Ahhh about time on the emails... the bubblecaps design leaves a little to be desired, but atleast it has DR etched into it... was hopin for a few nore accessories, somethin like an over sized switch dab mat, or some cool different Dabber or something..
I was wondering the same thing bro... I have a bubble cab carted, n am also ordering the ceramic flower filter thing, but it’s asking for shipping, and considering we have a $400 unit shipping to us this week, Youd think they could jus add on our accessories into the original shipment... also, for the pre-orders, the free quartz dish is a cool lil gift.. but cream city is offering afree DD Aurora Vape pen set to any n all of theirs pre-orders. You would think ordering directly from the source n the main company itself, would get you the better of the ore-order gifts. But I guess not... lol woulda muuuuuch rather had the aurora pen (I desperately need a new non cartridge vape pen, n I’ve had my eye on the aurora for awhile, lol) then could have jus purchased the quartz dish.. dish is $40, pen is $100... CreamCity definetly has the better of the two pre-order gifts... ordering of their simple bubble caps, lol is it just me? Or does is that bubble cap the same style ones you see at ur local cig/smoke shop, and dhgate? Hopefully the glass on it is thick and not too light weight. I reallly would have liked up upgrade the percolator too... I’m sure that fumed one looks awesome when colored.. But with it being the same same bubbler, n the same function... i I’ll stick to the stock one n wait for a proper Klein piece or recycler to come out..