Ed's TnT Wooden Vapor Tubes & Vapor Stems

Ed's TnT

Hello you all! This is so shitty, I have so much I wanna share with you all, I wanna respond to all the posts and follow up with thanks for all the kind words. It's show and tell day and my freaking internet is doing it's own thing and wont let me get on using my pc. Am using my cell now. I have so much I wanna say and cant wait to share with you all the new pieces I have created. Hang in there with me and I will get back to you all some time soon. Thank you everyone for stopping by and k will post as soon as I am able.


Gentle cow vaper and halloween kiddo
Hello you all! This is so shitty, I have so much I wanna share with you all, I wanna respond to all the posts and follow up with thanks for all the kind words. It's show and tell day and my freaking internet is doing it's own thing and wont let me get on using my pc. Am using my cell now. I have so much I wanna say and cant wait to share with you all the new pieces I have created. Hang in there with me and I will get back to you all some time soon. Thank you everyone for stopping by and k will post as soon as I am able.

You manage already as we see, all well and looking forward to see your post when the infrastructure is back up for you :D

I suggest a router reset by sheer occurance of events :2c::peace:
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Hello you all! This is so shitty, I have so much I wanna share with you all, I wanna respond to all the posts and follow up with thanks for all the kind words. It's show and tell day and my freaking internet is doing it's own thing and wont let me get on using my pc. Am using my cell now. I have so much I wanna say and cant wait to share with you all the new pieces I have created. Hang in there with me and I will get back to you all some time soon. Thank you everyone for stopping by and k will post as soon as I am able.
Did you turn it off and on again? :)


Well-Known Member
Hey ed! Do you have WonGs available for the enano?? I have seen a few on this thread and they look gorgeous! I couldn't find them on your site, so I was't sure if they were a custom/beta kinda thing. Look forward to hearing from you! Thanks in advance!:clap:
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Reactions: Snappo

Ed's TnT

Its about damn time, I live in a rural part of the state here in the deep south, have satellite internet, its all we can get out here in the sticks. They charge you a hellova price for service that is very spotty. A freaking dark cloud could blow over Cincinnati and it affect my service. I hate it but its all I have besides a cell. Hey but its up and so now I can answer some posts and we can get to the show and tell portion of the day!

@beach bum I feel ya, time is always something I am running out of! Hell if you know where to find some pls dont keep it to yourself, tell me where I can get some. Glad youre still enjoying the stems, thats what its all about. I have been growing so much that I have had to let somethings go and concentrate on the demand for others. I am only selling the natural scent BAB now. I really didnt have time to make all the different flavors with setup and clean up after each scent so not to contaminate the other scent, different labels and all that went into it. The Blackberry sage was one of my favorites also. I have two HI's one is for vaping and the other is for fragrant oils. I still rock the BB/Sage from time to time. Yeah dont be a stranger, come on by and sit a spell! I always enjoy your presence.

@vakedcow Glad to hear you are looking at better dayz bro! Just holla when your ready and I will make the magic happen.

@Reflections Oh just hang in there with me til the end of the post dear!

@Stu Thanks for stopping by, am happy to hear from you and you know I appreciate the kind words! I gotta tell ya, on the combustion side of the market it has gotten slow. I dont do nearly as well selling dugouts as I did in the past. They were a third of my sales just a year or so ago and for some reason the sales for them have dropped off. The freaking vapor industry is blowing up though or maybe I got in at just the right time. My vapor stems have become my bred and butter of the biz, I am really blessed to be a part of this revolution. The future is now and I working hard to strike while the iron is hot! The future is so bright, better dayz are ahead and I hear the knock of opportunity loudly at my door!
@Enchantre I am glad to hear your piece arrived, I hope its serving you well and thank you for the pics, I do so dig pics! I have sent ya an email, pls reply when you are able.

@CarolKing Your pieces look great, those pieces are always fun to make. I love doing something a little different even if it takes a little longer to produce the finished piece is so worth it! Thank

@KidFated. & @Quetzalcoatl Your suggestion are always the first thing I do before I call those jackass's at Hughesnet. I hate dealing with their tech service, you never ever get a rep you can understand, its always the same thing, unplug this, turn off that, try to hardwire it in yeah yeah yeah. I love the country life but the internet sucks, guess thats part of the sacrifice for living in paradise.

