E-Cigarette (not for THC use)


Queer in a high haze
Any suggestions on a vape that is about the same size as the EGO(w/ the usb charge and vape), but offers a vaping experience that is hotter(I guess an atty that works at a higher temp?), and more cloud producing? I saw the GG slim, but I can't seem to find them anywhere in the states. So, any other ideas, thanks.


Combustion free since '09
I did get more 357's... a girl needs backup!

@Lesvape! What atomizer you vaping on your eGo now?? You using standard or low resistance?? Holler. There are oodles of options.

the ob

all good in the hood.
good. so many seems to not get them and I got mine because of you! glad you won too!
the ob,


Combustion free since '09
lol.. I set the alarm on my phone to remind me to jump on and order as I was in a meeting ROFL!!! Meeting was put on hold for a few... priorities you know ;) Glad you got on board too. Do watch that video that Hanna did so you'll know how to handle the atty. I love mine so much, I had to get backups.

I think Cisco said more stock would arrive in the next few days too so hopefully those that missed out will get in on the next round. At least we didn't crash the website last night lol. I think he sold all 100 in like 5 mins.

the ob

all good in the hood.
no I did not see the video. do you have the link again? I swear it was more like 2 min.
the ob,


Head of Pot
the ob said:
no I did not see the video. do you have the link again? I swear it was more like 2 min.

According to the thread on ECF a few people had their attys go out of stock while in their cart. So it would seem to be based on when you hit "place order" not when you put them in the cart. I'd bet it was closer to the 2min mark as well. Here's the vid : HH.357

And a super thank you to Lo for turning me on to these new bad boys. I dont follow ECF nearly as much as I used to so I tend to miss shit. I've been wishing for handmade attys for a long time!

And still no answer from Ryan @ RnR.... :mad:

the ob

all good in the hood.
JDSupreme said:
the ob said:
no I did not see the video. do you have the link again? I swear it was more like 2 min.

According to the thread on ECF a few people had their attys go out of stock while in their cart. So it would seem to be based on when you hit "place order" not when you put them in the cart. I'd bet it was closer to the 2min mark as well. Here's the vid : HH.357

And a super thank you to Lo for turning me on to these new bad boys. I dont follow ECF nearly as much as I used to so I tend to miss shit. I've been wishing for handmade attys for a long time!

And still no answer from Ryan @ RnR.... :mad:

yeah, Lo has been great.

i emailed ryan twice yesterday with no answer. he is probably bumming right now. He will receive mine today and hopefully will do the right thing and fix it and get it back to me. I will let you know.
the ob,


Head of Pot
the ob said:
yeah, Lo has been great.

i emailed ryan twice yesterday with no answer. he is probably bumming right now. He will receive mine today and hopefully will do the right thing and fix it and get it back to me. I will let you know.

Just got an email back like a min ago. $39 to fix it. Not too bad...

Now that they are no longer in production and I will have basically a brand new box I should be able to get most of my $$ back minus the repair on the ECF classifieds.

I have to send my old buzz back to get it fixed as well. Thats my backup. Before I got the Buzz Pro, when the other buzz and ali'i both died I was using my Totally Wicked 510 Passthru for like a week haha that was my 2nd ecig ever!

the ob

all good in the hood.
JDSupreme said:
the ob said:
yeah, Lo has been great.

i emailed ryan twice yesterday with no answer. he is probably bumming right now. He will receive mine today and hopefully will do the right thing and fix it and get it back to me. I will let you know.

Just got an email back like a min ago. $39 to fix it. Not too bad...

Now that they are no longer in production and I will have basically a brand new box I should be able to get most of my $$ back minus the repair on the ECF classifieds.

I have to send my old buzz back to get it fixed as well. Thats my backup. Before I got the Buzz Pro, when the other buzz and ali'i both died I was using my Totally Wicked 510 Passthru for like a week haha that was my 2nd ecig ever!

happy for you. I hope to hear today as well and get it fixed, back and then sold. Ill let you know.
the ob,

the ob

all good in the hood.
JDSupreme said:
the ob said:
yeah, Lo has been great.

i emailed ryan twice yesterday with no answer. he is probably bumming right now. He will receive mine today and hopefully will do the right thing and fix it and get it back to me. I will let you know.

Just got an email back like a min ago. $39 to fix it. Not too bad...

