Salutations Dr.Dabber,
4. Thermal mass of the heating element can be precisely controlled.
12. Heating element are easily replaced or changed as needed by different applications
13. Heating elements can be optimized for a specific application.
14. Heating elements can be quickly removed to prevent unwanted heat soak into surrounding components.
About the convective + radiative heating of a cannabic bowl, with some complementary conductive component, i'd strongly suggest exploring the integration of Curie alloys to items #4, #12 and #13; as for item #14 i believe there's a much more appropriate/convenient solution to "Heat Soaking" (or not) and that's to implement a "solid-state" airflow-actuated heat-valve.
For example, if i may:
That's how i personally con
ceive the "
Shortest Path of Least Transformation". When idle the cannabic bowl would be partly isolated from radiative heat temporarily stored in a core's metal disc, with no convective component until inhalation begins, at which time the Top-of-Bowl separated by a Brass Screen shield is suddenly heat-soaked, exactly. No moving parts required.
As a bonus surrounding materials can have their specifications relaxed provided the "Heat Charge" matches the workload closely enough (wasting energy is a bad habit anyway!); once a toke got extracted residual heat in the core shall deplete rapidly, or even almost instantly if "PinHoles" (
P2) allow the Top-of-Bowl area to be cooled off directly with minimal distance and delay.
That later point seems essential in the exploration of alternative consumption methods beyond the reach of conventional slow "
Hot Dry Air Ovenizers"... After all it can be tricky attempting to offer satisfying aroma/taste appreciation from a few tokes which only cost approximately 20 mg each from a ~125 mg bowl for crispy-dry flowers.
Good day, have fun!!