Anyone else's ceramic cup disintegrate yet? Not dropped or bumped into, this happened while it was inside the base. I believe from self clean mode.
Yikes that doesn't look good. I hope this isn't going be a common issue. I figured the cups would need to be replaced, but wow not this quick.
I wish there prices where not so high for shipping. Misplaced the cup cover and it's more to ship it than item cost. Sadly I can't find a $100 worth of anything I wanted for the switch to get free shipping. Well maybe now looks like might be a good ideal to order extra cups
Couple of cons things and I disliked I talked about it's pro's earlier

First is the battery door fall offs easy. It's held on by magnets and if turn unit well on a it's sitting sometimes when you pick it up the cover is left behind. I could see it getting lost if used out and about.
I also had to remove battery twice to get it reset to work for me. Worth a shot if having issues.
The layout of controls could be better. I rather have the fire button separate from temp control.
For me it's hard to tell what button to click due to lack of feeling in hand. plus I can't see the buttons well in use. Wish the used app for controls and firmware update. It's silly that we will need to send it back to have future firmware upgrades.
Last is the nail carb cover I find it useless and the nail more a distraction. Much rather have had a little 1 or 2 inch tall handle loop something just to pick its up with.
Been eyeing a crafty cooling piece as everyday replacement for the percolator set up. Look like it fit on top of unit with out the percolator. Just don't want to void the warranty. I'll rather save the percolator for special times since cleaning glassworks can be a pain. Granted it's not hard to clean, just with one good hand more afraid of breakage.
Don't get me wrong still really pleased with the switch. I bought this knowing what to expect and for more a specific use. Thanks to FC I was aware of the good and bad. Saying that, this is a hard one to recommend for herbal use. Oil's great but most members here are not going find value if just looking for taste and clouds. You can get tasty hits from switch. Just in the current setup takes more work.
Really the amount of FC sales for Dr. Dabbler Switch I would think are small. Where I feel there other problem is it's the out of the box controls. Unit take's some adjustment to get the best out of it. It's target market seems to be is in the oil users, smokers and new vaporizer users that that enjoy a bong type experiences. With the switch you get that without flame extra heat etc.
It's annoying to use without spending time playing with settings. The draw speed is too long and heat setting are higher it seems. No matter what you do it blackens the load. It goes into constant long cool down mode. A new vaporizer user isn't going be aware of what the great taste of vapor can be. There going use unit as is. Watch the early reviews and notice how long some of the cool downs are on the video's. New user going be turned off can't really share party vape if waiting mins btw hits. If someone that enjoy vaporizing try's it like that also be turned off.
Most of issue are fixable in advance mode. Just don't see new user spending time to learn it. To get best use out of it you kinda need to be a vaporizer user. Kinda a catch 22.