Now that they are no longer in production and I will have basically a brand new box I should be able to get most of my $$ back minus the repair on the ECF classifieds.

I have to send my old buzz back to get it fixed as well. Thats my backup. Before I got the Buzz Pro, when the other buzz and ali'i both died I was using my Totally Wicked 510 Passthru for like a week haha that was my 2nd ecig ever!

he got mine today at 12:30 and I still have not heard from him. I sure hope I do at some point. very sketchy.
the ob,


Queer in a high haze
Lo said:
I did get more 357's... a girl needs backup!

@Lesvape! What atomizer you vaping on your eGo now?? You using standard or low resistance?? Holler. There are oodles of options.
I have the standard tank and a 510 2.2(or was it 2.1)ohm that I am dripping with.


Head of Pot
the ob said:
he got mine today at 12:30 and I still have not heard from him. I sure hope I do at some point. very sketchy.

Did you send it without talking to him? Nice. I was about to do that. As long as u left a note in there he should contact u.


Combustion free since '09
lesvape said:
Lo said:
I did get more 357's... a girl needs backup!

@Lesvape! What atomizer you vaping on your eGo now?? You using standard or low resistance?? Holler. There are oodles of options.
I have the standard tank and a 510 2.2(or was it 2.1)ohm that I am dripping with.

Oh dude! I think if you tried one of the Cisco 306's in 1.8 ohm or even 2.0ohm you might be rather pleased. It would fit your 510 connector but you'd need a drip tip to go with. They are a great atty for dripping and provide more vapor/heat than the one you're using now. You could also use a 1.5ohm version but I hear the lower ohm's could make your overall battery life shorter. I think 1.8ohm would give you the boost you're looking for ;)

1.8ohm atty: http://www.avidvaper.com/products/LR306-Low-Resistance-Atomizer-1.8-ohm-(Cisco-Spec).html

Drip tip: http://www.avidvaper.com/categories/Drip-Tips/306-Drip-Tips/
You could get the shorter or longer 306 drip tips or the adapter thingy-do that would allow you to use your 510 drip tip though I haven't tried the adapter ;) I did use the 306's more than a year.


A member of one of the MMJ forums that boasts they are ionizing acetalized cannabis in ecigs.
This has peaked my interest, in e-gigs... so I am in!
Still a non smoker, I have ordered a number of flavored e-liquids, and a few units to try. Patty would like to completely stop smoking. I would like to vape more often (as if that were possible) without medicating!
NOW a warning
I ordered an E-cigar and e-liquid base from http://e-cig.com
I got the liquid, but no Cigar!
I sent them an email, and was told that I had a choice...
I could have them send it again, but it would take a month, or I could reorder, and then they would reverse the charges on my second order.
I filed a dispute with PayPal, and the companies cooperation will be determined.


Head of Pot
Vitolo said:
A member of one of the MMJ forums that boasts they are ionizing acetalized cannabis in ecigs.
This has peaked my interest, in e-gigs... so I am in!
Still a non smoker, I have ordered a number of flavored e-liquids, and a few units to try. Patty would like to completely stop smoking. I would like to vape more often (as if that were possible) without medicating!
NOW a warning
I ordered an E-cigar and e-liquid base from http://e-cig.com
I got the liquid, but no Cigar!
I sent them an email, and was told that I had a choice...
I could have them send it again, but it would take a month, or I could reorder, and then they would reverse the charges on my second order.
I filed a dispute with PayPal, and the companies cooperation will be determined.

Stay away from crap sites like that. Stick with ECF Suppliers. Lotta mall kiosk garbage out there. My Buzz Pro costs about as much as a "Smoking Everywhere" kit that you'd see in a mall (although I haven't seen them kiosks around lately, bout time)

Did you order liquids with or without nicotine? Don't go getting on nicotine if you are not already lol

Lo said:
Drip tip: http://www.avidvaper.com/categories/Dri Drip-Tips/
You could get the shorter or longer 306 drip tips or the adapter thingy-do that would allow you to use your 510 drip tip though I haven't tried the adapter I did use the 306's more than a year.

I use drip tips but never drip through them lol too much of a pain when you get the bubble and have to blow lightly into them to get the juice to run down. I have no problem pulling the tip off and throwing a few drops in. Much quicker IMO I just like the open airflow of a drip tip opposed to a cart

Lo said:
Oh dude! I think if you tried one of the Cisco 306's in 1.8 ohm or even 2.0ohm you might be rather pleased.

