Ex smoker would appreciate advice

I have lurked for a while - excellent forum.

I have swapped tobacco for e-cigs - 1 month ago - surprisingly easy and the start of a great hobby. I am also a recreational herb user and was wondering - is there such a device as a dual vapouriser that can vapourise e-liquid and herb at the same time - at the moment I am dealing with my twin vices by vaping nicotine in my e-cig then THC in my MFLB.

Failing that what vapouriser would you recommend for an ex tobacco and herb smoker - I find that the MFLB is a little weak in the throat hit/cloud dept (I guess important to ex smokers).

Thank you in advance.


Dab Trotter
The Thermovape T1 with an e-cig atomizer and adapter interface can do both with a simple rotation of the device and switch of the adapters/heating cores.

It has similar battery life to the MFLB in herb mode, and considerably more battery life when used as an e-cig.

edit: this is if you want it in the same device. I noticed you said the "same time". not sure if that is possible yet.


Staff member
The Thermovape can be used with certain e-cigs parts, but not being an e-cig user, I can't talk specifics. Check out that thread for more info.



Noob Saibot
ThermoVape for sure, I don't think there is any other vaporizer that can do this.

I've also stopped smoking cigs - and have been using an e-cig for the past month and a half.

The Thermovape is a monster of an e-cig, I can't even handle the amount of vapor it lets out.

When I made the transiition from smoking - to ecig - I find stopping completely is pretty easy! After a month sometimes I've forgotten I have an e-cig, or that I want to "smoke".
Thank you for the replies - I have studied the thermovape - but it doesn't do both - would I be correct to assume that there is no vape that can vape herb and e-liquid simulaneously?

That being so - I ask as someone who enjoys tobacco and herb together - what vape would give me a nice deep warm cloudy hit?

Many thanks

edit - post above - that sounds like what I am after.


Noob Saibot
Ahhh... you can't do both at the same time but, I figure - if you put reg tobacco in your MFLB it should work? The only thing I saw was that vaping tobacco gives you more nicotine? Please read on that...since I haven't tried vaporizing tobacco yet.


Revolting Peasant
I think there are some folk in the ecig world that use Iolites, so I've seen online, using a piece of cotton wool type stuff as a carrier for the juice. I don't see why you couldn't do the same with many other vapes (Solo, NO2 etc).

edit : Or add to the herb instead of cotton wool.


Well-Known Member
cannybagoftudor said:
Thank you for the replies - I have studied the thermovape - but it doesn't do both - would I be correct to assume that there is no vape that can vape herb and e-liquid simulaneously?

That being so - I ask as someone who enjoys tobacco and herb together - what vape would give me a nice deep warm cloudy hit?

Many thanks

edit - post above - that sounds like what I am after.

I am not 100%, but can't the omicron vaporizer do e-liquids too? (with a different cartridge)
If so, their new vaporizer, the Persei (out soon), can do TWO cartridges at once so it might be possible to have one e-liquid and one herb cartridge at the same time.

(You can hit both cartridges at the same time also)

I've never used e-liquid so i've never explored how the omicron uses them, the unique threading MIGHT prevent 3rd party e-cig stuff. Could check out the omicron/persei thread and ask the real experts :D

Frederick McGuire

Aggressively Loungey
There Are thread adapters on the omicron website that should make it compatible with most e-cig carts.

I don't use e-cigs though, so I could be missing something.
Frederick McGuire,


Well-Known Member
One thing to consider is that a great benefit of vaping herb is the great taste, which you might not want to have adulterated with the e-cig juice residue.

cannybagoftudor said:
Failing that what vapouriser would you recommend for an ex tobacco and herb smoker - I find that the MFLB is a little weak in the throat hit/cloud dept (I guess important to ex smokers). .

Maybe the arizer solo?


Well-Known Member
If you want them at the same time just vape a bit of tobacco with your mflb it is perfectly do-able but be careful to use the tobacco sparingly.

If you mean a product that can achieve both then maybe the vape or smoke is fit for your needs, it has a heavier learning curve then most vapes i would think but once you have it down it works perfectly.


Apprentice Daydreamer
IMO vaping tobacco should be far better than doing these e-liquids. Should be tastier, healthier and natural. But if you really want to vape both, I recommend two vapes because of aftertaste. Or if you don't mind the taste, vape both in a single vape.
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