What about riding a motorcycle high. Your only gonna hurt yourself then.
I always find soon as I'm on a bike I don't feel high anymore anyway.
Eh, you can still kill people on a motorcycle. If you want to ride it (alone) on a track while high, I wouldn't mind, but you can definitely cause a fatal automobile accident with a motorcycle.
We need more science.
No one is ever '100%'. By your logic, there shouldn't be vehicles. There are unlimited variables at work in the real world and efforts to quantify impairments are not uniformly accurate and again, are not 100%. For this reason you can't blanket ban anything ethically and that's why people will get pissed off when you claim that's a reasonable resolution.
In most places worth being, driving is a necessity. It's not a right, no way, that's why we prove competence. If cannabis is no longer illegal, then it is fair to assume it then becomes a variable. Unless you can quantify the high (which is scientifically unlikely, at least for now), you can't factually talk about a level of impairment on an individual basis. You can deduce if they have used it in the past 4weeks/6months, but not to what extent. As tests indicate that driving under the influence of cannabinoids is not inherently dangerous, users should have the ability to prove their competence in a risk managed way. Once they have proved they are competent, they have valid argument to stand on given a situation that requires one. Fault and blame is then applied to the reality of an individual's mistake and if this is caused purely by negligence that is all that needs to be said. Drugs may effect performance but they don't cause accidents. People cause accidents, be it people on drugs, people sober, people sick, people tired. It's the persons fault and not anything more. You can't avoid danger and the studies are showing that cannabis doesn't add enough to warrant concern. More studies need to be done, always, but evidence needs to exist against an idea for it to maintain negative connotation otherwise ignorance prevails.
By my logic, if you aren't 100% because you are sleepy, nauseous, high, dizzy, old, etc., you should OPT to not drive. The impairments that can be tested for, should be tho. Just because you can't ban all dangers and accurately test for them, doesn't mean you should let them all slide.
While you can't "blanket ban" things without people getting upset (like prohibition of alcohol, or the illegality of weed), you most certainly CAN ban things during certain situations, such as being high while driving, or carrying liquids onto airplanes. It's not illegal to do those things normally in most places, but when it can be dangerous (note the word CAN), it is banned, and rightfully so. If that upsets some people, it's just too bad. Not everything goes 100% the way everyone would want.
Drugs may effect performance but they don't cause accidents. People cause accidents, be it people on drugs, people sober, people sick, people tired. It's the persons fault and not anything more.
So alcohol doesn't cause accidents either? That's just ridiculous, because it definitely does. Without being drunk, a lot of drunk accidents wouldn't have happened, which means it is the cause.
What I don't get, is why so many people feel like they NEED to be high for the couple hours that they'll be driving. I seriously only believe that less than 1% of cannabis users NEED to be high while driving, and unfortunately, I also don't believe those few should be allowed to drive. Everyone else saying they drive high on here, is saying it either helps, or makes it more fun, or whatever, but not providing a reason why they NEED it., and if you don't NEED it, then you shouldn't even question it, imo. Safety > comfort/preference.