Whats the name of the old-fashioned greek restaurant in Detroit? It looks like it's been there a billion years. 3 or 4 blocks from the GM building, anyways it's a fun place, but I wouldn't name a vape after it. I'm not really sure why I'm bringing it up, but I'm pretty sure this could easily be x-posted into the 'bump this thread if you are vaped now'. Probably...
Anyways, every time I look at the thread and read the reviews of the thing, all that goes through my head is 'The lion of zion', which almost seems appropriate, given it's roots and all... Whats some other good Rasta-stylee names for the face-ripper-offer? It's not like we don't have some time to kill waiting for October...


<-- this is my fave icon...
PS - ToD always reminds me of EoDM. Every single time I come into the thread this song goes through my head... thats not a bad thing really...