Well-Known Member
Yep if want to cut it you wood need a diamond saw.
They all are so tempting Ed lol..very nice!
That Woodie body is pornographic! I'm looking forward to seeing more parts from @Ed's TnT collaborating with both @RastaBuddhaTao and @VapCapGood morning everyone, hope all is well out there and you all are having a great weekend! Really had a great few days past with the boys and my girl. Busy busy as always but did some good time with them in the shop and round the place! So got back to doing custom stuff trying to catch up where I can for a moment, really really have so much going on, once this batch is out may have to take a short time out for custom and get to work on all the wholesale and new collaborations I am doing, just picked up a new project with a guy some of you may be very familiar with, got to get some wood in and new tooling for this and will do a detailed S&T when the time is right for that project. So Carter got another pen turned for my girl Thursday, she is in the medical field, he did this one from Blue Mahoe, the sun was going down when I took the shot and the upper end was popping, really like this one
Got Connors stuff in for the shave brushes so we worked on that Saturday, didnt have enough time to do it all, he turned the brush handle but we still have to install the badger fur and then turn the stand piece, its really going to be a nice offering for him! I got my Texas state plaque for my mount late friday afternoon, its freaking huge, going to get it to my vinyl people tomorrow to get the wrap cut and placed on top of it, ohhhhh I am ecstatic bout it! Also got my Widespread Panic Tickets for their April show in the city, didnt get the best seats but sure arent the worst either, gosh so much good stuff is happening! Ok so I take out the plaque and I show my boys, I know I have told you how they are about boxes and bubble wrap, I swear Carter has some cat in him, the box wasnt nearly even in a shape he could fit in but hes like dad pls let me get in the box, pls let me get the bubble wrap! LOL, I couldnt let him try to fit in the box, needed some of the bubble wrap to put back around the plaque and the box to transport it back and forth to my people. I had probably 16' of it so I cut off what I needed and left the rest in the corner, had to get back out side to the shop for a little more work, was out there a little but then had to run back inside, this is what I came in to find
He was rolling around popping the bubbles doing the worm in it, lol, if only you all could have seen what I saw, I swear he is a smart kid, maybe even a rocket scientist one day! Hahahaha what a pic and what a kid, I am blessed! Yesterday after all the work we had done the days before we gathered some wood, my girl like I said is from the city, its still the south but figured hey its Mississippi, we were going to have a small fire and do hot dogs over it and smores, I was astonished to find out that my girl has never ever cooked or rather eaten a hot dog over a fire, uhhhhh say what, I realize that I took her for her first ride on a dirt road, yeah she didnt know the difference between beef or milk cows, but never thought for a second that she had never done hot dogs over a camp fire so to speak, hmmmm I am really starting to question where she is really from! We really had a blast was 77 here yesterday and not cold at all last night so the fire was just right and the time we had all together was great!
Now for some Show & Tell, this is just a few pieces I have done pretty much, have a bunch more and there will be a more extensive S&T soon, first off we have
A Supreme 18mm 6"L Purpleheart stem, it has a tapered 18mm male at the lower end with a 7/16" ID x 1/2" bowl depth x 5/16" draw hole where a 1/2" screen can be pressed into it and held snugly in place
I also gotta believe that this style piece could be used for various other vapes with similar setups like the Supreme maybe even the Zion and such, just saying!
Now this piece has eluded me for quite some time, my guy has been wanting one for a long long time and hit me up with an idea for making it happen, cant exactly remember what his initial idea was but I gave it a quick thought and used his idea for inspiration for this piece, you all know Buckeye is a soft soft wood, my guy had been wanting this species for a VapMan wong but it just wasnt happening with such soft wood and such a teeny tiny short end to fit in the middle section, as I said I cant exactly remember what he wanted me to do but thought hey why dont I make the ID of the Buckeye WPA larger and then turn an insert from a denser wood that I know will handle the fit so I did and used Blackwood so here is what I was able to do!
Really like Blackwood for its versatility and strength, its such a great wood and makes so much of my work possible!
I love how well and sleek the Blackwood turned and finished, there are no turn or sand lines, its pristine and to me looks spectacular!
Here we have a Blackwood 18mm UD OEM tip WPA, very clean, short and sweet, nuff said!
This is my latest VapCap woodie, my guy wanted it in Blackwood with a 14mm mouthpiece, he let me do what I do and I did something a little different, yeah it probably looks close to others you may have seen in the past, I really wanted this piece to be super sexy, I like the new TI tips George is making @VapCap with the twist in them which is also sexy I feel when paired with this woodie
will be drop dead sexy!!!
So be on the lookout you all, got the clock parts in yesterday, new wood coming Tuesday, more S&T to follow, OMGosh good times, good happenings, good things to come, I might need a sedative just to sit still!
This thuya burl is really beautiful!
Making boxes is a good idea too! People will like to have a box and a stem well matched.
