Away with the fairies
yep ..i want a few extra clips and screens 2!
Clips are now available to buy for E-Nano & Solo stems at Ed's store!
We asked and he delivered - yet again - he's the man!

yep ..i want a few extra clips and screens 2!
Anyone out there that thinks that they grasp the full meaning of the word "gentleman", needs to look in MY Dictionary.Hello....
@Reflections Glad....
@Vapour Clown I am happy ...
@Seren The clip/ring removal,,,,
Hoping @Caligula will..
@Seren & @Reflections I do need to ...
@Vicki Thanks for the ...
Here's what I think about your dabbing tool:Good evening,
@FlyingLow Right on my man, leave it there and when you are ready we will go from there!
@Vicki Damn it girl, that is a sweet looking stand you got there. I shoulda put a small hole in the side there for the pointed end of your clip removal tool, woulda looked nice there standing up to match all the rest! Am damn glad glad you dig it and hope you do for a long time to come!
@Vitolo I thank you for the kind words my man, those are much appreciated and I thank you for a place in your dictionary! You made my day!
@Reflections Thanks for stopping by and as always sharing the kind words with me! @Vicki is a great customer and allows me to do what I feel, I enjoy working wood for her!
I wanted to pop in and share what I just turned out! I was inspired by a great guy that I have been doing some custom work for a while, just when I thought I finally had him done he wanted to add another custom piece! This is the style sorta he was thinking and I hope I have managed to capture what he is feeling. This is my first dabbing tool, made from two tone Guatemalan Granadillo, has a small brass ferrule for an accent and a medical grade titanium blade. Pls let me know what you all think!
Hello and good morning everyone, today is a good day, its my birthday!!! Thats right am a whole year older but I dont seem to feel any wiser. Hmm wonder at what year you start to become wiser? How old do I have to be? One thing I do is that celebrate my Bday for a whole week now. I am running out of them and better enjoy the few I have left. Who knows what tomorrow may bring right!
The base above is really heavy and solid. @Vicki am sorry, I forgot I had some but it hit me, why not put some leather on the bottom to prevent it from sliding or slipping, so I added a thick piece of North American Bison hide on the bottom. I really dig this combo, its nice and neat, keeps everything in order, safe and secure!