Away with the fairies
One of the shops who was famous for potent hash & had oils was the bluebird. And still is (speaking of hash), if you look at the menu
After that ban they began to product ice o lator hash that is still legal to sell. I really hope to see concentrates very soon.
If someone goes to the Netherlands I recommend going at least once to Haarlem, there are many good CS (Birdy, Willie Wortels) and they are way cheaper than A'dam and you don't find tourist-traps.
The Bluebird does have a great menu & a way too comfortable sofa!

I second your recommendation for Haarlem and also recommend a trip to Leiden - for much better deals & the chance to explore other nearby cities. Some coffee shops there even have double deal days (2-for-1) for those of you who love to bag a bargain!