With the beautiful woods you use, even the smalls will do great things!
another killer VC. Got me salivating, homie.Good morning everyone, I hope all is well out there, been hard at it and making progress for sure! So I got another shipment of wood in, gosh I have been on a roll spending money lately, all I know is that I am racking up some serious points on my AMEX, lookout, I see a free trip somewhere in the future!!! I got a couple more amazing walnut burl slabs even more beautiful than the one I posted previously, going to this week work with Connor to finish up the first clock and make it happen, thats going to be one sweet piece! Got a few pics of custom pieces that I did and wanna do Show & Tell,
You will see below from L-R, Thuya Burl VC Woodie 14mm, Camphor Burl UD Ed's Bushing 14mm, Koa 14mm UD Ed's Bushing, Macadamia Nut 14mm UD OEM Tip, 18mm Camphor Burl UD OEM Tip, & 14mm Camphor Burl PD Stem
I must say that the Thuya Burl is by far one of my most favorite burls to work ever in my life so far, its freaking stunning to hold in hand, the feel is luxurious and the look is nothing but magical, I really like Amboyna but GEEEZZZZ the look and feel of CLASS just oozes from this piece!
Check it out one mo gin
This is a piece I did for a good good friend of mine, he has a couple portables but no desktops really and he sure doesnt have a log, I was going through my vapes and organizing all the pieces I have acquired, I have the two early model HI's so I did him a # didnt even tell him and sent him a surprise, I sent him my Sindora Burl HI with some goodies and since no one had mentioned wanting a Kingwood Stem I figured I would make him one for his HI, this is a great looking piece probably should have shot it in a different setting but its too late now
Now here is a piece I picked up from one of distributors for smalls that I get, its a very well made wooden jar where the top is threaded and screws into the bottom and stays tight, its not really that big but not that small either, pls have a look and let me know what ya think if they are worth adding to my retail stock, was going to do them for $7.50 each
I forgot to take measurements but feel like its 3"OD x 4"H
Pls tell me what you all think, I am anxious to add them!
Also got a really great review of my Bog Oak Air stems the other day, you can check it out here if you like.
Ohhh also forgot, I got my Texas state plaque in, camo placed on top, ducks mounted, just waiting on the eyes for the birds, this mount is by far the most unique I have ever seen and am so excited to show you all how my thought has come to reality, I can honestly say I have never seen such a piece ever in my life!
@TeeJay1952 Hey there, been a while bro, hope all is well and thank you for stopping by! Really glad you like what you saw and you are right I suppose the Vapman wong/insert could be adapted for use in other ways, hadnt even thought of that but hey guess its possible! Hope all is well for you and thanks again for posting up, good to see you round!
@ragnorokk Good morning, glad you like that VC Woodie as much as I do, hope you really like the latest piece I did above, gosh working wood is alot of fun, it can be super frustrating at times and can have me throwing my hands up storming out the shop mad as heck calling it a day but when its a good day its a great day and those are so rewarding! Alot is happening this year my man, be on the look out and stay tuned homie!
another killer VC. Got me salivating, homie.
Good morning everyone, I hope all is well out there, been hard at it and making progress for sure! So I got another shipment of wood in, gosh I have been on a roll spending money lately, all I know is that I am racking up some serious points on my AMEX, lookout, I see a free trip somewhere in the future!!! I got a couple more amazing walnut burl slabs even more beautiful than the one I posted previously, going to this week work with Connor to finish up the first clock and make it happen, thats going to be one sweet piece! Got a few pics of custom pieces that I did and wanna do Show & Tell,
You will see below from L-R, Thuya Burl VC Woodie 14mm, Camphor Burl UD Ed's Bushing 14mm, Koa 14mm UD Ed's Bushing, Macadamia Nut 14mm UD OEM Tip, 18mm Camphor Burl UD OEM Tip, & 14mm Camphor Burl PD Stem
I must say that the Thuya Burl is by far one of my most favorite burls to work ever in my life so far, its freaking stunning to hold in hand, the feel is luxurious and the look is nothing but magical, I really like Amboyna but GEEEZZZZ the look and feel of CLASS just oozes from this piece!
Check it out one mo gin
This is a piece I did for a good good friend of mine, he has a couple portables but no desktops really and he sure doesnt have a log, I was going through my vapes and organizing all the pieces I have acquired, I have the two early model HI's so I did him a # didnt even tell him and sent him a surprise, I sent him my Sindora Burl HI with some goodies and since no one had mentioned wanting a Kingwood Stem I figured I would make him one for his HI, this is a great looking piece probably should have shot it in a different setting but its too late now
Now here is a piece I picked up from one of distributors for smalls that I get, its a very well made wooden jar where the top is threaded and screws into the bottom and stays tight, its not really that big but not that small either, pls have a look and let me know what ya think if they are worth adding to my retail stock, was going to do them for $7.50 each
I forgot to take measurements but feel like its 3"OD x 4"H
Pls tell me what you all think, I am anxious to add them!
Also got a really great review of my Bog Oak Air stems the other day, you can check it out here if you like.
Ohhh also forgot, I got my Texas state plaque in, camo placed on top, ducks mounted, just waiting on the eyes for the birds, this mount is by far the most unique I have ever seen and am so excited to show you all how my thought has come to reality, I can honestly say I have never seen such a piece ever in my life!
@TeeJay1952 Hey there, been a while bro, hope all is well and thank you for stopping by! Really glad you like what you saw and you are right I suppose the Vapman wong/insert could be adapted for use in other ways, hadnt even thought of that but hey guess its possible! Hope all is well for you and thanks again for posting up, good to see you round!
@ragnorokk Good morning, glad you like that VC Woodie as much as I do, hope you really like the latest piece I did above, gosh working wood is alot of fun, it can be super frustrating at times and can have me throwing my hands up storming out the shop mad as heck calling it a day but when its a good day its a great day and those are so rewarding! Alot is happening this year my man, be on the look out and stay tuned homie!