Well-Known Member
herbgirl said:nycdeisel, I LOVE to smoke, but can't abide the side effects - all i really need is the hand to mouth thing and it's nice to be able to out with the smokers at parties and not drain a whole drink or stand there with my hands fiddling. this thing has kept me from starting smoking again. our situation is similar in that we only want non nic juices.
i use a drip tip with a 510 atty and a 900 mah battery. i started with the riva 510 kit shown here i have a discount code if your order from these guys, let me know if you want it.
and then moved on to a drip tip and a larger battery. DH uses nic juices and he uses a cartridge like the one that comes with the kit and a low resistance atomizer.
do try some bakery flavors from here snickerdoodle cookie is awesome blueberry muffin is good too.
and then replicate them cheaply or make different ones with the supplies you find here
fun stuff!
I even found out at our community clean up that our neighbor is a member of a vaporist organization and very active in it. vapers are everywhere, they even sell the cheap ecigs at the flea market around here and there is a dude that sells juices - it is becoming more popular and more people ask us about it every day.
nice to hear from you, herbgirl

ms ts bakery looks like they have some sweet stuff! thanks for the links, that makes it easier.
Im still not so sure about piecing together different models/makes/sized parts, but I will check out more products on those sites and see what they say about them.
any other good flavors you would recommend? im open to em, share your

jeffp said:nycdeisel, even though the world of ecigs is fun, i know that all of the options and terminology can be confounding and a little off putting but here's one good way to go if you're just getting started and want something decent.
first off this site has very good prices and fast delivery and has good stuff including liquid -
for liquid, pick flavors that seem appealing and have good reviews. right now i'm enjoying their "Hawaiian Delight" and "Top Banana" but their root beer believe it or not is also excellent - also they have a delicious apple flavor and many other nice treats.
As herbgirl suggests, start off with a kit and buy a drip tip to go along with that.
The Ego is a very popular and very good intro kit - _2704.html
This will be fine.
At the same sight for drip tips -
normally an ecig is three or four parts - battery, atomizer, cartridge and optional atomizer cover or cone. with the drip tip you use that instead of a cartridge, connected directly into the atomizer. normally the cartridge connects to the atomizer which connects to the battery.
manual batteries are better than automatics. with the manual you push a button before you puff, with the automatics puffing triggers the battery but it's not as powerful.
you're lucky that you don't smoke - I was a serious cigarette smoker for a long time and I didn't think it would have been possible for me to even cut down but it's been almost seven months since I put a cigarette in my mouth and there's no craving, only an occasional appetite for one. my goal is to reduce the nic level down from 24 mg to 5 by next year little by little. 5 is just enough to satisfy an addiction and bring me to the crossroads of eliminating nicotine altogether.
madvapes is really good.
you too jeff, thanks for the replies. there is a ton of resources sometimes im not sure where to look! but I think im getting the gist of it a little more now

thats great that you quit smoking baccy! I know quite a few people that could really benefit from these ecigs since they smoke analogs although many smokers seem hesitant to change or go in any direction that looks like 'quitting' form afar, maybe I can be persuasive like I have with my other vapes

p.s: there actually was a time when I was VERY young(too young to smoke, in fact) that I was into smoking cigarettes, but that stopped quite quickly once I saw people who just could not stop. Im