First time e-bike owner here. I needed a commuter. This isn't nearly as burly as the other bikes posted here, it has a 350w nominal/ 500 peak motor but I wanted something that resembled an actual bicycle and that's super easy to carry around. She comes in at 33 pounds.
Of course I only get 20-25 miles a charge but its fine with my lifestyle. Its pedal assist only and it's a single speed. It has a belt drive which is fantastic. I wasn't too in love with the absence of disc brakes but it does keep the weight down. I threw some koolstop pads on it and it has solid stopping power now.
It came with a flat/riser bar which I swapped out for a narrower bullhorn bar with some cork wrap and a more agressive stem. The new bar required new smaller brake levers. I shaved a tiny bit of weight. A full drop bar conversion wouldve been nice but I didn't want to go to the expense. I really enjoy going to and from work now. Cruising at 40kph/24mph with low effort is addicting.