Well-Known Member
Please post detailed methodology and pics if possible 

Along my journey I made ISO, ABV, CUMBLED and now I just make BHO SHATTER. I have what I beleive is a dream setup! I extract in my back garden and take my purex to my work bench were I purge with heat (hot plate) and a vacuum chamber -27 x3.Ataxian, exactly right brother
like Jimi Hendrix said- I'm the one who's got to die when it's my time to die, so let me live (read: make concentrates) the way I want to. Lol
I will test out various methodologies though, lets make this as comprehensive a resource as possible. I plan to do this with QWISO, then QWET in the QWET thread![]()
Along my journey I made ISO, ABV, CUMBLED and now I just make BHO SHATTER. I have what I beleive is a dream setup! I extract in my back garden and take my purex to my work bench were I purge with heat (hot plate) and a vacuum chamber -27 x3.
My SHATTER is pure and taste amazing.
If you can obtain the quality I do with BHO using ISO let me know your secrete?
The ISO concentrate flavor for me was unbearable. BHO is actually easy to purge. You being a scientist must know the boiling point of BHO?
Butane is relatively easy to purge from cannabis oleoresins or concretes, as it has a boiling point of around -.5C/31.5F, or right about the freezing point of water.
Very easy to make a pure concentrate with a BHO extraction.
If you make it with ISO good for you.
The taste makes me sick.
I did let it soak for a good 30 seconds plus I did not freeze it and it was a bit green.I envy you having a vac chamber. I really want one!
Bro, the taste factor is all about how long the wash is and how well you have frozen/cured/dried your buds - ie how much plant stuff gets into you concentrate. Further to this, obviously leftover solvent not properly purged is an issue.
I have found that ISO is really, really unforgiving with time. You must stop washing after 20 seconds, 25 maximum!
Anymore and you start getting plant stuff into your concentrates that give you grief.
BHO runs appear to avoid this issue as the butane is simply run through the herb in a tube, rather than shaken together by hand and subject to being left to wash too long. Also I am familiar with the boiling point, lol Butane could evaporate on a hot Australian day!
However, any solvent can be used to make incredible tasting concentrates. It is just much harder to do with alcohol (especially ISO) than butane. I appreciate this. However, there are many, many of us whose living conditions preclude us from using butane for safety reasons. I understand that everyone loves their waxes/shatters and likely swears by them. All I am saying is that with some experimentation, some know how and very, very careful observation of the above instructions, even the humble ISO can be used to make great concentrates, not the nasty tasting shit we all know and hate!
It is all about the technique brother. I kid you not, the only taste I get from these QWISO batches is exactly like the smell of the herb I used in the first place. No nasty tastes during or after hitting this shatter
Of course, YMMV. There are so many variables that influence how a concentrate comes out, as all of you would know. However, I can reliably and in all honesty say that I can make stuff that tastes perfect to me. I have tasted the nasty ISO tastes that you guys are talking about, have made that sorta black nasty oil since I joined up on FC lol. I know what you guys are talking about, I am simply trying to say that the last 3 batches of QWISO I have made are of a seriously high quality, with no bad taste
@ataxian Hope you are well by the way my friend!
I use the same vac chamber that @ataxian uses I think, big orange label, bestvaluevacs or something like that. They're a really good deal.
I use mine with a 2-stage 3cfm vac pump and also a custom made 700w silicone heating pad for a heat source. I could have gotten away with only 200-300w on the heating pad but oh well. I can cook dinner on it.![]()
I did let it soak for a good 30 seconds plus I did not freeze it and it was a bit green.
ISO gave me bad results.
My method?
Just but it!im trying to figure out how to do it cost effective...
im in a med state and i can get good good bho shatter from 35-50 a gram (less with discount coupons "Shatterday" lol) and bud is like 80/half for good quality stuff at my place...
Do you get better end product with nuggets vs say buying bottom of the jar shake? This this would be discounted and maybe more cost effective.
I am also still confused about how there is purging in this method? I tought purging was vacuuming (using a maching to suck out the solvents)? and I understand this to just be simple evaporation? Am I missing something?
Thanks! Thinkins about trying this!
deletedo you mean you just did it? im confused lol.
everyone has their optionHow do you purge your own BHO? Is the BHO better than the ISO?
(1.25 - 2.0) per 10g is my yield!Round 2, first run. .68g from 10g of bud/trim. Beautiful!
Also, I did accidentally turn the heat up for slightly too long whilst evaping. Lost a very little bit of product there... Still, very happy with my overall yields, and the fact that there is no black goop at all!
I just bought the one I posted pictures of earlier. Pyrex chamber@@ataxian (edit: PS... how the hell do you guys do that @ thingy ? lol)
How are you finding the longevity of your chamber seal ? I've noticed two styles out on the market, one 'like yours', and the other a plexi type lid with a silicone bead type rim in the plexi.
I'm looking at getting a pyrex chamber (so I can purge right in the chamber spread thin then scrape up) and can't decide on the lid style to either buy a kit or source separately. I'm also shopping to replace my cheapy 2.5 cfm single to a 5-6 cfm dual pump.
Sugar leaf will work fine if their frosty.Still, very happy with my overall yields, and the fact that there is no black goop at all!
This run from the photo is still doing the last little bit of purging.
BTW @ataxian, I use mostly sugar leaves and not the best colas, but good top mids![]()
Man you are doing exactly what I am doing now lol, just using a different solvent! Those top cola's are excellent for putting in the Solo or Nano at 6.5Sugar leaf will work fine if their frosty.
My most resent run I'm using the lesser colas. All the top colas I'm saving for my Flower Vaporizing.
I throw away trim and sugar leaf to make my work easier.
I'm super lazy.
If I last least start with colas B+ (not AAA) I get a SHATTER that taste amazing and does not produce headaches.
Heat we need just not too much.
Like you say your yield will suffer.
There is a trade off with heat purge in the mix.
Too cold and your concentrate can be dark and sticky.
Too warm clear and tasteless.
Clear amber and full of flavor is my target.
Vacuum purge for me helps obtain the quality I'm looking for.
The SLICK pads I use as well.
I have two small one and want the big one at some point.
I find also I wait about 2 weeks before I consume the shatter I just made.
Curing helps I find. (I don't no if I'm right however this is my practice.)
If you can just buy it already made is amazing. I get bad headaches from other concentrates. CO2 Oil, PURE GOLD are supose to be pure? Why do they give me headaches?
For me it's more headache prevention.
If your not effected then you can buy it already made.
FLOWERS (TOP COLA BUDS) are the purest form of medicine.
Concentrates are effective when the patient can benefit from them.
I like crumbled however shatter is easier to make.
I never got ISO to work right for my taste buds.
ABV I got black goo so I gave up on it.
For those you can make it work good for them!