@radiantchipmunk Hello and thank you for your interest in my work. So far the Nano wongs I have made were custom requests. I have been so slammed with normal stems to dealers and trying to find time to add new products to the inventory is slow to happen. If you would like something done pls let me know. Have a look at all the various species I offer at my website, pick a flavor and size, then let me know what youre feeling and I will do my best to fit you in! Thank again and I look to hear from you soon.

@CarolKing You slipped another post in on me! That is a pretty pic, you have a nice collection growing there. Thanks for your support, I wish you many good times when using those pieces.

Alright then, now you all get to see what I have been cooking!

From time to time I would search for a tool to remove the clip from inside the solo stems and now that I started making stems for the Nano and others I have been using more and more clips in the bushing to hold the screens in place. I never really seemed to find what I was looking for nor did I really know what I was looking for. I just couldnt see it! I am a guy that has to see it on the blackboard in order to understand how to solve the problem. I just couldnt put two and two together. I spent a couple days back looking for a tool, I thought if I could find a teeny tiny pry bar that could be slipped down into the bushing the user could lift up the clip and remove it so the screen could be swapped out. I searched for all kinds of tools, even found out that there are tools for opening and working on cell phones called spudge tools, say what, I had no idea. I than thought came across a straight pick because I use the pointed end of a compass to remove my clip. Hmmmm so I looked long and hard for a straight pick that wasnt in a set of 5. I then found a scratch awl that would do what I needed it to. I searched for a while to find some nice scratch awls when it dawned on me, hey I can make that and so I did. Here is the first clip removal tool I have made, hope you like it!



The clip has a two eyes, one in either end of the clip, you can poke the point of the tool into one of the eyes and lift up at an angle, this will dislodge the clip and allow you to lift it out. Its very handy and takes a little frustration out of swapping out the screen.

This is an idea that was put in my head by an FC member, they wanted me to do some custom work and asked if I could make a tube to store their stem in as well as their stash. I gave it some thought and looked into threading wood and trying to find a way to cap the thing. I look at all kinds of different caps from vinyle to metal to hinged to screws hell I must have wasted a bunch of time on google. Dont get me wrong I find a bunch of stuff there but I also waste alot too. I thought about a wooden deer call and all of a sudden it hit me, the call is one piece of wood in the other with an Oring holding the two together! Damn it after all the thinking I had been doing, why didnt I think of the Oring a long time ago. That was my answer and the fire was lit. I had to make it happen and was itching to do so.



Its 1" OD x about 6" in length, it has a cavity for storing a 3" stem/wong in the longer portion to the right of the band turned in it. The left side has a short cavity a little over an inch in depth for your stash. The two storage areas have an ID of 3/4" that will allow you plenty of room your herb and for using a variety of different stem whether it be wood or glass. I have also install a pointed metal rod for removing a clip if need be or even stir your load between hits. The rubber orings help to hold the caps in place so you dont have to worry about loosing the contents in your pocket or where ever. If you have any questions or comments pls share em with me.

I would like to think that these pieces could be useful and would like to hear your thoughts.

I gotta get my ass moving, I have a bunch of Budweisers and my bro in law is cooking a 100lbs of crawfish! I am gonna eat so many by the end of the night I will be walking backwards!


Caveat Emptor - "A Billion People Can Be Wrong!"
Accessory Maker
Its about damn time, I live in a rural part of the state here in the deep south, have satellite internet, its all we can get out here in the sticks. They charge you a hellova price for service that is very spotty. A freaking dark cloud could blow over Cincinnati and it affect my service. I hate it but its all I have besides a cell. Hey but its up and so now I can answer some posts and we can get to the show and tell portion of the day!

@beach bum I feel ya, time is always something I am running out of! Hell if you know where to find some pls dont keep it to yourself, tell me where I can get some. Glad youre still enjoying the stems, thats what its all about. I have been growing so much that I have had to let somethings go and concentrate on the demand for others. I am only selling the natural scent BAB now. I really didnt have time to make all the different flavors with setup and clean up after each scent so not to contaminate the other scent, different labels and all that went into it. The Blackberry sage was one of my favorites also. I have two HI's one is for vaping and the other is for fragrant oils. I still rock the BB/Sage from time to time. Yeah dont be a stranger, come on by and sit a spell! I always enjoy your presence.

@vakedcow Glad to hear you are looking at better dayz bro! Just holla when your ready and I will make the magic happen.

@Reflections Oh just hang in there with me til the end of the post dear!

