Electric vapes with all-glass air & vapor path?


Microbe minion
I was just using my 18 mm killer last night, it is pretty fucking fantastic! I got a $1.65 bamboo toast tongs from Amazon that are perfect to remove the heater from the bowl when hot, nicer than metal or silicone
It's really fucking nice isn't it! Mine comes out at least once a week.

Just as a heads up for anyone who hasn't discovered this yet. If you point your torch towards the end rather than towards the joint or straight on perpendicular to it you (I) can remove the heater without using any equipment. The lower part of the joint is cool enough to handle without gloves or anything else.

Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Could you please share more details about the parts you used?

Obviously a PID controller and a compatible 25mm axial coil. The coil I've been lent had only 3 turns and I highly suggest to get one with 4 turns.
I used a brass plumbing plug (the one for soldering) to compensate the gap between the coil and the EMK. It also gives a better contact (more surface) than just the coil. It was available in the closest hardware store for 1 €.

You need to form the coil around the plug, then do a burn off. The burn off will slightly expand the plug and the EMK should fit just right. If it don't you'll need to work the inner diameter with sandpaper (I glued sandpaper on a wooden rod of the right diameter and fixed the rod in a hand drill to go fast).

You'll need a clamp of course because heating upside down the joint will be hot. While the ones from @Shit Snacks looks nicer, I really like how secure the lab stainless steel clamp is on the EMK.

Keep in mind that there's a significant offset between the displayed temp and the actual temp of the thermal matrix. I think I used to run mine at 270°C. 10-15 min heat soak of the head is crucial for good performance. (but my enail was 12V so maybe its quicker with 110V or 220V).

I still think the EMK is better suited to be heated with a big torch. Or a Bunsen burner. Or a camping stove.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
You'll need a clamp of course because heating upside down the joint will be hot. While the ones from @Shit Snacks looks nicer, I really like how secure the lab stainless steel clamp is on the EMK.

Yes I think the secure metal clamp would be necessary if you are planning to heat it upside down that way in a nail, I think that looks awesome although a bit more DIY?

Edit to Add: however there appear to be no more killers available for sale and none on the way currently so not a new option now
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