E-Nano XL from Epicvape


Well-Known Member
How many hits do you take on a bowl at temp setting 6?
Ive always being meaning to vape lighter, but I keep gravitating back to the higher heat stuff.


Depends on the load size, with 2 ½ delta3dstudios scoops I estimate 4-8. I'll do a video in the next few days for you. I've often done RTL on other vapes, but having vapes like the XL that extract fully without needing to go that close to the line is nice. I still feel satisfied without the extra heat and irritation.


Well-Known Member
I just got my xl this week and it is extremely disappointing. Are the stems really the cause of the super inconsistent vapor production? I cant milk a bubbler at all with the water pipe adapter. When I use it like a normal stem, I barley get any hits from it at all and it seems like I have to have the stem perfectly aligned and I have to push it in hard to get any vapor. Is this just how this works or is mine fucked? I've had a few other log vapes without any of these issues.
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Well-Known Member
I just got my xl this week and it is extremely disappointing. Are the stems really the cause of the super inconsistent vapor production? I cant milk a bubbler at all with the water pipe adapter. When I use it like a normal stem, I barley get any hits from it at all and it seems like I have to have the stem perfectly aligned and I have to push it in hard to get any vapor. Is this just how this works or is mine fucked? I've had a few other log vapes without any of these issues.

yup, it's the stems Epic Vape sells --sad but true. Try a JoDa stem before giving up on the XL, but definetly stop trying with EV stems... not worth the frustration.


I just got my xl this week and it is extremely disappointing. Are the stems really the cause of the super inconsistent vapor production? I cant milk a bubbler at all with the water pipe adapter. When I use it like a normal stem, I barley get any hits from it at all and it seems like I have to have the stem perfectly aligned and I have to push it in hard to get any vapor. Is this just how this works or is mine fucked? I've had a few other log vapes without any of these issues.

100% it's the stems, it's frustrating that the experience out-the-box is so flawed compared to the incredible performance when using Jodaglass WPA, also the EdsTnT WPA is good too if you prefer metal+wood.

Finally got around to making that video. The bowl has 2 scoops from delta3dstudio scoop. It's a med-coarse grind, I normally use a fine grind but my fine plate needs cleaning. It's not much different except midway I spend some time squishing the partially vaped bud, I chopped that out the video as it was long enough already. Joda WPA and a little grav labs cheapie. Temp setting is slightly under 6.

Flower is El-Chapo



Well-Known Member
Got two more stems from @VaPeD&CoNfUsEd (JoDa) for my XL. Thanks again for the craftmanship and the spare screens!

While they (left one and middle one in the pic) are different from the first one I got (they have a wider body and are a bit longer than the first one), they all fit well on the XL's heater. To my surprirse, not only are they longer thant my first one, which I appreciate sooo much, one is longer than the other and has an extra dimple/spike: nooooooiice!!!

Now that I have three actually functional stems for my XL, I'll be breaking the ICE stem I have for it and I plan to keep its balls to experiment putting some of those balls in my shorter JoDa stem between the screen and fir dimole/spike and play with higher temp settings. Has Anyone put balls in they JoDa stem yet?


JoDa Glassworks
Glass Blower
Got two more stems from @VaPeD&CoNfUsEd (JoDa) for my XL. Thanks again for the craftmanship and the spare screens!

While they (left one and middle one in the pic) are different from the first one I got (they have a wider body and are a bit longer than the first one), they all fit well on the XL's heater. To my surprirse, not only are they longer thant my first one, which I appreciate sooo much, one is longer than the other and has an extra dimple/spike: nooooooiice!!!

Now that I have three actually functional stems for my XL, I'll be breaking the ICE stem I have for it and I plan to keep its balls to experiment putting some of those balls in my shorter JoDa stem between the screen and fir dimole/spike and play with higher temp settings. Has Anyone put balls in the JoDa stem yet?
I’ve started using the same size tubing for the entire stem as I use for the heater fitment area. Makes for an overall heavier thicker piece.


Well-Known Member


EpicVape Team
Company Rep
Hey Nadia!
Yesterday I got an email from epic and it said 30% off on mix match glass but when I went to the site it only offered 20% off. Which is it? I gotta restock some gongs :)
They were 30% off for a day then dropped back to 20%...might see the drop again on AFTER TURKEY TIME TOMORROW lol
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New Member
Bit on the sale-- I loved my OG e-nano but for as sturdy as they are, if you repeatedly drop them directly on the charging port onto a hard floor, well, that'll break the thing. A little dismayed to hear the stems and song aren't great but I'm sure I'll manage for a bit, i've been using a cart vape in the mean time so even poorly-performing it'll be an improvement. deffo interested in grabbing a better wpa but I'm in Canada so shipping is exciting rn what with the strike. I'll live for now.


New Member
Yeah but the original stems won't fit the XL, and I figured I had might as well get the XL. Which I think is still the right choice for me in terms of device; I just won't get peak performance for like the first month or so.


New Member
Oh yeah, it beat the XL here by a country mile (just got here today). I actually ended up emailing about the XL; it was stuck at 'information received' on the tracking for days. Haven't heard back but it was sent out the same day which is good enough for me really. Black friday, small company, international shipment, delays are normal enough, just wish i didn't have to wait, haha.

really nice little wpa, poor thing is just lonely now!


New Member

It's here!!! Needless to say that bowl had a lot more work left to do. It's like vaping air, smooth af. Really like the puck and this whole setup seems far less likely to land on the floor multiple times a week. Shame I didn't have any clean whip tubing on hand though, I got everything else sparkling and then there's that. Oh well.
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