@Stu Thanks for stopping by, am happy to hear from you and you know I appreciate the kind words! I gotta tell ya, on the combustion side of the market it has gotten slow. I dont do nearly as well selling dugouts as I did in the past. They were a third of my sales just a year or so ago and for some reason the sales for them have dropped off. The freaking vapor industry is blowing up though or maybe I got in at just the right time. My vapor stems have become my bred and butter of the biz, I am really blessed to be a part of this revolution. The future is now and I working hard to strike while the iron is hot! The future is so bright, better dayz are ahead and I hear the knock of opportunity loudly at my door!
@Enchantre I am glad to hear your piece arrived, I hope its serving you well and thank you for the pics, I do so dig pics! I have sent ya an email, pls reply when you are able.

@CarolKing Your pieces look great, those pieces are always fun to make. I love doing something a little different even if it takes a little longer to produce the finished piece is so worth it! Thank

@KidFated. & @Quetzalcoatl Your suggestion are always the first thing I do before I call those jackass's at Hughesnet. I hate dealing with their tech service, you never ever get a rep you can understand, its always the same thing, unplug this, turn off that, try to hardwire it in yeah yeah yeah. I love the country life but the internet sucks, guess thats part of the sacrifice for living in paradise.

@radiantchipmunk Hello and thank you for your interest in my work. So far the Nano wongs I have made were custom requests. I have been so slammed with normal stems to dealers and trying to find time to add new products to the inventory is slow to happen. If you would like something done pls let me know. Have a look at all the various species I offer at my website, pick a flavor and size, then let me know what youre feeling and I will do my best to fit you in! Thank again and I look to hear from you soon.

@CarolKing You slipped another post in on me! That is a pretty pic, you have a nice collection growing there. Thanks for your support, I wish you many good times when using those pieces.

Alright then, now you all get to see what I have been cooking!

From time to time I would search for a tool to remove the clip from inside the solo stems and now that I started making stems for the Nano and others I have been using more and more clips in the bushing to hold the screens in place. I never really seemed to find what I was looking for nor did I really know what I was looking for. I just couldnt see it! I am a guy that has to see it on the blackboard in order to understand how to solve the problem. I just couldnt put two and two together. I spent a couple days back looking for a tool, I thought if I could find a teeny tiny pry bar that could be slipped down into the bushing the user could lift up the clip and remove it so the screen could be swapped out. I searched for all kinds of tools, even found out that there are tools for opening and working on cell phones called spudge tools, say what, I had no idea. I than thought came across a straight pick because I use the pointed end of a compass to remove my clip. Hmmmm so I looked long and hard for a straight pick that wasnt in a set of 5. I then found a scratch awl that would do what I needed it to. I searched for a while to find some nice scratch awls when it dawned on me, hey I can make that and so I did. Here is the first clip removal tool I have made, hope you like it!



The clip has a two eyes, one in either end of the clip, you can poke the point of the tool into one of the eyes and lift up at an angle, this will dislodge the clip and allow you to lift it out. Its very handy and takes a little frustration out of swapping out the screen.

This is an idea that was put in my head by an FC member, they wanted me to do some custom work and asked if I could make a tube to store their stem in as well as their stash. I gave it some thought and looked into threading wood and trying to find a way to cap the thing. I look at all kinds of different caps from vinyle to metal to hinged to screws hell I must have wasted a bunch of time on google. Dont get me wrong I find a bunch of stuff there but I also waste alot too. I thought about a wooden deer call and all of a sudden it hit me, the call is one piece of wood in the other with an Oring holding the two together! Damn it after all the thinking I had been doing, why didnt I think of the Oring a long time ago. That was my answer and the fire was lit. I had to make it happen and was itching to do so.



Its 1" OD x about 6" in length, it has a cavity for storing a 3" stem/wong in the longer portion to the right of the band turned in it. The left side has a short cavity a little over an inch in depth for your stash. The two storage areas have an ID of 3/4" that will allow you plenty of room your herb and for using a variety of different stem whether it be wood or glass. I have also install a pointed metal rod for removing a clip if need be or even stir your load between hits. The rubber orings help to hold the caps in place so you dont have to worry about loosing the contents in your pocket or where ever. If you have any questions or comments pls share em with me.

I would like to think that these pieces could be useful and would like to hear your thoughts.