Second that! 2.0 ohm 306 @ 4.8v is a killer combo. However my opinion my change when the HH.357's come tomorrow :p


Liquids without nicotine for me, and with mild nicotine for my wife.
Checking the sites you provided now! :)


Combustion free since '09
Hmmm.. I have been in ecig land for over 2yrs and that site is not one I'm familiar with Vitolo.

I have seen the disposable e cigars, gave a few away at xmas time but they all had nicotine in them.

I'd file that dispute and perhaps order from a vendor that has a good reputation. I know not many carry cigars though. You probably would be just as happy with an eGo/Riva/Brother type setup. For Patty, I'd surely get her one of those styles if you want her to try to transition to vaping. I'll throw some vendor links below of vendors I have dealt with and know they're above board ;) If you need personal assistance you are more than welcome to email me :D I do not sell ecigs...no vested interest. I just enjoy helping folks and ecigs made such a positive impact on my life, I love to see others find their way to vapor too :D

Cigars: http://shop.nhaler.com/Greenworld-Cigar-Type-eCig_c86.htm
(The disposables DO contain nicotine which I would NOT recommend to ANY non smoker)

If you look to get an ecig setup I'd suggest avoiding the kits which contain standard atomizers that honestly most people don't find satisfying. If you buy the battery/charger then add the atomizers & drip tips of your choice. I like the Brother batteries as they will last all day:

The charger for Brother/Ego/Riva: http://www.avidvaper.com/products/Riva-|-Ego-USB-fast-Charger.html

Throw in a couple atomizers and a drip tip and you're good to go :)

And of course you already have juice lol... I swear there is juice in a gazillion flavors now too so with trial and error usually folks find something they love.


Head of Pot
Vitolo said:
Liquids without nicotine for me, and with mild nicotine for my wife.
Checking the sites you provided now! :)

If you have a lower voltage device (standard e-cig voltage is 3.6-3.7v) then make sure to get a low resistance atomizer so your wife gets a more "cig-like" hit. Get a few different strength liquids too because your wife may need a higher strength at first to get her off the analogs (what us e-ciggers call regular cigarettes) 12mg, 18mg and 24mg is a good place to start.

When I first got my ecig about 2 years ago I didn't even plan on quitting (just wanted a new toy to play with) but ended up putting the analogs down after about a week. Amazing considering all these people that fail at quitting cigs. For someone to quit without planning on quitting is amazing to me still.

And if Patty is a menthol smoker I highly suggest FSUSA Thinn Mint

Highly recommend FSUSA for e-liquid as well

the ob

all good in the hood.
JDSupreme said:
the ob said:
he got mine today at 12:30 and I still have not heard from him. I sure hope I do at some point. very sketchy.

Did you send it without talking to him? Nice. I was about to do that. As long as u left a note in there he should contact u.

of course I forgot to put a note in but he did email me before hand. I have emailed him three times in the last couple of days and I know it was delivered yesterday, but I have heard nothing.

just freaks me out a little.
the ob,


Combustion free since '09
:( Fingers crossed for you Ob. I've always heard people speak highly of Ryan so I hope he takes care of this for you.

the ob

all good in the hood.
be careful, this (buying all this crap) becomes another addiction.

Is there a way to take the cap off and drip with a 306? I too hate how the liquid gets trapped, but do not think you can do it with the drip tip off. I have used a toothpick to push it down which is annoying.

let me know if there is a way. thanks!

ps thanks lo!
the ob,


Head of Pot
the ob said:
JDSupreme said:
the ob said:
he got mine today at 12:30 and I still have not heard from him. I sure hope I do at some point. very sketchy.

Did you send it without talking to him? Nice. I was about to do that. As long as u left a note in there he should contact u.

of course I forgot to put a note in but he did email me before hand. I have emailed him three times in the last couple of days and I know it was delivered yesterday, but I have heard nothing.

just freaks me out a little.

Are you in warranty or are you paying for repair. I'm like 2 months past warranty so I gotta pay but oh well better than losing $185


Hell... I will be reading, and likely be in contact with all of you that just posted.. ( and left an "opening" for contact)
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