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@Alexis thanks for the input!
115 grams? so basically 1/2 cup of coconut oil. hmmm. your using 8g/half cup of oil.... i'm using 14grams/half cup... interesting. in time i will have made enough batches to test if decreasing the amount of abv/herbs by half still produces effects i enjoy...
Personally, i don't cook herbs inside my home, so when i get the opportunity i'm making a nice amount. at least 1 cup+, and naturally everyones consumption rate will differ.
24 tsp =1/2 cup
for me a nice dose is 1/2 tsp
therefore, i'd get 48 doses from 1/2 cup. so 96 doses from my current batch. thats alot of doses!
2 tsp lecithin? damnnnn. that sounds like alot. i'm using less than a tsp per 1 cup of oil... i find that the lecithin doesn't always emulsify well, it tends to separate and end up at the bottom of the oil, so i began to add less... further experimentation is necessary. i think i'll try adding such an amount next time and observe if it truly hastens the onset of effects.
i can't comment on this as yet with complete accuracy. not enough experimentation done. however, in my experience the longer cook time didn't necessarily create a product to put me to sleep. i'm using sativa dominant herbs. my last batch cooked for 14 hours. the effects are extremely cerebral, euphoric, uplifting, happy, motivating etc... after a solid 4 - 5 hours, yes sedative effects begin to kick in, but the initial effects are totally sativa!
so for me, i find the herb your using dictates the effects you'll receive!
@Squiby, are you guys using lecithin granules or lecithin liquid??
Hey man. There is no real set way to go about this regarding amounts and ratio to oil etc. I only use 8 grams for the sake of rationing the edibles. I usually have about 15 or 16 grams of abv in my tin, so I cook half of it so that I can stretch it over my vapor breaks, and thee is another batch wwiting for next time, by which time the tin has built up again.
I use a relatively little amount of oil as well so I dont have to take a lot of coconut oil for a big dose. I enjoy coconut oil with my meals each day for flavor. I use about 50 grams average per day, as this is the amount I deem to be right for my body,,in balance with ex v olive oil too.
So I dont want to eat 5 to 10 grams of coconut oil each time I eat abv, more like 2 to 3 grams.
So you can play with the ratios, you will still get the same effect once you figure your dose.
Personally, i don't cook herbs inside my home, so when i get the opportunity i'm making a nice amount. at least 1 cup+, and naturally everyones consumption rate will differ
I can understand that and how it is in your interests to cook more at a time and less often.
You are right we all consume diff amounts. I could eat a LOT more of the stuff, but I try to be moderate and make my rations last.
in time i will have made enough batches to test if decreasing the amount of abv/herbs by half still produces effects i enjoy...
If you lower the weed to oil ratio you will just need to take more of it. The effect is purely dependant on the amount of weed, and obviously the extraction method, nothing to do with ratio.
are you guys using lecithin granules or lecithin liquid??
Neither- I use sunflower lecithin powder, this is what you want.
2 tsp lecithin? damnnnn. that sounds like alot. i'm using less than a tsp per 1 cup of oil... i find that the lecithin doesn't always emulsify well, it tends to separate and end up at the bottom of the oil, so i began to add less...
2 teaspoons is definitely not too much. I think it is possible to not use enough, I feel a little more does help with the extraction. If I did a larger batch, with more oil and weed I would use even more lecithin accordingly. With the powder, there is no issue , it mixes and dissolves perfectly. Try and get this if you can.
i can't comment on this as yet with complete accuracy. not enough experimentation done. however, in my experience the longer cook time didn't necessarily create a product to put me to sleep. i'm using sativa dominant herbs. my last batch cooked for 14 hours. the effects are extremely cerebral, euphoric, uplifting, happy, motivating etc... after a solid 4 - 5 hours, yes sedative effects begin to kick in, but the initial effects are totally sativa! so for me, i find the herb your using dictates the effects you'll receive!
Absolutely, totally agree. I am not using fresh herb for a start. My harvest last summer got messed up, Im allergic to organic fertilisers we tried with most plants, and the 3 I can use got infested with tiny bugs. I have no other weed supply and really need it for my depression and Lyme Disease symptoms, so I go throuh every bud with tweezers and a lens before vaping. It is too much hassle to do this with a larger amount for cooking though.
Fresh weed is much more lively buzz, more uplifting and euphoric. Abv tends to be primarily physical for me with little high, and it makes me very lethargic, heavy, sleepy in a way I dont really enjoy.
The best thing about the edibles for me (my sleepy, low high abv) is how AMAZING it is for the stomach and digestive system. I have serious digestive problems due to allergies and imbalanced intestinal flora and I cant take probiotics or enzymes of any supplements. The edibles are a godsend for digestive and bowel function.
Also, due to my harvest being compromised my abv has been mainly a heavy indica strain that I dont like as it is particularly physically debilitating for my chronic fatigue condition.
Edibles in general are more debilitating for my fatigue and energy muscularly, even fresh weed. But I did cook the Durban Poison sugar leaves (sativa) and I got on mich better with that. Also, the plants were harvested toolate due to prolongued damp weather, so we eneded up letting them go longer when the weather picked up, so the thc degraded quite a bit into cbn, which is unpleasant to me and not desirable.
Very mongy, lethargic, sleepy, groggy, dizzy-- is cbn. Grrat for pain amd sleep though, probably digestion and bowels too.
So I agree with you entirely about the effects being down to the strain and condition etc.
So if your weed is high in cbn, I think longer cooking may possibly make it a heavier buzz, but I think in general that principle does apply, although you may not notice with a high sativa, low cbn batch.
Also cookong methods will vary. I havent gone over 3 hours. The effect was a lot heavier with 3 hours than 2, though not necessarily better. 2 to 3 hours with this method in a saucepan is plently I feel, providing the weed is decarbed first in oven, or by vaping (abv).
If you cant decarb the weed first then you may actually need to increase the cooking time, maybe even considerably, in order to decarb as you go along.
Discalimer- none of this is fact, I really dont know anything about this subject, just sharing my own experience. I do know that this basic method works very well and a very small amount of weed has a substantial effect. I gave doses to people who would eat 4 grams of skunk in cannabutter without decarbing it first. I gave them about 0.35 grams worth and they rated it and got very high!
So keep experiemting. I do feel this task can be accomplished more simply. If you strain through muslin as I descibe above, you will ewnt clean hands and a knife as the oil will cover your fingers when you squeese it, so you can scrape it off with the table knife into the jar ()or just lick your fingers when done!
But whatever, make sure you try the tea making from the bundle of weed and lecithin soaking in oil in the muslin. Just cover it with boiling water in a cup, squeeze with spoon a few times and you will have a dark milky tea to top up with more water and put the muslin in fridge for later of next few days. Squeeze as much water out as poss each time to keep it longer. About 4 days is prob max shelf life if it lasts that long.
But beware, if you are cooking a bigger batch, you could get an unexpectedly large dose from the first cup of tea you strain. I have surpised myself amd my mum a few times!

Make sure you squeeze as much of the oil out of the muslin first, more so as not to ne wasteful and stay moderate. No point in having 3 times what you need when you can get 3 days out of it is there?
Anyway, here is my jar I made 3 months ago from 8 grams of abv. I am on a vapor break now. I only use it minimally when vaping for digestive support, and save it to get me though my vapor breaks. But I have about 16 grams more to cook up anyway. I am going to start enjoying this more now, beginning right now!
Happy weekend everyone!