glad you like the butane, I stumbled upon it by accident, first used other butane that had a metal refill-part, but thyat didn't work as well with my lighters, but I happened to have a can belonging to a friend at my house and used that for once and worked well so I asked where he got it, and that was this butane
I'm not rea;;y sure of it's illegal, haven't read any official statement about it, but I think I've read some people saying that on another (dutch) forum
I made some ice with a few friends a while ago from a bag of trim I still had laying around from last year's harvest, worked out pretty well but wasn't that much, but always nice for a first time(and we split it between 4 people or so)
also saw an interesting method they used once on spuiten&slikken, they filled an ice-o-lator bag with weed/trim and dry ice and then shaked, so kind of a mix of ice and sief hash