Fake Purple Days on Ebay - "Better Days"

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Well-Known Member
Yet another one!:rolleyes:


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jeffp said:
I think with the complaints to Ebay the listings will be gone soon or changed.
I guess it depends on how many of us really lodged a complaint and if Ebay really cares.


hippie hausfrau
Purple-Days said:
CompassRiosie, you didn't offend me. And I took your point. I just wanted to expand on that idea.
Oh, whew! Thank you for reassuring me. Sorry for any derailment. :)


Surprised that the Ebay ad is still up; a few of us have lodged complaints. For what it's worth the seller revised the ad copy several times:

The seller has revised the following item information:
Date Time Revised Information
Jun-08-10 21:10:09 PDT


Jun-09-10 10:16:14 PDT


Jun-10-10 11:05:20 PDT


Jun-11-10 09:51:48 PDT



New Member
stickstones said:
I'm going to close the smokenjoe50 account and you can operate on chronicvapeshop and we will see how things go.
This is not true I had to block my IP address just to obtain access to the site. This is the first time I have been able to read all your post. I see that most of the complaints are about my title so I am going to fix that right now.

I would like to thank those of you who emailed me with positive support and will be looking forward to reading your reviews.

As for the ones I pissed off all I can say is I am sorry.

Iwien you are only about an hour from me. I would like to offer you a tour of the shop so you can see the care I put into making these vapes. I will even turn a custom vape for you while you wait. No charge as long as you do an honest review.

Yes Tom is right I received my Pandora kit 6 weeks ago. I had no plans of making vapes when I ordered it but after receiving my Pandora kit I saw how easy they are to make and how many people were waiting for one. I new they would sell. The 43 sold is no BS. I don't just sell on Ebay I also sell to local dispensaries and in California they are on every corner. I have made over a hundred of these in this short time. That shows what kind of person I am. I am the kind of guy that gets things done.

Thanks, ChronicVapeShop


Well-Known Member
^^ Just curious, are you claiming this was your first post as well?

The reason you had to "block", ie. change your IP was because your IP address was banned when your original dummy account was banned. Most lawyers can make a great deal of money lying, I think your going to have a much more difficult time...


Well-Known Member
Hey smokenjoe50, Joe R. , ChronicVapeShop, did you forget that your e-mail address, smokenjoe50 @ _ _ _.com , is how I know it's you. And you (ChronicVapeShop) just confirmed that you (Joe R. / SmokenJoe50) got the kit exactly when I said you did, and you are in Corona California as ChronicVapeShop on your E-Bay account. Same address as SmokenJoe50, isn't it Joe R. ? :lol:

And you still keep pretending to not be smokenjoe50? When you have been blocked and had to find a work around. Are you calling Stickstones and VTAC (and me) liars or an idiots? :rolleyes:

Oh BTW everyone, Smokenjoe50 > Joe R. > ChronicVapeShop , wanted to know about the power jacks I used and where he could find them for use 'in another project' :uhoh: , ohh and wanted specs on the stainless cause he messed some up in the build and wanted to 'run down the street' and pick some up :uhoh: ... Ohh and Joe R. , how is the bulk batch of Buzz-Butter working out, the stuff you said you needed for your woodworking hobby? :cool:

Uh, you seem to enjoy pretending, just like your first post. Pretending to find the Purple-Days on E-bay, isn't it amazing?

And don't you remember telling me, that you couldn't change the product title, that only E-bay could do that, but now somehow today, "I see that most of the complaints are about my title so I am going to fix that right now." Amazing . . . Are you doing it because it's the right thing to do? Wouldn't have anything to do with folks reporting you to E-Bay as pond scum, would it? Or my report of trademark and intellectual property infringement?

And as of right now the add still says Purple Days Vaporizer. You would have shown a bit more class to change it, and tell us it has been changed, rather than saying you will be fixing it, at some undetermined point, that you call, 'right now' . . .

Oh, and as far as defending your sales claim. What did you sell? Purple-Days or Better Days? Don't bother to answer, I don't think anybody will believe you at this point. :2c:

Joe R. it's not that you are making a knock off of the Purple-Days that pisses people off. That's the whole idea of the Pandora Kit, and there will be another just like you soon. But the next guy will have some integrity, more than you anyway, I bet. It's the way you have mislead these folks, or tried to, that pisses everyone off.

You came on here as smokenjoe50 pretending to have no relation to the vape you just found on E-Bay. Strike one. Then you open a second account as ChronicVapeShop, pretending to not be smokenjoe50, multiple accounts are against the rules. Strike two. Then you come back here proclaiming innocence :rolleyes: when VTAC, and the other mods, know damn good and well it's you, Joe R. . Strike three. Plus you call your product a Purple Days and continue to... call Stickstones and VTAC liars... well they don't count past three strikes.

Pretending to be somebody you are not, is something you seem to be very good at.

