FlowerMate Vapormax V/V5.0/V5.0S/V5 Pro


Space is the Place
Honest question here from a fairly new vaporist.

Why would you not want screens?

I find myself wishing that my ascent had a screen implanted before the glass stems because occasionally I'll inhale some ground vape, which I don't much enjoy.

I really like the dual screen system that the flowermate offers, but perhaps I'm naive to something here.

Thanks in advance,


to tell you the truth the part about no screens was part of a Broken Quote from someone else, sorry about that. I believe screens are great for keeping ya from inhaling bits of herb and in most vaporizers I have to use them, I agree with others that they can be a pain to deal with in some vaporizers but you just have to use 'em or eat grit so... I use screens when I need to.


Well-Known Member
Hi @llamaman001. On page 23 of this thread @paytonpenn took a FM apart...based on the pictures it looks like air goes into the tiny holes of the case and through the pathway under the heating element...So IMO I think its safe...but of course others will have their opinions.

...@paytonpenn, thanks for the tip...the mouthpiece fits perfectly in my 14mm GOG bubbler...I think I like it even more.
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Well-Known Member
Thanks grm. I thought someone had taken it apart I guess I evidently skipped that page in my search. I'm really considering picking one of these up for ease of use and no more long cleaning sessions
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New Member
Decided to buy a FlowerMate off ebay. Paid 65 shipped USPS priority. Charged it over night, and tested it out. Once it heated up, the first hit was very effective. I probably was able to vaporize for 5 minutes and got about 15 hits. Strong enough vapor to make me cough, so i'm impressed. I like the mouth piece as the part that connects the mouth piece to the unit is metal on metal. Compared to my Pinnacle Pro which I lost, I feel this is much improved over that design where the mouth piece is mainly plastic except for the screen.


Well-Known Member
Actually...go ahead and get one...and then tell us if it does the same thing an Atmos Raw does or not...Thanks!


Well-Known Member
hilary the heating elements are completely different in both units. With the Flowermate, the heater has a screen cover over it. With the atmos is it just a straight up coil...looks like the same coil they use in all their devices and they are known to combust and burn whatever you put in them. The exterior of these units is the same but I believe the internals will be different.


Future ruler of earth
See to me it looked like a re branding of the Flowermate with a couple tweaks, not sure why I got attitude for thinking that(Or at least it seemed that way to me), thanks for explaining it to me llamaman.


Future ruler of earth
I guess I'll step up...I apologize @HillaryClinton. Even though your reply seemed a bit condescending while I was only trying to warn you that the Atmos FM copy works like their RAW.

It's alright I didn't mean to be, tried to come off as confused more so, well yeah I know the Raw and the other pens they make are bad but companies have went from bad to good in the past. I also thought they just stole the Flowermates design, like a rebranding.

People are gonna be mad at them if it works as the cheaper pen they have, I don't even see the point, I would buy the pen before something shaped like that ha, its something herb people need to deal with to a cigg shaped one actually works....no reason to carry something this big to burn.
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Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
Hey guys ! Just received the flowermate.. and its currently charging.. The mouthpiece reeks of rubber.. and it is awful.. How to remove the smell.. I got 95 % ethanol and coconut oil and coconut soap and regular dishwasher soap. Did a quick alcohol soak. .but am afraid that it will make the rubber more porous and it will give off more smell so it waas just 20-30 secs no more.. than tried coconut soap.. quick wash.
Is there a procedure an order to clean it /. Should i soak it longer in ethanol.. Should i soak it in soap or leave it rubbed with coconut oil for a while ?
Edit.. Well it works.. vapor is MFLB density at best but taste is awesome.. Did few washes on the mouthpiece and smell quickly diminished. Purple is awesome color !!! My gf is painting already her nails in purple ... lol.. :D It get me baked.. Draw is a bit restricted .. Did the abv again in my ud.. just one miserable cloud out of two flowermate sessions worth :) . Riemoved the ceramic part too.. at the very beginning .. So far i am not impressed big time but it works and my gf loves it.. I would love to see a battery life for at least 6 x10 min
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Abysmal Vapor,


Well-Known Member
@Abysmal Vapor, I slightly pack the chamber to where the inner silicone meets the ceramic. Then the metal part of the mouthpiece will press against the herb when screwed on. If you're doing it like that then maybe its defective? I don't remember who but someone on this thread said they have two of them and one is hotter than the other.

