recall it really being cheesy.

I did a search of this thread to see if I described anything as cheesy, seems the only one I noticed was slightly Trulieve's Bubba Kush, but I don't think I experienced that this latest batch. Hard to recall correctly.


Medical Marijuana Activist
Company Rep
I'm questioning whether it's worth it for me to get a license here in FL ... please forgive me for not yet reading the previous 89 pages but I figure it might not be all up to date info. Here are my q's.

I'm in Central FL and I'm a VERY light user of bud and/or gummies. I get anxiety if I smoke or take too much. Dispensaries around here are limited. Anyone live around here, north of Apopka?

So what I would be looking for at the dispensaries are the following (please tell me if this is unrealistic here):

* being able to get indica or a high indica-content bud, preferably organic, preferably with analysis (this is what I was used to in CA when I lived there before it became legal there).
* being able to get very small dose - almost micro-dose- gummies of a relaxing nature, and tinctures. Again usually indica is best for me. I hate large-dose edibles. I get VERY paranoid or wacky with that!

Now some specific questions about the rules of the license. I've done some research online but there seems to be conflicting info so I need clarification from real users.
* when you get your card do you have to specifically REQUEST the dr give you permission to get BUD? I read that you do! Seemed crazy to me.
* is there a limit on how many times you can buy bud during your 7 months license? (buying a large quantity is not an issue. An 1/8 usually lasts me a couple months or more. My m.o. in CA was to buy a gram of 3-4 things, choose one and go back and buy 1 or 2 eighths or quarter oz's. However I do like to try various types, so...
* is there a minimum amount you have to buy? I prefer buying just a gram of several types, as mentioned in the previous question.
*how long is the card good for now and how often do you have to go back to the dr and pay the license renewal? What I recently read was 7 months for the license and once a year for the doc. Is that correct?
+++As to the above questions are ALL dispensaries the same in these respects or am I gonna have to drive to Orlando to find anything with analysis, variety, gummies et al?

That's about it. I know it's a lot but if a couple people answer a couple questions then that's a big help to me!

Some might say I don't really need the license because I smoke so little but a) I don't want to get busted , and b) I mostly use MJ to calm myself and sleep and as an anti-inflammatory so it's important to me IF I can buy analyzed bud that shows you what the components of it are. At least indica vs sativa and thc content. I actually prefer low thc high cbd/cbn as well.

That's another question: is it hard to find places that sell bud or gummies that have analysis to read on them? (Dose, indica vs sativa etc)

Thanks for your help!
p.s. I don't use electronic vape pens or any of that. I like pure bud unless it's gummies. I don't mind risking my stomach somewhat but don't want to risk my lungs/throat. I do use an electric vaporizer with a water "bubbler" that uses pure bud. I like hash if it's indica (usually is, right?) and not TOO sticky so as to be hard to handle.
Back in the 70's and 80's we'd get this great hash direct from India. A bit harsh but amazing chill high! Yeah I'm an old hippie who has smoked off and on since back then. I've been back "on" the last couple years.
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H.A.L. got screwed!
I live northwest of you in The Villages. Not a lot of dispensaries here either but most of them are close enough. So no, you don't have to drive to Orlando. I think there's an app called weedmaps or something or just google dispensaries near me.

You can get Indica, most carry it.

Smallest I've seen for flower is an 1/8.

I don't believe there is a minimum amount you have to buy.

All dispensaries have to label there products with certain information to be compliant with the state.

You do need a license...for the sole fact that if you do, you know what you are getting. If you don't, I hope you have heard that they've found Fentanyl even in weed on the black market for lack of a better term. In other words, your bud dealer cannot know what's in what he is selling unless he grew it himself; with the dispensaries, you are getting the real deal, otherwise they would be out of business in a heartbeat.


Medical Marijuana Activist
Company Rep
I live northwest of you in The Villages. Not a lot of dispensaries here either but most of them are close enough. So no, you don't have to drive to Orlando. I think there's an app called weedmaps or something or just google dispensaries near me.

You can get Indica, most carry it.

Smallest I've seen for flower is an 1/8.

I don't believe there is a minimum amount you have to buy.

All dispensaries have to label there products with certain information to be compliant with the state.

