Edit: I'm so sorry this is so long, my eyes are bleeding after seeing this now that its posted but I didn't want to break the back to back posts rule again this week.
@WelshBrok i sincerely appreciate the sound advice you've given me, really. Same to everyone else thats been helping me in these threads.
Part of the reason I did this on a public forum is so somebody could check me if I went to far since I have no social circle in this area and none of my family uses cannabis and places like this are the only way for me to get good information or any kind of help with these things.
It doesn't help that part of the rush is due to pressure from my family to switch away from the erig entirely to something more permanent.
In their minds, we are getting nickled and dimed by coils, batteries, orings, etc every other month and it annoys them so much that they would rather write a blank check for an expensive device that eliminates that entirely from their lives.
I don't get it, but they were kind enough to take me in and pay for all of my expenses, including all of my medical cannabis so I'm in absolutely no position to argue with them about any of this nor turn down a their offer to buy me a high end vape as long as they don't have to hear about it every month.
I wish I was better able to articulate some of these things and not be so esoteric about it all and what I wanted in a vape. Its times like this where not being part of the local cannabis scene while being on the spectrum makes situations like these uniquely difficuly, I'm sure others here can relate.
As for what do to do next, I'm not sure. Unless peak atomizers last over a year its probably not going to be an option for me.
Its seems like an non-enail concentrate vape is going to have durability problems like my cloud evo, they preferred that I just get a flowerpot and sell the evo once its fixed so we don't have to worry about it ever breaking.
@guyonthecouch I'm going to keep exploring my quartz banger setup and aproach it from a different perspective while researching alternatives. I'm just going to have to relearn the intricacies of it from the torch days until I either get used to it or find an alternative nail.
Ideally, I'd like to find something that let's me take advantage of the jcat controllers scripting features in the future now that I'm realizing a quartz banger is maybe not the best option and that I should have stuck with my initial gut feeling of getting a dnail/ hybrid nail or metal "banger".
Swapping out the quartz for sic or titanium was always the solution in my erig and similar devices so I guess I was thinking it would have the same effect here.
Now to put down the phone and take my dispensary bag upstairs for some serious scientific research!
@guyonthecouch tell me more about saving money with a rosin press!
an eighth of flower is the same price as a gram of concentrate and there's no bulk discount but its regularly over 30% thc by weight, what kind of yields would that get and how potent is the end product? I would need at least 1 gram of 70% thc by weight to break even if my math is correct.
this last oz i bought is actually 37% which is the highest I've ever seen on or offline that had testing numbers to prove it and I was going to try doing the hair straightener method until I realized my ex still had my good hair straightener I bought to try rosin.