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
@Abysmal Vapor, I slightly pack the chamber to where the inner silicone meets the ceramic. Then the metal part of the mouthpiece will press against the herb when screwed on. If you're doing it like that then maybe its defective? I don't remember who but someone on this thread said they have two of them and one is hotter than the other.
it works best if i put whole but and gives a lot of extra vapor if i stir.. Doesn't work well with little amounts as the UD for sure.. but the chamber is enough to get me and my gf baked :) ..
Abysmal Vapor,


Hello All! First time posting and already thanking for sharing information.

Anyone knows of an european seller for the flowermate v?

I found one alright, but at 88eurs + shipping (119$ + shipping).

Not sure that if at this price its a good buy... but for under 150eur (200$) what can i get that´s better than this?!

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
Hello All! First time posting and already thanking for sharing information.

Anyone knows of an european seller for the flowermate v?

I found one alright, but at 88eurs + shipping (119$ + shipping).

Not sure that if at this price its a good buy... but for under 150eur (200$) what can i get that´s better than this?!
Its a good buy.. My gf\s supposed to worth 75 but add 20 % TAXES + 15 FOR LEGALIZATION+ 5 $ FOR THE BLOODY DHL TO RESHIP IT TO CUSTOMS SO I DON'T PAY THEM 30 EURO TO BE ME..add the gas i spent to go there (not close) .. u got it just a bit more expensive than that:) if they deliver the same day or the next go for it :) but have in mind u can find it cheaper ,but u have to make sure it's not sent to you from a company but from person... so u skip the 20% tax,...
Abysmal Vapor,


Thank you for the fast reply Abysmal Vapor!

I really dont think that i´ll find a "person" selling it anytime soon.

Everything in Europe is more expensive than in the Americas. Market rules, search and demand, biggest market in the Americas while in Europe its very fragmented and that put prices up high.

I´ll be paying attention to this thread and will continue my demand of finding a sub 200$ in Europe that works well with my herbs.


Well-Known Member
Hello All! First time posting and already thanking for sharing information.

Anyone knows of an european seller for the flowermate v?

I found one alright, but at 88eurs + shipping (119$ + shipping).

Not sure that if at this price its a good buy... but for under 150eur (200$) what can i get that´s better than

vapefiend.co.uk has it for 79UKp. i think it's free Shipping too.


Well-Known Member
Im considering pulling the trigger on one of these for a camping trip this weekend as a throw away type vape (I dont plan to throw it away but just incase it gets lost or anything).

At 70 bucks shipped it really cant be beat if its any better than the mflb.


New Member
Thank you for the fast reply Abysmal Vapor!

I really dont think that i´ll find a "person" selling it anytime soon.

Everything in Europe is more expensive than in the Americas. Market rules, search and demand, biggest market in the Americas while in Europe its very fragmented and that put prices up high.

I´ll be paying attention to this thread and will continue my demand of finding a sub 200$ in Europe that works well with my herbs.

Have you tried contacting flower wen or other seller mentioned here? I'm pretty sure they can ship it to Europe. Whats the difference between sending it from Hong Kong to North America or Europe?

I'm pretty sure the only difference would be the currency (85 US = 70 Euro) and shipping rates, and ask the seller to mark it as a gift or under 20$.
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Just picked one of these up on ebay uk , £65 delivered.
seller - essexvapours

Doesnt have any for sale at the mo though, but might be worth a mail


How did you find that? I just searched ebay.ie , ebay.co.uk and no such results.
"0 results found, so we searched international listings"
In order to keep costs low, i have to order within Europe.
Vapefiend its the best option so far 98eur includ. shipping.
Vapomod store in frace sells it cheaper for 88.80eur...dont know about shipping, so its more or les the same deal with the bonus to Vapefiend for having critics, reviews, fast reply to my email and building confidence.

(i did found the Essex Vapours on ...Facebook, and sent them a message)
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