You do need a license...for the sole fact that if you do, you know what you are getting. If you don't, I hope you have heard that they've found Fentanyl even in weed on the black market for lack of a better term. In other words, your bud dealer cannot know what's in what he is selling unless he grew it himself; with the dispensaries, you are getting the real deal, otherwise they would be out of business in a heartbeat.
Thanks much. Going to the Villages is closer and cheaper/easier for me than Orlando area.
So, you haven't been to any places up there that sell less than an 1/8?
Do they sell very low-dose gummies? maybe some with high cbd/cbn?

And with the license is there a limit to how many times I can go to a given dispensary in the 7 months the license is good? i.e. I could go to the same dispensary or several others and buy a gram or an 1/8 at each one an unlimited number of times? This is how it used to be in CA but I have heard there are limits here. (Again to be clear, it's not quantity I'm looking for but the ability to try numerous varieties of bud.

And do you have to fill out a special form with your dr. to request the ability to buy flower? I read that you do. Maybe it depends on the dr?


Medical Marijuana Activist
Company Rep
Getting the Card:
Anyone know a dr. in Central Florida that is reasonably priced and guarantees approval or you don't pay?
And do they generally require I bring records from my doctor to show, say, migraines or back pain etc when I apply?
Any doctors I should avoid? Any dispensaries to avoid?
Are the 7 mo or 1 year followups at the dr office pretty much rubber stamped or do you need to show proof of further treatment via your regular dr?


Well-Known Member
After a couple weeks out of state, my first stop back in FL while driving south was the Jacksonville Sunburn. It was the first time I have shopped at Sunburn. The store was nice, and trendy looking. There was no line, and ordering and pickup were quick.

They had two for $40 tier 3 (their lowest tier). I got Grape Cream Cake and Animal Punch. If this is their lowest tier, I can’t wait to try the highest! Both strains taste pretty good, and pack a nice punch. I didn’t buy much because I didn’t want to spend a lot to be disappointed. Well, I’m not. I hope they continue to offer this quality and price in the future. I’ll get some concentrate to try out next time.



H.A.L. got screwed!
I have never heard of there being a limit on how many time you can go to a given dispensary within the 7 month...i go about every 2 weeks and load up since I have to drive 20 minutes each way. The y do sell gummies and other edibles..all of them do afaik. I didn't fill out what I wanted with the Doctor, we discussed it and they gave me every option there is, so I can get whatever I want, but I stick to flower, budder/badder, rosin.
The Doc I go to is CannaMD...A little more expensive than other but I've NEVER had any issues...even no problems increasing my limits. The records thing is an individual experience thing in my opinion...I have back issues and other things in my record so I didn't have any problems. My follows ups are always pleasant and its basically a chat with how things are going with my stuff and what has helped or not helped, etc.


In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
Getting the Card:
Anyone know a dr. in Central Florida that is reasonably priced and guarantees approval or you don't pay?
And do they generally require I bring records from my doctor to show, say, migraines or back pain etc when I apply?
Any doctors I should avoid? Any dispensaries to avoid?
Are the 7 mo or 1 year followups at the dr office pretty much rubber stamped or do you need to show proof of further treatment via your regular dr?
There are a myriad of ways to mitigate the cost of the MJ doctor and cost for the card. For instance, most dispensaries offer a discount each time you get your new card and offer significant first time customer discounts..... but your purchases will be so small the discounts won't really offset the Dr. and card cost.

We've never needed a recommendation from a primary care doctor to see a MJ doctor and we've never had a MJ doctor ask to see out medical records. You could bring a copy of your medical records showing a qualifying condition if you want to grease the wheels .. it might make you more comfortable. Take a look at the web sites for MJ doctors and you'll see all the issues that would qualify migraines.

My wife had severe migraines and a neurologist recommended an MJ doctor who actually went over her issues like a primary care doctor.

We've had experience with two types of MJ doctor was very much interested in helping my wife with her pain and actually "treated" her and gave her advice on a myriad of health issues including MJ. We had another whose only interest was helping her find a reason for needing cannabis. Both of these doctors require follow up visits to qualify you for the card and you don't have to do much more than say "I'm still experiencing severe migraines". None of this is covered by health insurance.

