Firewood Vaporizer


hotboxing the cockpit
EDIT: Oh hey, maybe this is important: You can take the Crafty glass & sleeve out-of-the-box and install in the Firewood glass for a good fit, and enjoy the mod w/o woodworking. Adding the wood feels more complete and portable and moves the silicone 1/4" further from the heater.

I may look into this if I can find the crafty piece. I assume the mighty/crafty glass are different and I'll have to look around. I'm unable to do the woodworking myself and don't wanna bother someone for a really small, custom thing that I may not even use all that much. I've been opting to use the FW4 without CU, which isn't terrible at all but options are nice for sure.
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Well-Known Member
FW4 has become my go-to vape for sharing with friends. Once you get it started it's easy to pass around, without much explaining as to how to use it. Some of the vapes I use more for myself don't do well with groups. (It's easy for people to combust with the Mi, for instance) But the FW4 is simple. Pass to them and say to inhale. No cords like the logs. Only tip necessary is to listen for the whistle to help with draw speed. Quickly swapping batteries and capsules keeps the fun going with little down time.


FW4 has become my go-to vape for sharing with friends. Once you get it started it's easy to pass around, without much explaining as to how to use it. Some of the vapes I use more for myself don't do well with groups. (It's easy for people to combust with the Mi, for instance) But the FW4 is simple. Pass to them and say to inhale. No cords like the logs. Only tip necessary is to listen for the whistle to help with draw speed. Quickly swapping batteries and capsules keeps the fun going with little down time.
That's exactly why I want one to pair with my Mi!



Took the FW4 out snowshoeing today! It's not capable of handling cold temps quite as well as my Grasshopper, but there's something nice about sessioning it outside in the trees and allowing it to warm one's hands. Better than HotHands!



Took the FW4 out snowshoeing today! It's not capable of handling cold temps quite as well as my Grasshopper, but there's something nice about sessioning it outside in the trees and allowing it to warm one's hands. Better than HotHands!
Does it still work pretty decently in cold temps?


Does it still work pretty decently in cold temps?

It will accomplish said job if you're willing to devote 7-10 minutes to a session. Honestly, I find this true of the FW4 in general, as it isn't nearly as On-Demand as my Grasshopper is. Factor in cold air, and the device will perform as expected. Still produces great results, just a lengthier/more relaxed sit down.


Well-Known Member

I just pulled the trigger on a FW4. I'm a Hopper head since July (Pax prior, ancient history now!)....

Been reading around before I bought, so I went for the extra capsules and the cooling unit...

Speaking of which, comparing the Hopper to the FW4 insofar as vapor heat at the draw-point (no cooling unit), how do they match up?

Appreciate any feedback, thanks!


@JoeMama The Hopper and The FW4 are entirely different animals IMO. The 5-6 second massive, suffocating hit you pull out of your Hopper with a slow draw at setting 5 is not possible to achieve; it just isn't, and I've tested this vape in as many ways as possible. You're not going to want to take the FW4 out on the town with you the way you will your Grasshopper, so clear that idea from your head if it's there.

Edit: You're also going to want to restrict the speed of your draw by at least half, if not more when hitting the FW4 vs. the Hopper—think comically slow, and you'll be close.

That being said, the FW4 excels as a home session vape. At heat level 2 with the cooling unit, you will rarely if ever cough and will fully extract with mostly tasty hits for a period of 7-10 minutes. Without the cooling unit, your draw speed will have to be more conservative, and you will have issues hitting native at temp level 4, but I don't see a difference otherwise.

Congratulations on your purchase. Marc's vapes are awesome, and they serve a very specific purpose. For me, it's through water (Temp 2 w/ a bit of concentrate sandwiched between 0.2G coursely-ground blueberryXwhite_widow) at the end of the night while playing Shadow of the Colossus and has little-to-nothing to do with my day prior to that, which is where the Grasshopper comes in as I go about my daily business and make it rain like a Donald Trump hooker's piss stream.

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Well-Known Member
@sk8man121 that was just what I wanted to hear...

I bought the FW because I want a more reliable home session vape than the Hopper. I just went through warranty stuff with the Hopper and I just didn't like being without a vape. I probably will never use my Pax again, after experiencing convection.

I love the way the FW looks (but obviously looks ain't everything!), and it looks simple enough to use.

Still, I've always been a one-hit kind of person, so the need for continuous hits may not present itself. But now I can share, as the Hopper isn't great for more than one person IMO. For one person, however, holy shit is it powerful.....when it's working.

Thanks :tup:


@JoeMama So to be completely transparent, the main reason I took the FW4 out in the cold with me today was because my GH is currently at Hopper Labs for a hospital visit! The issues I've had with it have been insurmountable, but its on-demand performance (when it works properly) has yet to be beat by any other vape I've used, including the FW4. I think you'll find this sentiment echoed across the board (pun intended) here.

