E-Cigarette (not for THC use)

the ob

all good in the hood.
it is a miracle!

I was finally able to answer a question and help.

the ob is all grows up. not really.
the ob,


Combustion free since '09
lol... I'm so proud Ob!! So proud!!

I don't understand the technical stuff but there is some sort of vacuum sealing going on in those attys which is why they want us to only blow in the direction of the airflow. I am over a week in on mine and happy camper!! When you guys get yours don't get discouraged right away...the break in time is longer than other attys but well worth your time IMHO.


Combustion free since '09
lol... Awesome JD. Curious to see what you think after it gets really broken in. ;) I see you guys in that ecf thread now too ROFL!!


Head of Pot
Lo said:
lol... Awesome JD. Curious to see what you think after it gets really broken in. ;) I see you guys in that ecf thread now too ROFL!!

Few hours later and its getting better and better. CLOUDS


Uncle Vito Finds a New Hobby:D
First off, to my vaporific pals... Lo, the ob, and JDSupreme...
I will be asking questions and picking your brains down the road, as users, and pros.
I have taken off prior to this however to study ecigs and understand fully the functions and ranges of functions.
I just completed a 3 week study of "types".. and also of Distributors. I studied the distributors, by buying the "disposable" unit that each one offers, and then calling them to whine a bit and see how they treated a "lowly disposable" customer. I wondered if they would look at me as a potential client testing the waters (the vapors!)... or as a tightwad trying for a cheap smoke. I wondered if they would help.
I did find some dealers that I liked. I also decided on sizes, and compatabilities I liked..
I am not ready to make a hard core move yet, and I will consult here when I do...but I just wanted you FC Vape family members to know....
I am in!

One final note- I was pushed over the edge on the adoption of this new practice, when I was told that some patients nearby were receiving acetalized cannabis in a form that could be "dripped". I want to drip acetalized cannabis!


Combustion free since '09
lol.. Nice vid Vito! Glad you found your way! I actually carry disposables with me to give out to curious smokers. A vendor I've known a couple years now sent me a bunch for free to pass out and I've gone through several types including the Qbit one you're using.

What I usually tell people about them is that if they think the idea intrigues them but they feel the need for more vapor, throat hit or whatever to look into a better ecig, preferably one that can handle low resistance atomizers. You haven't seen good vapor until you've tried an LR atomizer or high voltage :)


Head of Pot
One of my best friends, an analog smoker for 20 years, is getting his first ecig tomorrow. He's been asking about my over the last few weeks and decided to get a Buzz Pro. I hope to report in a week or 2 that analogs are no longer a part of his life.

the ob

all good in the hood.
welcome uncle vito!

be careful. I think you said that you were going to be using only 0% juice. I started that way as well, and have graduated to somewhere between 6% - 12%. Of course I smoked in the past.

also, be careful, because there are SO many fun toys. So many things to buy.

You thought vapes were addictive! This might be worse :)

let me/us know if you need anything. I barely know anything, but occasionally can answer a question or two.

Lo is a super genius.

I want to drip acetalized cannabis too...........
the ob,


I smoked for a long long time.
At some point I stopped on a dime.. I realized I was not nicotine addicted, but rather .. "smoke exhalation habituated".
The ecigs that I got as demos.. and samples.. mostly came with HIGH doses of nicotine.
I used them up, and began dripping non nic juices. I found that the non nic feels the same to me!
(I do have a small bottle of straight nicotine, but that was a gift.. I wont be adding it in).
I intend to utilize all of you guys as resources as I learn about this further.
Meanwhile I have a couple new Herbal vapes coming to check out.

"What do you do in life?"
"I Vape"
"well what do you do for fun?"
"I Vape"
"Don't you have any hobbies?'
" I Vape"


Combustion free since '09
lol Vito! Yeah if you've kicked the nicotine addiction I certainly would not try to add that into the mix. You can have plenty of ecig fun without the nic. I hope to go nic free someday but to me it is like caffiene...I need a little or I get bitchy (just ask my husband ROFL).

I think for your purposes the disposables and that cigar kit should keep you happy for quite awhile but if you get bored you holler :D

If you REALLY want to make it a new hobby, you can always take up mixing your own juice flavors. Non nicotine would be VERY cheap and playing mad scientist can be fun.