I gotta get my ass moving, I have a bunch of Budweisers and my bro in law is cooking a 100lbs of crawfish! I am gonna eat so many by the end of the night I will be walking backwards!
Brilliant!!! I love the idea of an all-in-one stem/stash/stir/clip-pick wood storage carry tube. Brilliant!!! Where do you come up with all this stuff? ;)Brilliant!!!

EDIT: I like love how the clip-pick/stir tool will go down into the top center of the stem to keep it steady & centered too!!! Every thing is so compact, tidy, and functional!!!
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Well-Known Member
omg Ed your a genious !! love the whole set up and the pieces in the pic..and wow it sounds like you eat very well there 2 :D

Vicki I hope you love it as much as I love mine.

I had to change the screen already on my stem ..I guess I have been using it aLOT.


Caveat Emptor - "A Billion People Can Be Wrong!"
Accessory Maker
All this chatter really got me in the mood - Solo, NY Sour Diesel, Ed's Bog Oak 5000 year old shorty (my favorite - I dig feelin the history, and the flavor!), and a Saturday night ahead! Don't get no better!;):nod::ko:
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Oil Painter
I've now taken my new stem (omg, I have to come up with a name for it!) out & about, used it at the mmj market (that was FAB!), and at a friends - both were "quick hit" occasions, it everything about this worked!

@Ed's TnT ... hmm, no email since I sent you the video. Did you get the video? btw, this thing rocks. Seriously.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
I'm fully sold on one of the bog oak stems for my solo. As soon as they are back in stock I'll be getting one. Question; if I normally run on 7, will a shorty stem be to hot and harsh? Does the longer one provide needed cooling? I'd prefer the shorty for many reasons, but the long one looks nice and wouldn't be a deal breaker.


Gentle cow vaper and halloween kiddo
Its about damn time, I live in a rural part of the state here in the deep south, have satellite internet, its all we can get out here in the sticks. They charge you a hellova price for service that is very spotty. A freaking dark cloud could blow over Cincinnati and it affect my service. I hate it but its all I have besides a cell. Hey but its up and so now I can answer some posts and we can get to the show and tell portion of the day!

@beach bum I feel ya, time is always something I am running out of! Hell if you know where to find some pls dont keep it to yourself, tell me where I can get some. Glad youre still enjoying the stems, thats what its all about. I have been growing so much that I have had to let somethings go and concentrate on the demand for others. I am only selling the natural scent BAB now. I really didnt have time to make all the different flavors with setup and clean up after each scent so not to contaminate the other scent, different labels and all that went into it. The Blackberry sage was one of my favorites also. I have two HI's one is for vaping and the other is for fragrant oils. I still rock the BB/Sage from time to time. Yeah dont be a stranger, come on by and sit a spell! I always enjoy your presence.

@vakedcow Glad to hear you are looking at better dayz bro! Just holla when your ready and I will make the magic happen.

@Reflections Oh just hang in there with me til the end of the post dear!

@Stu Thanks for stopping by, am happy to hear from you and you know I appreciate the kind words! I gotta tell ya, on the combustion side of the market it has gotten slow. I dont do nearly as well selling dugouts as I did in the past. They were a third of my sales just a year or so ago and for some reason the sales for them have dropped off. The freaking vapor industry is blowing up though or maybe I got in at just the right time. My vapor stems have become my bred and butter of the biz, I am really blessed to be a part of this revolution. The future is now and I working hard to strike while the iron is hot! The future is so bright, better dayz are ahead and I hear the knock of opportunity loudly at my door!
@Enchantre I am glad to hear your piece arrived, I hope its serving you well and thank you for the pics, I do so dig pics! I have sent ya an email, pls reply when you are able.

@CarolKing Your pieces look great, those pieces are always fun to make. I love doing something a little different even if it takes a little longer to produce the finished piece is so worth it! Thank

@KidFated. & @Quetzalcoatl Your suggestion are always the first thing I do before I call those jackass's at Hughesnet. I hate dealing with their tech service, you never ever get a rep you can understand, its always the same thing, unplug this, turn off that, try to hardwire it in yeah yeah yeah. I love the country life but the internet sucks, guess thats part of the sacrifice for living in paradise.

@radiantchipmunk Hello and thank you for your interest in my work. So far the Nano wongs I have made were custom requests. I have been so slammed with normal stems to dealers and trying to find time to add new products to the inventory is slow to happen. If you would like something done pls let me know. Have a look at all the various species I offer at my website, pick a flavor and size, then let me know what youre feeling and I will do my best to fit you in! Thank again and I look to hear from you soon.