That said, you're going to be very happy with the FW4 given your reasoning for purchasing it. Totally agreed that the Hopper is less than ideal for groups than the FW4 for one specific reason—the Hopper's bowl is cashed within 3-4 hits if operated successfully. A FW4 bowl can taste great for up to 10 minutes, making it ideal for passing around if you aren't concerned with getting super medicated, super fast.

Again, it has (more than) its place in any rotation. Enjoy, my friend!

Mr Mellish

Well-Known Member
@JoeMama The Hopper and The FW4 are entirely different animals IMO. The 5-6 second massive, suffocating hit you pull out of your Hopper with a slow draw at setting 5 is not possible to achieve; it just isn't, and I've tested this vape in as many ways as possible. You're not going to want to take the FW4 out on the town with you the way you will your Grasshopper, so clear that idea from your head if it's there.

Edit: You're also going to want to restrict the speed of your draw by at least half, if not more when hitting the FW4 vs. the Hopper—think comically slow, and you'll be close.

That being said, the FW4 excels as a home session vape. At heat level 2 with the cooling unit, you will rarely if ever cough and will fully extract with mostly tasty hits for a period of 7-10 minutes. Without the cooling unit, your draw speed will have to be more conservative, and you will have issues hitting native at temp level 4, but I don't see a difference otherwise.

Congratulations on your purchase. Marc's vapes are awesome, and they serve a very specific purpose. For me, it's through water (Temp 2 w/ a bit of concentrate sandwiched between 0.2G coursely-ground blueberryXwhite_widow) at the end of the night while playing Shadow of the Colossus and has little-to-nothing to do with my day prior to that, which is where the Grasshopper comes in as I go about my daily business and make it rain like a Donald Trump hooker's piss stream.


Agreed on most of this. To me, the FW4 excels in flavor. If you start low, the GH can provide a couple intensely flavored hits but FW4 wins for overall flavor.


Many vapes & accessories. Always happy to help
@JoeMama Congrats , it's a great little portable. @flotntoke is spot on.
If you miss that hard powerful hit, go grab a Milaana as they're in stock now. These two will never let you down!:nod::tup::rockon:


Well-Known Member
My FW4 is arriving today :love:

Can someone chime in on the best batteries to buy for this? Was only allowed to order "one per unit" from FW, and I'd like to have backups!

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Many vapes & accessories. Always happy to help
My FW4 is arriving today :love:

Can someone chime in on the best batteries to buy for this? Was only allowed to order "one per unit" from FW, and I'd like to have backups!


Think that would be the Samsung 30Q. Lots of power, great capacity- and keeps up better than the vtc5 or hg2 while being a bit cheaper. Next one would be the hg2 cost wise. They're all very good tho.


Serial Vapist
Lol. I too am looking at the FW4 because of constant warranty issues with the Hopper.

Think that would be the Samsung 30Q. Lots of power, great capacity- and keeps up better than the vtc5 or hg2 while being a bit cheaper. Next one would be the hg2 cost wise. They're all very good tho.
That battery is rated at 15A, yet the FW4 site says:

"20A minimum continuous discharge required"

However, it also says:

"Power Dissipation: Approx. 25W peak"


What batteries can I use in the Firewood 4? Batteries used in Firewood 4 must be 18650 size and MUST BE RATED FOR AT LEAST 20A OF CONTINUOUS DISCHARGE CURRENT.

I have concluded the Samsung 30q to be a poor choice. Firewood recommends:
  • LG HE2, HE4, HG2
  • Efest IMR 18650 3000mah 35A Flat Top
  • Samsung 25R
  • Sony VCT4, VCT5, VCT6
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Many vapes & accessories. Always happy to help
Lol. I too am looking at the FW4 because of constant warranty issues with the Hopper.

That battery is rated at 15A, yet the FW4 site says:

"20A minimum continuous discharge required"

However, it also says:

"Power Dissipation: Approx. 25W peak"


What batteries can I use in the Firewood 4? Batteries used in Firewood 4 must be 18650 size and MUST BE RATED FOR AT LEAST 20A OF CONTINUOUS DISCHARGE CURRENT.

I have concluded the Samsung 30q to be a poor choice. Firewood recommends:
  • LG HE2, HE4, HG2
  • Efest IMR 18650 3000mah 35A Flat Top
  • Samsung 25R
  • Sony VCT4, VCT5, VCT6

The batt companies tend to overrate their specs. The Samsung 30Q is said to be underrated. Also,it depends on aging of the batt and how it can keep up with time as the internal resistance rises.
The Samsung 30Q will be fine too - please don't be misguided and draw wrong conclusions.
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Serial Vapist
The batt companies tend to overrate their specs. The Samsung 30Q is said to be underrated. Also,it depends on aging of the batt and how it can keep up with time as the internal resistance rises.
The Samsung 30Q will be fine too - please don't be misguided and draw wrong conclusions.
I used to work for a battery manufacturer. I have dealt with tens of thousands of lithium batteries, and I would still suggest getting a battery with the correct specs. I've seen too many mishaps with vaporizers and using batteries that were not within spec of the device. Yes, I understand about overrating and underrating batteries, but regardless that is my suggestion. If you want to to draw a higher amperage than what the manufacturer puts on the spec of the battery then that's entirely on you, be my guest, but that could stress the battery and cause complications.