"That shows what kind of person I am." Yeah, I think you have it. And I think we get it. You have shown everyone here what kind of person you are.

I don't care if you rip-off the design, I don't care if you sell the rip-off, you won't be the first or last. What is wrong is that you have mislead folks. Can somebody find a Weasel-Meter and remove the bottom peg. :2c:


Well-Known Member
Beezleb said:
He was and as far as I know he/she represents it in ad form "as a Purple Days" This for the vape, which now, as it was different before, he has written "description only" that it is a "Better Days." While in Bold lettering above the pic it says "Purple Days."

Its fine for him to make the product but not to use the purple days name. He is not doing the same thing as others. In fact, I have spoken positively on others endeavors of this but using the purple days name is improper as it not only potentially misleads the buyer but it also gives the maker a potential unfair advantage over similar competitors of the Purple Days by making it appear that the "Better Days" is somehow associated with Purple Days. Considering we know nothing of the insides or quality of the materials used in its construction this is very misleading and calculated. He/she wont want to do remove the wording because they would lose the advantages I have stated. He/she is stealing recognition and playing a switch game on the customer. Once they gain a foothold they will begin talk of being superior and will turn on the Purple Days who laurels they are currently stealing. This is actually rather common but he went over board and crossed the line in his aggressive marketing of the name purple days for which he was enriched.

I also would consider this. "If" someone is willing to go such lengths to steal like he/she has how much faith should you have in the product? What other shortcuts have been taken and may take as material and other prices/costs fluctuate. I can only surmise as I do not have this product in front of me but I would not consider it due to a lack of trust in the company. They are not acting honorably. If that is not important to you, buy away.

As far as I am concerned simply remove Purple Days from title, description and/or in any manner stop using the Purple Days product and I am fine with the product but it would take time of quality service and product manufacturing to remove my lack of trust in the company but that is my view and my reason. Take from that what you will.
I read what you just wrote ChronicVapes and I still stand by my words. While I am sure your vape "functions" well due to the design being already proven nothing else is trustworthy with you on this. Also a thing to consider about stating hard sales numbers, even if not true, they can used as proof of sales as far as the IRS goes. I would never wish that trouble on anyone and while I dislike your marketing techniques and the way you introduced the product I state advice on not listing sales figures unless you are paying your taxes "accurately". Just common sense business advice really.


Having sold stuff on Ebay a few years ago I recall that you can edit both the title and description prior to receiving a bid on an auction item.
Not sure how it works with "buy it now."
Regardless or even irregardless, if the chronic liar really wanted to change the title as to not offend and "only Ebay could do that" - all he had to do was remove the listing and then redo it,
titling the item "better days." Which is a, excuse my French, dumb name, by the way.


mmj patient under siege by the obama admin
i've sold a ton of stuff on ebay. you can change anything on the listing that you want.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, SS, but this guy gets no cookies from me, so............here we go.

ChronicVapeShop said:
Iwien you are only about an hour from me. I would like to offer you a tour of the shop so you can see the care I put into making these vapes. I will even turn a custom vape for you while you wait. No charge as long as you do an honest review.
Uhhh........nope. I don't think so. Considering all that has transpired here, I wouldn't not only take one at no charge, but I wouldn't take one if you paid me to take one.

ChronicVapeShop said:
I have made over a hundred of these in this short time. That shows what kind of person I am. I am the kind of guy that gets things done.

Thanks, ChronicVapeShop
And your implied, not so veiled comment above comes through loud and clear.

See, what you obviously fail to understand here is that Tom and Pammy are more than just some obscure vape makers. To many of us, they are also friends, and they are friends that you have tried to fuck over, and people don't take very kindly to that around here.

The second thing that you are failing to understand is that for most of those that do not have this personal relationship with Tom and Pammy, they still value integrity, of which you obviously have none of.

Thirdly, it is obvious that you think you are talking to a bunch of idiots here who will take what you say at face value without challenging you, things like what you can and cannot do on Ebay.
"I see that most of the complaints are about my title so I am going to fix that right now."----ChronicVapeShop
No, you are fixing that right now because our complaints to Ebay finally took affect and they are forcing you to change it.

Here's the deal. You have a MAJOR uphill battle to fight here regarding establishing some form of credibility, and considering your latest post, it's apparent that you have no idea how to fight that fight. You seem to be clueless in that regard, for if you weren't you wouldn't have made some of the comments above, like the one implying that YOU get things done and Tom doesn't, for that last statement did nothing but throw fuel on a fire that is already burning out of control. The fact is, is that you seem to be digging yourself a deeper hole with every comment that you make.

So, in closing, I won't be taking you up on your offer of a free vape to write an honest review. What I do find amusing though, is that in spite of your "dishonest" marketing tactics here, you are asking for an "honest" review when in fact "honor" is the last thing you know anything about.


