Ed's TnT Wooden Vapor Tubes & Vapor Stems

Ed's TnT

J.R.R.Tokin' said:
Wow, loving the Koa MF and stem. Definitely a sexier beast in dark wood and that stem grain looks stunning. Do you ship to the UK by any chance...a few stems for Christmas, better then candy canes!

Thanks for the kind words bout the stem, it does have some curl, make a great accessory. You bet I ship to the UK, ship worldwide for free, get that order in before Sunday night and you ship first thing Monday!
Ed's TnT,

Ed's TnT

paytonpenn said:
I know it's not entirely vapor tube related, but.. Ed gets a nice a review from Linda..

Wow Peyton you are Johny on the spot with this post, I had sent some stuff to Linda a few weeks and knew she was gonna do a review for me, just didnt know when she would have it done, she sent me an email saying it had been done and was posted at 6:37pm central my time, and your post here at FC showed up at 6:39pm! Thanks for that post here bro, I do appreciate you spreading the word!
Ed's TnT,


vapor junkie
Staff member
Vito's excellent contest has been moved to the contest forum here. In the future just send me an email beforehand and we'll get it sorted out. :)

Keep up the beautiful work, Ed. :tup:

Ed's TnT

vtac said:
Vito's excellent contest has been moved to the contest forum here. In the future just send me an email beforehand and we'll get it sorted out. :)

Keep up the beautiful work, Ed. :tup:

I appreciate the kind words Vtac! I had questioned Vito bout the contest placement here and we figured it would be moved or something would be said, Thank you for the move and for clarifying it.

Thanks to you also Vito!
Ed's TnT,


If you think my personal collection of Ed's MFLB stems is cool, you can win one!
You all have until Saturday to submit your entries from the contest at:
Vito's Exotic MFLB Stem Contest
Whats happening ed, seen that mgflb out of koa on the other page :brow:.. Man its funny you say the south is having a wild hog rush because the wma we duck hunt here locally has become covered up with em the part couple years... We had a good opening morning hunt the day after thanksgiving, we got on some green heads and got plenty of shots at wood ducks.. Can't ask for nothing better than that.... Hope you got out and had a chance to do a duck hunt this year cause I know you love it. Also had to jump on your 20 percent off and scoop up a nice amboyna dugout, I know you gotta nice one l picked out fire me.... Can't wait to see it buddy.. Take care Ed...


Part Time Vaporist

Just received my Purpleheart Toke today and I must say that the pictures on your site don't do it justice. This thing is absolutely beautiful. I almost don't want to use it...almost. The color is a really nice dark purple...like something stained with grape juice...and it has this nice almost iridescent quality to it...sorta like tigers-eye stones. It even smells amazing. Thanks for selling me a wonderful product!


Ed's TnT

Y'all got couple more days to get into Vito's contest, wish you luck!

Panicfreak its good to see ya round, I saw your order bro and you know ill pick you a sweet one. Headed to TX in a couple weeks, gonna drop some redheads and pintails, cuz said almost every day they have been having easy limits, bay hunting in the saltwater, freshwater inland is all dried up. Can't wait to get out there, you need to holla at me and let me get on those greenheads and woodys you're bragging bout.

Truefreak, really appreciate the kind words more than you know, am happy you're happy, that's what its all about. I hope you enjoy it and wish you the best.
Ed's TnT,


Well-Known Member
Thanks Ed have ordered from you before but just got in one for some LB stems! Can't wait. Think they'll get here before xmas?

Ed's TnT

morninglight said:
Thanks Ed have ordered from you before but just got in one for some LB stems! Can't wait. Think they'll get here before xmas?

Thanks for the biz morninglight, you should have this order by the holiday, I will put the chicken in the pot first thing Monday morning. I hope you enjoy these pieces and thank you again.
Ed's TnT,


Part Time Vaporist
Ed's TnT said:
Truefreak, really appreciate the kind words more than you know, am happy you're happy, that's what its all about. I hope you enjoy it and wish you the best.

I have been enjoying it very much. So much in fact that I decided what I really need is a matching bat and dugout to go with it. A few clicks later and I'm on your site looking at the lovely purpleheat bats...but no purpleheart dugouts :(

So I have two three questions for you:
1) Do you make dugouts out of purpleheart?
2) How much do they cost if you do?
3) What is the last day that your christmas coupon is valid?

Ed's TnT

Truefreak said:
Ed's TnT said:
Truefreak, really appreciate the kind words more than you know, am happy you're happy, that's what its all about. I hope you enjoy it and wish you the best.

I have been enjoying it very much. So much in fact that I decided what I really need is a matching bat and dugout to go with it. A few clicks later and I'm on your site looking at the lovely purpleheat bats...but no purpleheart dugouts :(

So I have two three questions for you:
1) Do you make dugouts out of purpleheart?
2) How much do they cost if you do?
3) What is the last day that your christmas coupon is valid?