I have designed various lithium battery packs for custom applications. I have assembled many too.
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Chronic vapaholic
Nah it's not drawing more than the battery specs, even when considering the conservative manufacturer value.

The FW4 is powerful but less than the Milaana, which in turn is not drawing that many amps. The 20A requirement includes a rather large safety margin to cope with cell aging, and also because using continuously any cell close or at its maximum C rating leads to reduced service life.

The 30Q has been independently reviewed and tested by multiple sources that I trust, and what I experience with mines tends to agree with what they found. It's like the LG HG2 and Sony VTC6 more a 18A cell in reality. IR is a tad higher than the 2500mAh 20A cells, hinting that the C rating is slightly lower.

I've been using the 30Q in my Milaana and with the "Eraser" Project on a evic VTC mini, and I prefer it over the HG2. The cell ends up cooler, it's cheaper and I'm a happy camper!


Many vapes & accessories. Always happy to help
Nah it's not drawing more than the battery specs, even when considering the conservative manufacturer value.

The FW4 is powerful but less than the Milaana, which in turn is not drawing that many amps. The 20A requirement includes a rather large safety margin to cope with cell aging, and also because using continuously any cell close or at its maximum C rating leads to reduced service life.

The 30Q has been independently reviewed and tested by multiple sources that I trust, and what I experience with mines tends to agree with what they found. It's like the LG HG2 and Sony VTC6 more a 18A cell in reality. IR is a tad higher than the 2500mAh 20A cells, hinting that the C rating is slightly lower.

I've been using the 30Q in my Milaana and with the "Eraser" Project on a evic VTC mini, and I prefer it over the HG2. The cell ends up cooler, it's cheaper and I'm a happy camper!

Thanks for chiming in! I based my post on some of the posts and references you've made in various threads dealing with hi drain 18650s in particular. Great to have you! :)

@Icon13 Appreciate your post too. I get what you're saying and it's absolute correct to remind of the official specs and serve these only.

Keeping all this in mind, it's rather a legal thing (as it's not "officially" in specs) rather than a safety risk going with the 30Q (being more of a 18A that aren't even pulled by a Milaana..)

Have a good Sunday y'all !
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FAT X - Ruby Twist - TM2 - 20M w/ Wand
Every time my battery dies, I cringe. The damned door is my nemesis. It gives me fits every time. It's frustrating that it takes me at least 15-20 minutes of fighting it to open the thing. There have been a couple of occasions where I've had to walk away and try again because I just couldn't do it.

When I first received my FW4, I was able to open it. I feel like I'm losing my marbles. I've kept an eye here and on reddit over the past few months and have yet to see anyone else have this issue. I don't know if it's because my thumbs are shit (arthritis in the basal joints, but I can still open most jars and stuff) or what..

I saw someone many pages back/months ago say "open it like you would chamber a round in a gun." While I've never chambered a round, I do try to imitate the hand positioning. Still...

In the end, it makes my hands ache and I need to medicate even more to counter it...but my fucking battery door is still closed, mocking me!

Anyone have any ideas/thoughts?

(As an aside, the cooling unit works well with the 3. I found out because I had to resurrect it out of desperation and decided to try cooling. Also, it made me appreciate how much better the 4 is overall. So worth the upgrade.)


Many vapes & accessories. Always happy to help
Every time my battery dies, I cringe. The damned door is my nemesis. It gives me fits every time. It's frustrating that it takes me at least 15-20 minutes of fighting it to open the thing. There have been a couple of occasions where I've had to walk away and try again because I just couldn't do it.

When I first received my FW4, I was able to open it. I feel like I'm losing my marbles. I've kept an eye here and on reddit over the past few months and have yet to see anyone else have this issue. I don't know if it's because my thumbs are shit (arthritis in the basal joints, but I can still open most jars and stuff) or what..

I saw someone many pages back/months ago say "open it like you would chamber a round in a gun." While I've never chambered a round, I do try to imitate the hand positioning. Still...

In the end, it makes my hands ache and I need to medicate even more to counter it...but my fucking battery door is still closed, mocking me!

Anyone have any ideas/thoughts?

(As an aside, the cooling unit works well with the 3. I found out because I had to resurrect it out of desperation and decided to try cooling. Also, it made me appreciate how much better the 4 is overall. So worth the upgrade.)

I wouldn't hesitate to contact Marc to have a look at it. Sounds like the battery door might be a teeny bit out of spec and with time and force it got worse. Usually it should only take a small jolt to make it slide. Be careful when putting the door back on. If it's not correctly aligned you will likely damage the mechanism when applying more force than normally needed to close or open it.

Good luck. Keep us posted!
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