Hrm, it clearly has some fans, but I wanted to give a set of first impressions and I'm a stream of consciousness guy so here goes
The bubbler is nice to be included but clearly second quality. Mouthpiece is good but neck angle is a little off and tolerances are loose all over the place here. Unacceptable fault in that the carb cap, even with the rubber slip on cover thing doesn't fully cover the payload area without finagling, which I find just sub par in a commercial product. Also, the bubbler itself is too close to the Switch outer shell and it doesn't make a perfect connection when slipping down over the payload area because it is pushed out by the body of the Switch. Did anybody actually put the pieces of my unit together before sending to me? If they did, and they worked for me, I would fire them.
The unit is a beast! Battery seems to be good, I've used it a bit and cleaned two cycles and still at full bars

It was actually set right for me for concentrates out of the box. I started with level 3, and have hovered between 3 and 4 for a few hours. Works great, other than that I have to jam that dang CC down on there every time
Flower threw me a bit. I don't get much at standard 3, and twice I've gotten fully charcoal stuff that you could use as ash on a steam pipe out of it at 4. When I smell it, it doesn't smell like eucalyptus popcorn, it smells like something that was on fire, but there is no ash, just dark brown/black crumbly residue.
Time will tell!