I dropped my dabber like 2 inches and it broke, first piece of glass I've ever broke too. Really disappointed.
I did too, while sitting on my couch, it just kinda bounced off the unit... I contacted DD n they sent me a new one immediately as well as som replacement ceramic cups, cus mine chipped a bit after cleaning mode.
please someone help me lol I cant get the well cleaned and its really badly stained, any techniques or advice that has worked on the switch would be greatly appreciated <3
Run the clean mode.. then take out the cup immediately and fill it with microwaved iso.. let it sit like 30-40 mins. If u watch it, u can see a bunch of shit melting off
Has anyone else seen the new Switche bubble attachment upgrades? If what I saw was legit, they seem to have this red/maroon glass hour glass shaped recycler (what I’m hoping for!) another OG style but in black glass, who knows on that one. It could be exactly the same or there could be some opals or cool sparkles hidden in there.. then another clear unit that seamed to be some kind of bubbled, klien piece of some kind.. coool shit on the horizon fellas!

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