I have some straight ejuice....
I have some ejuice base ( to dilute and make my own)
I have some flavorings ( straight... to add-- coffee, banana, clove0
I have some already flavored ejuices coming for the luxurious leisurly vape in flavors....
(coconut, chocolate).
I am mastering bugs and finding shortcuts and workarounds in the cigar ... this will help me when I watch you ecig pros chat to have the feel for your terms.
Love you guys...

the ob

all good in the hood.
Vitolo said:
I have some straight ejuice....
I have some ejuice base ( to dilute and make my own)
I have some flavorings ( straight... to add-- coffee, banana, clove0
I have some already flavored ejuices coming for the luxurious leisurly vape in flavors....
(coconut, chocolate).
I am mastering bugs and finding shortcuts and workarounds in the cigar ... this will help me when I watch you ecig pros chat to have the feel for your terms.
Love you guys...

pretty soon I might be askig you to mix some stuff for me! :lol:
the ob,


Head of Pot
I'm starting to doubt this .357 .... if the other one I bought is anything like this and the 2.0 ohm isn't any better im going back to 306's

They are great, at first, but it doesn't seem to have any better (or less) shelf life of just another atty

I'm going to bust out the other .357 tomorrow. Hopefully this first one is a fluke...

the ob

all good in the hood.
JDSupreme said:
I'm starting to doubt this .357 .... if the other one I bought is anything like this and the 2.0 ohm isn't any better im going back to 306's

They are great, at first, but it doesn't seem to have any better (or less) shelf life of just another atty

I'm going to bust out the other .357 tomorrow. Hopefully this first one is a fluke...

I have to say the one that I am using is not really that spectacular either. I am going to soak it tonight and see what happens.

maybe we are not doing something right. The taste is ok, but I am not sure I notice a HUGE difference from the 306's.
the ob,


Combustion free since '09
Hmmm.. man, sorry to hear you are having issues with the 357. I am really digging mine.

I got two and couldn't resist breaking in the 2nd one so I have been using each for about 4 days or so...soaking and swapping to the other. Both of mine are doing very well. Now key is to see if I can make them last for months like the betas were ;)

I know I had to change my vaping style a bit when I first got these. I was used to long, leisurely draws on my 306. When the 357 was new I was down to like 2 second hard, fast draws. I was not sure I could dig that but after the atty broke in I found a happy medium. I'm up to like 3 or 4 second draws. I did hear the way these things are built you need a good pull to pump the liquid through the coil or some shit like that.

I tried to use a 306 a few times and surprisingly...they seemed puny in comparison and I ADORED those 306's for over a year.

I'm thinking for me if these hold up for a long time as I've read they should I'd be really happy with them. I will say they might not be for everyone. One friend said she really likes her long, slow 306 drags and was having a hard time adjusting to the 357.

I think some juices are MUCH harder on coils than others too so I wonder if that might be part of the problem. Since I've been vaping so long I have seen how hard dark juices or those with oils in them degrade attys so I have avoided them for a long time. I prefer juices that are clear or near clear and I've had very good luck with my attys since sticking with them.


Head of Pot
Lo said:
I think some juices are MUCH harder on coils than others too so I wonder if that might be part of the problem. Since I've been vaping so long I have seen how hard dark juices or those with oils in them degrade attys so I have avoided them for a long time. I prefer juices that are clear or near clear and I've had very good luck with my attys since sticking with them.

Ya im pretty sure the ob vapes Thinn Mint just like me. A dark juice that I get the extra flavor option with as well (im sure that doesn't help). Sucks because this is the only juice I can vape all day. Know of any good clearer/lighter color mint chocolate juices Lo?

the ob

all good in the hood.
my issue is that the pulls are very inconsistent. Some are huge and some small.

I find that when I take harder short pulls, they do not work. Mine are more like medium four second pulls that work the best.

The flavor is generally good, it is just the inconsistency that is bugging me.

I am using all sorts of different liquids. some light, some dark. I am still trying to figure out what will not bother my stomach.
the ob,


Combustion free since '09
Hmmm.. Not sure what's going on with your 357's dudes. Do they leak?? One thing I am loving is my 357's have not leaked one drop. Not that my 306's were leaky but...here and there they did leak. I ask because I think broken seal would them leak and be a symptom we can pinpoint. If the seal is broken Hanna should be contacted.

My drags seem to be consistent up to the puff that is a bit harsher/drier letting me know it's time to drip. I use small 10ml dropper bottles...3 drips at a time. I'm thankful that after break in I can take longer drags...like 3-4 seconds instead of 2. One way I know I'm hooked on 357's is if I try to use a 306...they feel puny ;)

@JD - You might consider making your own version of thin mints or find a supplier that is using clear flavorings. I'm wondering if the mint flavoring has mint oil which I think does degrade coils more quickly but many people use them. I don't use menthols or mints myself. I'm finicky about my juices. I like the ones I know are made in lab and have batch testing done...US made. I'm leery of some of these vendors that make juices at home lol. I mean, I'm not sure I'd eat at their home until I saw how clean it was ROFL....so I'm finicky!