@CarolKing You slipped another post in on me! That is a pretty pic, you have a nice collection growing there. Thanks for your support, I wish you many good times when using those pieces.

Alright then, now you all get to see what I have been cooking!

From time to time I would search for a tool to remove the clip from inside the solo stems and now that I started making stems for the Nano and others I have been using more and more clips in the bushing to hold the screens in place. I never really seemed to find what I was looking for nor did I really know what I was looking for. I just couldnt see it! I am a guy that has to see it on the blackboard in order to understand how to solve the problem. I just couldnt put two and two together. I spent a couple days back looking for a tool, I thought if I could find a teeny tiny pry bar that could be slipped down into the bushing the user could lift up the clip and remove it so the screen could be swapped out. I searched for all kinds of tools, even found out that there are tools for opening and working on cell phones called spudge tools, say what, I had no idea. I than thought came across a straight pick because I use the pointed end of a compass to remove my clip. Hmmmm so I looked long and hard for a straight pick that wasnt in a set of 5. I then found a scratch awl that would do what I needed it to. I searched for a while to find some nice scratch awls when it dawned on me, hey I can make that and so I did. Here is the first clip removal tool I have made, hope you like it!



The clip has a two eyes, one in either end of the clip, you can poke the point of the tool into one of the eyes and lift up at an angle, this will dislodge the clip and allow you to lift it out. Its very handy and takes a little frustration out of swapping out the screen.

This is an idea that was put in my head by an FC member, they wanted me to do some custom work and asked if I could make a tube to store their stem in as well as their stash. I gave it some thought and looked into threading wood and trying to find a way to cap the thing. I look at all kinds of different caps from vinyle to metal to hinged to screws hell I must have wasted a bunch of time on google. Dont get me wrong I find a bunch of stuff there but I also waste alot too. I thought about a wooden deer call and all of a sudden it hit me, the call is one piece of wood in the other with an Oring holding the two together! Damn it after all the thinking I had been doing, why didnt I think of the Oring a long time ago. That was my answer and the fire was lit. I had to make it happen and was itching to do so.



Its 1" OD x about 6" in length, it has a cavity for storing a 3" stem/wong in the longer portion to the right of the band turned in it. The left side has a short cavity a little over an inch in depth for your stash. The two storage areas have an ID of 3/4" that will allow you plenty of room your herb and for using a variety of different stem whether it be wood or glass. I have also install a pointed metal rod for removing a clip if need be or even stir your load between hits. The rubber orings help to hold the caps in place so you dont have to worry about loosing the contents in your pocket or where ever. If you have any questions or comments pls share em with me.

I would like to think that these pieces could be useful and would like to hear your thoughts.

I gotta get my ass moving, I have a bunch of Budweisers and my bro in law is cooking a 100lbs of crawfish! I am gonna eat so many by the end of the night I will be walking backwards!

those tubes are great and so handy for when out and about!


Caveat Emptor - "A Billion People Can Be Wrong!"
Accessory Maker
I'm fully sold on one of the bog oak stems for my solo. As soon as they are back in stock I'll be getting one. Question; if I normally run on 7, will a shorty stem be to hot and harsh? Does the longer one provide needed cooling? I'd prefer the shorty for many reasons, but the long one looks nice and wouldn't be a deal breaker.
My Solo was set at 7 using the Bog Oak shorty dry and I didn't find it to be hot at all ...not even warm really.


Volute of Vapor
I ordered a nano stem this week and I live in Europe, anyone got experience about Ed's tnt shipping delays to Europe?

I'll test my first stem and I'm thinking about get one with jewels...Ed, I like very much the Lapis-lazuli, do you think it's possible to make one with? my Nano is a simple maple which wood is the better to pair it?

Your work makes vaping an art of life!

Ed's TnT

Good morning everyone, I hope you all are having a wonderful day! We had a really great time yesterday evening. The crawfish were hot and hella spicy, the taters and corn was just right, and the beer was ice cold!


I ate so many mudbugs my mouth was on fire, had to put it out with the Budweiser! You'd think a 100lbs. would be alot but they didnt last that long. Taking it easy this morning working up the courage to get out to the shop and fill orders later.

