Good morning everyone, hope all is well out there, been a busy few days past. My youngest had a ballgame thursday night, he is a small kid, for sure one of the smallest on the team but has a big big heart, the game was tight, had some storm clouds on the way in, his last at bat he got an in field home run, woot woot! Just a few minutes after that, it began thundering and lightning so they called the game, tied at 8-8, Kyle got the game ball! I am almost certain that Tuesday will be their last day, my oldest will go into high school next year and they all are exempt from further testing due to their grades being so good! I went ahead a got a little happy early for them last week, it should be here Tuesday, got them Doom for PS4, I played that when I was a kid, it just released friday, looks awesome, way better graphics then what I grew up looking at, really cool. Going to have to do something extra special next week for em if I can get them out of the house, already told em that one day we are wetting hooks, hoping I can take them to dinner also, pretty sure I have mentioned it here, once they get home, they arent leaving unless the place is on fire, lol! Last night my girl and I went to the city for a get together with her family, was a great time, we cooked the fried catfish and gator nuggets, they did ribs, pork chops, chicken, sausage, hot dogs, a freaking big pot of shrimp & crawfish with taters and corn, woweee you name it I ate it and then finished it off with a big big helping of banana pudding, rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!! So all in all had a great week this one past, now to end this one and hope for another! Oh yeah the other day was headed home and had a shower pop up leaving town, got on the highway and there it was big and bright, the colors were very bold, sucks the phone didnt take a shot that I saw with my eyes, still very nice and you can see a faint double, supposed to be good luck I think to see 2 at one time
Now for a little quick S&T, I have often said I wish you all could see what I see when turning and working, I picked up this piece of Cocobolo, new from the outside it had a burl spot, figured it would turn out and was hoping it would cooperate with me.
Ohhh its so much fun to see a piece like this after you turn off the edges, the colors start to show themselves and I get all excited inside but then I think ohhh sure hope it doesnt crack on me, most of the time they dont but just as beautiful they are sometimes they go to crap real quick even at the last second. This is what it turned out to be
So some lucky person will get this Cocobolo Woodie VC body very soon! Sure hate they dont all look like this, but hey thats just how it turns out in the end!
Now just put in for this big boy lathe, it wont be in the warehouse til the 25th and hope its route very very soon after, omgosh, can you say YAYYYYY! I am so excited, this thing has a 2hp motor, 16" x 46" working dimension over bed, I could turn ball bats with this thing, you can turn the head stock around and turn off bed for bigger turning, has variable speed shift on the fly, whooooo I am giddy to a point lol!
Have figured how to fit this thing in my tiny shop, alot of stuff has to go, wasnt really important anyhow, just gotta move it from one place to another, the foot print of this lathe is 72" from side to side, like I said big boy lathe, not the biggest but sure aint the smallest!
Alota fun ahead yall, summer is here, school is out, vacations to be had, fun fun fun!!!