I used to use a chocolate peanut butter liquid eons ago and loved it but realized I was going through a shit ton of atomizers. Now I notice my attys last much longer when I use clear'ish juices. ELP just started selling their Essence flavorings. They and a bunch of the other big vendors all have their juices made in the same lab here in FL. These are juices I feel more confident in as I know there is some testing, sanitary conditions and quality control. Eliquid planet has a dark chocolate flavoring that is the best chocolate flavor I've ever tasted. It is rich though and to me needs to be mixed with something. I mixed with the coconut cream and it is very nice. I'm thinking mixed with a mint it might make a good thin mint flavor. Of course I don't know if the recipe you have also has cookie flavor/sweetener/etc. They have the flavorings on their site in 5ml bottles but I told them they need bigger bottles lol. I'm really digging their pineapple flavoring at the moment.

ELP also opened a new site just for flavorings that does international shipping. I ordered mine off ELP's site though to get my 10% coupon code to work ;)

ELP's Essence Flavorings: http://eliquidplanet.com/essence-flavor-concentrates-5ml.html
10% off code: ELP10

Their new flavoring site: http://liquidflavoring.com/essence-flavoring.html


Head of Pot
Lo said:
Hmmm.. Not sure what's going on with your 357's dudes. Do they leak?? One thing I am loving is my 357's have not leaked one drop. Not that my 306's were leaky but...here and there they did leak. I ask because I think broken seal would them leak and be a symptom we can pinpoint. If the seal is broken Hanna should be contacted.

No. That is one thing I LOVE about these. No leaking is awesome. Its a little better after a long soak I did yesterday, then it dropped off again in the evening. I soaked it overnight and just busted out the 2nd .357 a few minutes ago. I am going to soak this new one overnight, every night, to prevent any build up.

I'm super picky about flavor too. I took me quite a few mint chocs before I found just the right one.

Honestly, if it is the Thinn Mint, I'll probably suck it up and go back to 306's :( That's how hooked I am on this flavor. And yes it does have some cookie/sweetener in it.

I'm not ruling out the .357 quite yet. I'm gonna have to try the higher ohm ones as well.

the ob

all good in the hood.
since the beginning, I feel like I have to take a little longer drags than hannah said. I usually take them for like 3 or 4 seconds.

Lo, who do you order from primarily?

btw, I have been soaking frequently as I like to try to get the flavors out.

I have had one small leak, but it seemed to be the only time.

I have used a ton including JDS's beloved thin mint :)

In his video, hannah uses what looks like a dark liquid.

lo, what are you setting your darwin at? I still have frequent popping with juice spitting out and I have it set at a very low setting.

good news is that I think I have figured out that I cannot use 70/30 pg/vg. it has to be either 50/50 or maybe skew the other way in order to not hurt my stomach. I have some 60/40 vg/pg on order today to try.
the ob,


Head of Pot
the ob said:
good news is that I think I have figured out that I cannot use 70/30 pg/vg. it has to be either 50/50 or maybe skew the other way in order to not hurt my stomach. I have some 60/40 vg/pg on order today to try.

Good deal glad you might have finally figured out your mystery :p


Combustion free since '09
I'm using the 357's at 8.3-8.5watts on the Darwin. If it is spitting and popping liquid at you, that means juice you has water added :(

I sample juices from a bunch of places but I try to use the lab made juices as my primary vapes. Lately I've been mixing my own. Many people still use darker juices but they also may be going through attys at a quicker pace. I just found that clearer juices give me longer atty life but I would think more frequent cleanings would also help for darker juice.

Glad you are figuring out what works for your stomach Ob. That is challenging for many. I have tried every % mixture and at one point was vaping 100% VG juices. I've settled into a 70/30 blend myself.

the ob

all good in the hood.
Lo said:
I'm using the 357's at 8.3-8.5watts on the Darwin. If it is spitting and popping liquid at you, that means juice you has water added :(

thin mint......

how did you get started mixing your own? was there a kit you started with? I would like to do this at some point and was just curious.
the ob,


Combustion free since '09
:( Bummer! Yeah... it's been discussed that just like dropping a drop of water onto a hot skillet... water will sizzle and pop back at you. If you notice it popping liquid that is an indication of water present in the juice :(

I don't use water in any of my juices though some use distilled water to dilute their juices.
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