How does that thing work???
How much water should i put in it?
Picked up my first real rig. Thoughts on it? One of my buddies told my it was a recycler? Is this correct?
It has a simple downstem with 4 holes at the bottom for diffusion. The downstem is slighty lower the the "recylcer" hole. How much water should i put in it?
Water probs best half way up the down stem. The tube next to the downstream is the return so it should come down that tube.
Thank you.
Have fun experimenting!!!
Cool glass @Urby and welcome!
Yep, it's a recycler.
Ideally the return tube for the water should be lower than the percolator; I would watch out for pulling your vapor up the down tube.
Also, welcome to the forum.
Nice piece! Looks fun for dabs and would probably do well under a vape!