I wanna thank you all for sharing your feeling for the new pieces I made. It was fun to have to think about how to make these new pieces and make my brain work. I am glad you all like them!

@Snappo Thanks for the post, I like to hear your still digging the Bog Oak stem, it really gets my mind to wondering. Am gonna have to get some more BO before I can make ya that kinda stem. All I had is already blanked and bored for Solo stems. My guy was supposed to get with me after he got back from a big wood turners extravaganza in the UK, he was due back just last week, am sure he is busy and will get with me soon. He knows I wanna out in t a big order for it so he will be in touch.

@Quetzalcoatl Thanks for the post, glad you like!

@Vicki Thank you also, got your stem packaged up waiting on postage, oh you will have it really soon, hang in there with me. I am anxious to hear what you think of it.

@Reflections Damn it, changing your screen already!!! Wow slow down a little, conservation is preservation! I am glad to hear its been getting that much use, thats the shit! Thanks for the kind words, if you wanna do something let me know and Ill get ya right!

@Enchantre Taking the vape and hitting the wood is great on any trip outside the home, feels kinda exciting I am sure. I cant do that down here, if someone sees you with something other than a NewPort or a Marlboro they start looking at ya funny. I just sent the email this morning, I forgot it didnt send, I saved it as a draft and sent it this morning. Oh yeah I got the video, thanks for sharing it with me. I have m own Hammer shipping out to me tomorrow, hope to have it by middle of the week!

@maremaresing Hello and thank you for your interest in my work, I had hoped to have the solo stems back in stock this last week but my dad in law is my machinist had a strand of metal sling out and over the top of his hand, it opened him up like a can. He has stitches and staples in a emergency kit for when they hunt wild hogs, if the dogs bet hurt bad, he will stitch them up. He is a tough old guy, he got the staples and got his son to close it up, he wouldnt even go to the dr., he is hardcore! His accident set me back a few days. He is supposed to be back out in the metal shop tonight though so I should have them back in stock the middle of next week or so, keep an eye out for things to come. I feel like Snappo, the shorty 3" is only 1 inch shorter in size than the longer 4" and really doesnt seem to have much of an affect on the vapor temp. Its a little bit shorter and gives you a little more stealthiness when needed. I should have a few of them available then also.

@vakedcow Thats what I was wanting, my intention was for them to be comfortable in the hand and an ease to tote when on the go. Maybe there will be a demand for them, would be neat to do different species and with enough time and thought, would be cool to see what more could be done to them.

@as I thought this is what you were wanting. I thank you for the inspiration in making the happen. I am thinking that I will give it another try with a softer species like the one above before moving to a dense hard one like Blackwood. Its a quality wood and isnt cheap, the larger the size the more its gonna cost. I am sure I am likely to screw a piece up here and there, would rather it be the cheaper stuff until I figure out the right steps and feel comfortable before doing the more expensive species. I hope you feel me.

@PPN Shipping to europe can take a week or two maybe even more depending on customs and how eager they are to get things moving. I have heard it arrive to places there rally quickly and others may take longer. All orders ship the same to there using standard USPS shipping for free. Hang in there and be positive, I am always hoping for a speedy delivery. I just googled Lapis-lazuli and its a really nice stone. I dig the color and deep blue pigments it has. I am sure I could do ya a stem with that in it sometime. Lets talk about it when youre in the mood. As far as a match for your Nano, itd be hard for me to make that call, you could either go with the same species which would be easy enough to obtain or you could go with something that would be a contrast, I dig that look alot. I like to get wild and show off with something completely different, they kinda make each other POP IMO.

Its about time to fill a few more orders before, I hope you all have a great evening!


Well-Known Member
I love how you tell us about your day and take your time to reply to every post BIG RESPECT @Ed's TnT

Yer I understand better to get things right before using more expensive wood
As it is now getting hotter hear now and we have had a lil sun I have bin taking my solo out a lot more now and I now fell very comfortable using the solo with wood out and about makes the unit so much less crack pipe! With the tube and a WonG as well it will rock


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Thank you for your quick and detailed reply, Ed! You have fantastic customer communication for how much work you do. I'm sorry to hear that there was a casualty in production and hope he is fully on the mend soon. Sounds like a tough as nails dude. Don't sweat the delay, I was expecting it to be months, so this made my weekend.

Great to hear on the vapor temperature. I like the more compact stem for stealth and use with water tools, as well as aesthetics, and will buy one as soon as they are up.
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