In my case I've been using cannabis for almost 50 years and new more than the doctors did about what our needs/wants where, the type of cannabis we wanted and they actually listened and created a recommendation based on what I suggested. For example, we asked for edibles when the doctor didn't include them and they just rubber stamped it.

Take a look at a dispensary's web site near you. Many will have recommendations on how to get started and will even have a number to call for information AND many include a MJ specific doctor recommendation.


Calm Consistency
After a couple weeks out of state, my first stop back in FL while driving south was the Jacksonville Sunburn. It was the first time I have shopped at Sunburn. The store was nice, and trendy looking. There was no line, and ordering and pickup were quick.

They had two for $40 tier 3 (their lowest tier). I got Grape Cream Cake and Animal Punch. If this is their lowest tier, I can’t wait to try the highest! Both strains taste pretty good, and pack a nice punch. I didn’t buy much because I didn’t want to spend a lot to be disappointed. Well, I’m not. I hope they continue to offer this quality and price in the future. I’ll get some concentrate to try out next time.

I got the GCC as a freebie a few weeks back. Wasn't the strongest flavor but they sure looked great.

Haven't tried the Animal Punch though, but being a fan of Animal Face from RiSE, I've been wanting to give it a go.

Glad they were enjoyable for you too!


Well-Known Member
I stocked up some more today at Ayr and Grow Healthy. Ayr has become my go-to for budget concentrates. It hits the sweat spot of quality and price. The live concentrates are good enough for sub-$25 on sale. And the RSO is decent. So I grabbed a couple grams of Snickerdoodle live sugar, and a couple grams of Boston Runts #5 RSO. The Snickerdoodle tastes better than the 2.22% terps would indicate.

Grow Healthy is my go-to for budget flower. It would be Sunburn after my pickup this weekend, but the closest one is a 35 min drive in a direction I never really go. I asked the employee for the terpene % for the flower that was on sale today, and ended up with Ruby X, AFxCS, and Sour Garlic Cookies. The Ruby X is larfy and disappointing looking. The smell is pungent. I haven't tried it yet, so can't comment on effects. The AFxCS (Apple Fritters x Creamsicle) also smells really good, and looks better. Both it and Ruby X should be sold as Littles, which it seems they stopped doing a while ago.

The real show stopper is the Sour Garlic Cookies. It looks great, smells amazing, and tastes just as good. The buds are soft and wet with terpenes. The garlic smell punched me in the face when I opened it. The flavor tasted just as good as the smell, and the effect have been pretty good.



Calm Consistency
The real show stopper is the Sour Garlic Cookies. It looks great, smells amazing, and tastes just as good. The buds are soft and wet with terpenes. The garlic smell punched me in the face when I opened it. The flavor tasted just as good as the smell, and the effect have been pretty good.
Even the AFCS looks pretty dang good, but that garlic..!

Bummer the Ruby x is bad looking coming from GH.
I typically only go for the tried and trues from GH. Lot of people on the FB group seem to think they aren't that great. Maybe they're seeing stuff like the 1st pic.

In my experience, you can have them open up the container ahead of time, and get a look and a smell. The sell you the same container they open.


Well-Known Member
Even the AFCS looks pretty dang good, but that garlic..!

Bummer the Ruby x is bad looking coming from GH.
I typically only go for the tried and trues from GH. Lot of people on the FB group seem to think they aren't that great. Maybe they're seeing stuff like the 1st pic.

In my experience, you can have them open up the container ahead of time, and get a look and a smell. The sell you the same container they open.
I’ve tried all three now, and they’re all pretty good once ground up. Despite its appearance, the Ruby X vapes well and tastes good. I could pick out several of the flavors in the AFxCS that give it that name. Very robust flavor profile.


Well-Known Member
If you live near the Miami, West Palm Beach, Stuart, or Summerfield Vidacanns, they have a pretty screaming deal happening all month. You can bogo any product of the same value once per day all August long. And it’s stackable with other discounts if you qualify. I placed an order for a couple different eighths to pickup tomorrow. It’s $19 for both after the bogo. They also have live rosin now for $49. With the bogo, less than $25/g of rosin is fantastic. Too bad I don’t get any inhalation back until the 10th.

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