So I guess this thread is kind of dead? Sorry for the triple post, the time to edit expired again lol.
Anyway, I just wanted to update now that I've finished my coconut oil (nearly, one dose left for tomorrow).
In the end I upped my dosage to 1 tbsp or 3 tsps per serving and that really affected me nicely. I mix the coconut oil on the hob with some milk and add cocoa powder and sweetener and some vanilla essence and then drink it down as a hot chocolate. It starts to kick in around 1 hour after drinking and can last as long as 12 hours. Sometimes eating a meal triggers a "second wave" and I can barely open my eyes whilst i'm in that heavenly full up after eating phase. I've also tried mixing a tbsp of oil with some cookie dough and made 3 small cookies with it and that also worked very nicely, with the same effects as the hot chocolate.
One thing I did notice is that if you microwave the oil it greatly reduces the potency. I started to make the hot chocolates on the stove because the microwave was unreliable... I assume it was heating the oil too hot and it was burning away the THC or something... someone correct me if i am wrong! Either way, the recipes i made that did not use a microwave were much stronger than the ones that required the microwave, even though the dosage was always the same at 1tbsp per.
My only complaint with this recipe is the taste. Even with sweetener, vanilla and cocoa powder, this tastes pretty foul. I'm going to try the water curing method next time i make this in hopes that it fixes this bad taste. At the beginning its bearable but after drinking it nearly every day i started to hate the thought of the next one. The effect is provides is more than worth it but that 10 minutes of drinking time stretches for what feels like hours as you try to gulp it down. The cookies I made were slightly better but still pretty bad and ultimately it is easier to gulp down a drink than it is to chew on the cookies and have the taste spread around your mouth more! If the water curing doesnt work i guess i'll try putting them in capsules but in my experience edibles always work better as a food item or drink that just taking caps. Maybe this will be different as it is in the coconut oil, before i just took straight AVB caps to little effect lol.
Well... Hopefully my posts inspire some more discussion on this as i really think this is the best use of AVB, followed very closely by making RSO with some ISO alcohol. I will probably alternate between the two as making rick simpson oil is a very fun process and i like the taste of that when i vape it.
So, anyone have ideas on what can mask the taste of this if water curing doesn't help? Maybe some other recipes other than hot chocolates and cookies?
peace and good vibrations to all of you