Just got my FW6 (Batch from the 9/30 two week email) and took it for a spin using a Samsung 30Q (use setting: outside walking). First off I want to put it out there right away
I believe this vape is a good vape and I would buy it again without hesitation. That being said, I started at setting 3 and got the typical no vape all flavor hit from convection vapes. After 2 pulls I bumped up to 4 right away, herb at this point was super green and I would recommend raising your 3 setting at least 1 click and maybe 2 clicks because IMO default 3 is not hot enough. At setting 4, I was now getting great vapor extremely smooth and tasty, decently T H I C C but nothing too crazy. After a few pulls (didn't count exact amount maybe 5?) I checked the AVB because the vapor was thinning a bit and it was starting to yellow/brown on the top and pretty green on bottom. At this point I bumped up to 4 and 1 click and stirred then took 2 more pulls, bumped it up to 4 and 2 clicks and got pretty full extraction after a decent amount of pulls to get to even darkISH brown with some yellowish brown still.
By this point you might notice this seems like a very unrealistic amount of hits, the reason for that is because I noticed the draw speed for the FW6 needs to be slightly slower than the FW5 and while you're walking it is pretty hard to keep up with draw speed and get a big hit, i'm sure that if you're sitting down or in a non active environment you'll get fewer but lager clouds. At this point I locked the vape, stuck it in my windbreakers pocket, and went into an establishment known for its pink and orange color scheme and both the first letters of the name is a D. I got a coffee and sandwich and in the time it took to leave the establishment, MY BUTTON GOT STUCK

. Immediate depression set in but I would not accept that my brand new vape would break in 1 SESSION before I even got to fully finish (still felt there was 2-3 pull life in the AVB). So I put my little stoner brain into action to problem shoot why in the world my button would get stuck THE FIRST TIME I use the device and here is what I came up with.
I want to preface this with
I DO NOT KNOW IF THIS IS THE ACTUAL CAUSE OF THE STUCK BUTTON but, there is a small gap on all 4 corners of the heater and I believe that avb from the bowl can jump up in there and get stuck in whatever is acting as the clicker. The reason I think this is because I fixed my stuck button

The way I did this was I just blew into all 4 corners as hard as I could a few times to the point that my cheeks hurt. Then I got a small amount of click on the side closest to the battery and kinda just "worked" the clicker until it got progressively less stuck by pressing it in different places that would actually give some give. I think that eventually I just pulverized whatever was causing the stick (the theoretical AVB). Now the click works perfectly fine again. To avoid this problem I recommend you do not put this vape down after you start a bowl unless you know you wont jostle it at all and
TL;DR Good Vape that can perform what I would consider full extraction (But not at default settings), Move your setting 3 to 3 and 2 clicks, Move your setting 4 to AT LEAST 4 and 1 click. Requires a slightly slower draw that the FW5 IMO. Seems like it would be better with the HG2 instead of the 30Q. Prime your hit for 2-3 seconds before you pull (I.E. Click, buzz, 2-3 seconds, then pull) it doesn't seem like it would make a big difference but that slight pause really helps. Overall I would not get this a first vape because its seem nuanced but if you're an enthusiast this is a
great one!