Good morning, I know that is frustrating and probably doesn't make sense to sell the bats and tokes but no dugouts! I have found that purpleheart is such a super dense wood that working it in different ways is tougher than others, it tends to burn really easy when finishing the tokes, takes a lot more hand work which inturn takes more time, time is something I am always searching for. I guess I have just avoided making dugouts in this species assuming they would take more time, I have some figured boards in this. I am gonna take some time out next week, after first of the year am gonna get back to making dugouts, have several species am out of, a couple I wanna introduce. I will try and work the purple in and see how it goes, if they do work out then will let you know. As far as price they will be comparable to others I offer. "NOEL" discount ends the end of Dec., but dont sweat that, am sure they will be some other ways to save. Bear with me, I'll do my best to get you right!

I have been gathering stuff for my hunting trip next week and checking the lists, taking my boys hunting as often as we can make it, been spinning a bunch of LB stems for MF, trying to find time to work on my new project. I hope to have it functioning today if all goes well, am anxious to see its performance and whether or not all the time I have been spinning my wheels turns out like I hoped! I have big hopes and great feelings but have also seen some of the same big ideas and great expectations fail just as grandly as they started round here. I am optimistic and look forward to brighter dayz! I hope I can share em with you all here at FC.

Alot has been happening round here at FC, have been a part of this great community for only a short time, there are many people here that have been around alot longer than I that have shared way more, I dont know a whole lota folks round here nor do they know me, I am thankful to have met and know the few that I do and do so look forward to much more time here and getting to know all of the great folks here at FC! I appreciate you all letting me be a part of FC and helping my business grow as it has. Thank you.
Ed's TnT,
Ah new dugouts are a coming, thats the shit... ;) I got my mail yesterday bro and that sweet ass amboyna d.o. Was waiting on me.. I really like the piece you sent me bro, it is a damn fine piece.. I am gonna gift my old gator skin burl to a good friend who has been eyeing out b for some time now, even offered to pay me more than I payed for it, so christmas is here I did the v right thing and got me new piece... Can't wait to see what you got working, I remember you talking bout some cypress, def gonna have to get my hands on some of that.... :peace: ed

Ed's TnT

PanicFreak said:
Ah new dugouts are a coming, thats the shit... ;) I got my mail yesterday bro and that sweet ass amboyna d.o. Was waiting on me.. I really like the piece you sent me bro, it is a damn fine piece.. I am gonna gift my old gator skin burl to a good friend who has been eyeing out b for some time now, even offered to pay me more than I payed for it, so christmas is here I did the v right thing and got me new piece... Can't wait to see what you got working, I remember you talking bout some cypress, def gonna have to get my hands on some of that.... :peace: ed

Good deal PF, I knew you would dig that piece, its different than the pieces you normally get in that species. YOu are exactly right bout the cypress, I got another big slab on 2 century old sinker cypress in a week or so ago, it has alot of dark mineral staining within it, almost silver in the light with alota mixed tones in it that is gonna pop when done! Just wait bro!
Ed's TnT,


Well-Known Member
hi ed. quick question...your wooden tubes, do they work with the underdog vap?

Ed's TnT

propjoe said:
hi ed. quick question...your wooden tubes, do they work with the underdog vap?

Hm, I have been told that they do fit I think, not sure if it loose or what, been a while since then. Vito would know best, he has em both and so does MOM, she told me but have forgotten exactly what she found with them, hopefully either of the two of them will chime in and let us know.
Ed's TnT,


vapor accessory addict
Actually, Alan would probably be the one to ask...
I have not tried the UD and can't say if the tubes would work. I know they work for the PD's and Zaps though. I guess it all depends on the inner diameter of the UD's heatport. Sorry I can't help more. :shrug:


Staff member
The UD is designed for a silicone stem to be inserted around the heatport, not inside of it as is the case with the Zap and PD, so I would venture a guess that Ed's tubes would not be a good option.

I can fit a PD stem into the UD heatport because the diameter fits on the outside of it (1/4" model). However the UD is designed for an airtight silicone stem, and not a metal stem that is used with the Zap/PD.


Ed's TnT

momofthegoons said:
Actually, Alan would probably be the one to ask...
I have not tried the UD and can't say if the tubes would work. I know they work for the PD's and Zaps though. I guess it all depends on the inner diameter of the UD's heatport. Sorry I can't help more. :shrug:

Thats totaly my bad, I knew you didnt have a dog mom, I had it in my head TT, I am sorry Joe, but at least you know! Thanks for popping in Mom.

Stu, if I am correct, my tubes work with a PD, have sold quite a few for it.
Ed's TnT,
Yes ed your wood stems fit the pd, I know cause I bought one before zap man introduced his ss heatport. :lol: if only I had a crystal ball then I woulda known better..ya win some and lose some but I plan on getting back on the zap train soon. I am bad to misplace shit so I need a vape that you can actually buy the standard stems for... :2c:
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