Well-Known Member
lwien said:
Here's the deal. You have a MAJOR uphill battle to fight here regarding establishing some form of credibility, and considering your latest post, it's apparent that you have no idea how to fight that fight. You seem to be clueless in that regard, for if you weren't you wouldn't have made some of the comments above, like the one implying that YOU get things done and Tom doesn't, for that last statement did nothing but throw fuel on a fire that is already burning out of control. The fact is, is that you seem to be digging yourself a deeper hole with every comment that you make.

So, in closing, I won't be taking you up on your offer of a free vape to write an honest review. What I do find amusing though, is that in spite of your "dishonest" marketing tactics here, you are asking for an "honest" review when in fact "honor" is the last thing you know anything about.
The "wait" for the Purple Days Vaporizer is part of the fun! It's exciting wondering when it might get here,
what it might be like, how the wood turned out?
It's like ordering a custom guitar kit. The wait is no problem for me.



Great points, Lwien and well said.
Also I would suggest this guy just give it up because since most of the marketing for these vaporizers is through the internet and because FC is the preeminent vaporizing forum,
although there are other semi related sites, and because there is google, many of us as a matter of defending who we consider to be a good friend, will find all of your subsequent ads
even if you change the name of your vape and call you out on what you're doing, just like we're doing here.

We will strive to make sure that you fail at this.

it's irrelevant if your vaporizer works or not.

Don't you know you could make more money as a butcher?


Well-Known Member
Here is my review on the highly controversial "better days".
This is modeled after the oh so popular purple days.


"These are made with Cherry hard wood and 304 aircraft grade stainless steel heat exchanger. All electrical parts are lead free and rohs compliant."

$150 Shipped to my doorstep.
(fast shipping (3 days (I think)

What's the box?
1 Better days vape
1 12 volt power cord
2 vapor tubes

First thoughts:
Very similar to the purple days and other log style vapes, like expected.

What makes it different?
1) The better days has the power jack hole counter bored so it sits flush with the wood.
(I like this cleaner look a lot)

2) The heat exchanger sits a little higher than in my PDP.
(I prefer the location on my PDP; much less prone to accidental burns)

3) There is a screen sitting above the crossbar to prevent particles from falling down.
(pretty good idea even tho I haven't had a problem with that)

4) vapor tubes seem to be made of a more white colored plastic. not sure what it is tho.

I notice zero difference in the performance of my BD and my PDP.
Able to toast my herb to perfection and blow nice clouds

All in All:
Seems to be a well made vape. 3 year warranty isn't too shabby. I would recommended this vape to someone looking to buy a log style vape.

Modnote: Merged. One thread is enough.


War Criminal
I can't get past how the name of the vape is a jab at a competitor.

Not classy.


Well-Known Member
Mckdenton said:
I would recommended this vape to someone looking to buy a log style vape.
I would NOT recommend this vape to ANYONE.

If someone is in the market for a log style vape, look at either the Purple Days, the Purple Days Pandora or the Myrtlezap. There is absolutely no reason to purchase this vape and many reasons why you shouldn't.


Well-Known Member
I can't get over all of this school yard bullshit.
There was no reason for my Model specific discussion / review to be moved. what a fucking joke.


Well-Known Member
The Purple days is not for sale anywhere! and it won't likely be for at least a couple of months! Myrtlezap only ships to USA. Although some may not agree with this type of marketing, The fact remains. Supply and demand will always win out over everything else.:2c:


mmj patient under siege by the obama admin
Wolface said:
The Purple days is not for sale anywhere! and it won't likely be for at least a couple of months! Myrtlezap only ships to USA. Although some may not agree with this type of marketing, The fact remains. Supply and demand will always win out over everything else.:2c:
why not the woodeez then? todd may have well nicked the entire deal with no modifications but at least he had the courtesy to make his own name for the product. not only did chronicvapeshop use the pd name to sell the product, the lies he has posted on this thread should make any person looking to buy a log vape from an honest person think twice. if the guy is willing to straight up lie to tom and the rest of fc there is no way you can trust that the components are what he says they are or that he will honor any warranty.


Well-Known Member
Mckdenton said:
I can't get over all of this school yard bullshit.
There was no reason for my Model specific discussion / review to be moved. what a fucking joke.
Considering that the maker of this vape attempted to deceive the owners and members of this site, I find it amazing that your review along with the membership permitted to the maker, is allowed to be here at all. And you're teed off because your review was merged into another thread about the same vape? :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Currently, I can find no "chronicvapeshop" site and nothing for sale on Ebay under that sellers name. Am I missing something here?


The listing was changed - the headline now reads "NOT Purple Days" - a few complaints to Ebay and being slammed here probably caused this adjustment.
I was thinking the same thing - if the "Better Days" seller tricked Tom how can anyone be assured that the internals are safe and that the warranty would be honored?
Anyone who wants a PD should simply either build one from the kit or wait for assembled PD's to be made available again.
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