Ehm yesIl lato nero? Lmao penso che Lei abbia voluto dire il lato oscuro.
Ooops...hem....yesThe black side? Lmao i think you meant to say the dark side.
Funny but I've just come to the same conclusionIf I had the ability to make a vaporizer exactly to my liking that was perfect for myself this TOD would be it. It's got everything I want,need,desire in a portable. Which is power power power power. With me being in control of exactly how much heat I need. It's as if I manufactured this vaporizer for myself. You are never left wishing for more power or air flow. There is zero amount of pre heat time. Zero zilch notta.
I'm not sure why I keep posting in this thread every time I do I've been experiencing separation issues. I know I'm being unreasonable but I can't help it.
Hi guys, I've been following the Zion, this and the single battery with great interest, but it's become slightly confusing to me (I confess that I am easily confused).
Perhaps someone could clarify some things for me?
If I were to pre-order the dual-batt now, would the unit I receive have a trigger, or just the 'swing hatch' currently pictured on the shop page?
Re' the single batt' unit, the header states that the glass is 18mm, but the text mentions 14mm.
Which is it?
And would this thing milk a bong? or at least 'fog' one
Is the dual 18350 model dead and buried?
I ask as my perfect vape would be a regulated version of the dual 18350 for use with a water tool (and very occasional use with just a stem).
I wouldn't be bothered if it was 18 or 14mm, as long as it worked well!
It surprises me that 14mm isn't felt to be wide enough as my INH05 does pretty well with a 10mm glass stem (but I want MOAR)
BTW, well done to everyone involved with these vapes, they look great, and this thread has been a real pleasure to follow![]()
Has the single 18650 version officially been raised to 50 watts?Single is 18mm, wide airflow bc this is pure convection with 50 watts of power
Has the single 18650 version officially been raised to 50 watts?
The description has always just said >25 watts.
The dual will have a trigger, no dual 18350 but some day maybe years from now...
Single is 18mm, wide airflow bc this is pure convection with 50 watts of power, INH is mostly conduction with like 25 watts? Doesn't have the wide open airy draw of this.
And yes it can milk and fog a bong or bubbler like nobody's business, in seconds too, true for the whole line really, even long dry stems
Your finger has been hovering over that button for a while, Dude. Congrats for making the plunge. I promise you won't be sorry.Son of a bitch - ordered!
I got VAS covered until Christmas!!!