Well-Known Member
I don't trust anyone's judgement on their abilities while impaired. Not with my life, anyway. Idc if they want to risk killing themselves.Ugh.
Again with the emotional crap.
Why cant you accept these drugs have intoxicating effects?
its well sourced that sleep deprivation can cause impairment worse than alcohol.
yet you probably shrug off sleepy drivers too.
Look if you've never smoked a cigarette in your life and you smoke 2 or 3 they have a huge head rush effect with a couch lock and dizziness to boot.
Never tried smoking in high school? the first few times are really hard hitting before you know your limit or gain a tolerance.
I know for a fact I wouldnt be able to drive and would be impaired from large amounts of cigarette smoke, because I dont smoke, but I dont go guilt tripping the people who do it, because I know they have built tolerance and trust they know how the drug effects them.
And while coffee and cigarettes can make you feel a bit different, they don't get you high or stoned. If you could get stoned on cigs people would instead of risking getting hailed for weed. Weed impairs you more and is more fun as a result. If you chain smoke anything, you'll get a buzz from carcinogens and oxygen deprivation, but that isn't good enough to get stoned.
I don't think you should drive sleepy either, but that doesn't mean I think you should drive high. Both shouldnt be done. Just because people break rules and do stupid things sometimes and get away with it, doesn't mean they should be allowed to by the law.
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