Hello my friends
@herbivore21 and
@ataxian - just very quickly as it seems only tangential to the topic, but I also don't try to generate 'keif' intentionally. However, I do grind herb and put it in a 'pollen' box to dry for a a bit to dry and keif does indeed fall through the fine screen on the bottom (no, I don't know the number of microns). I don't make it on purpose, but since I get it anyway I like to collect it and use it just like
@ataxian, that is, just add it to an herb bowl to increase strength somewhat.
However, I just went downstairs to look at some recent keif under a microscope. It very easy to see the green plant material that's in there. Stands right out. But the great majority of it is white (trichome kind of white) and shiny but are not fully formed trichome but look broken up and are jagged bits and pieces. At least, that's what it looks like to me.
Now for most of my life, decades ago really, keif referred to hard pressed pollen hash that came from Morocco, Lebanon, and similar places. We would get it often still wrapped in the cloth bags used to dry/store it in. Some of it sucked and some of it was outstanding. Still liked soft, dark traditional hashish better.
Cheers guys
Those shiny but not fully formed trichome looking jagged bits are typically the glandular trichome stalks (also the non glandular ones). These don't melt nor contain resin. From your method description, your kief should be better than a lot of other people's though. Only collecting what falls through the screens without any shaking or agitation while drying in a kief box gets better results than grinder kief IME.
See I recall 'Kif' as a term used locally in Morocco to describe the unpressed headstash of the local hashmakers. This is the first agitation/collection of a run and can in some cases be full melt dry sift!
It seems like variations of the term have since developed new meanings in different places. Language never stays quite the same as I'm sure you've plenty of experience to know yourself my friend
@Baron23 I remember in the early 70's HASH
Blond/DARK I think it was? (AFGHANISTAN)
Walking around a beach party with a pound of HASH was kind of funny.
Oh man, I remember the traditional import hashes I used to get years ago and they really were something else. Couldn't dab them but they always melted some. My 'guy' back in the day was a very discerning hash selector, which was helpful because at the time, my hash knowledge was far, far less than it is now!
Old school honey oil is fascinating to me, never saw it myself. How did you guys consume it, did you just mix it into a cigarette or smoke it through a bong/pipe/chillum? I sure wish I could walk around with a pound of hash. Last night, I dreamt that I was holding what must have been a 200g ball of full melt hash. I woke up with a smile
You know you love hash when you dream about hash
I love your posts, mate. Always do.
Yes, Afghan hash in the early 70's....I lived in an east coast port city and in about '71 we were flooded with what was called Afghan Primo hash. Who knows WTF it really was but it was soft, brown with lighter colored mold on the outside, smelled like it was made with camel shit (we thought it really was bound together by camel shit! LOL), and it sparked when you put a flame to it. Pure, heavy duty, couch lock kind of hash. It really was Primo. I LOVED IT and we were indeed getting pounds of it at a time....but then the Russians invaded and fucked that place up.
Oooops, yeah...way off topic...sorry.
The soft mid brown squishy and quite melty hash we used to get from the same region was very similar, but no camel shit smell and no mold. Traditional hashes really do have some serious risk of contamination by mold/fungus/microbials due to the amount of handling and travel that they go through - I definitely heard of moldy batches and one even arrived that did not melt at all and was hard and black, my old 'guy' (what a trip down memory lane!) said that it was from a new source but that it was no good so he wouldn't sell it. I believe he suspected it to be adulterated.
It is such a shame that Afghanistan is so riven with conflict now. That is one of the absolute be-all, end-all places to go for a hash lover. Thousands of years of hashmaking know-how over there! I bet some of those guys could school me plenty!
AFGHANISTAN was a awesome place in the late 60's early 70's.
I see you have MODS as well.
Flowers are different for me.
I think vaporizing FLOWER'S for FLAVOR.
Bro we've gotta get you back into hash again! It is my main medicine now, less SHATTER and more HASH for this herbivore nowadays
A dabbable hash generally has all of the full flavor you get in flower and more

Definitely the most CIVILIZED flavor you can get with an extract IME
Sure we took my thread off-topic, but honestly, I want people who come here to see how much better solventless extracts are and stop taking unnecessary risks with solvents when solvents make inferior meds anyway

So this is a great chat!