I have the Chinese version of what Thorn has. In fact, I let Trey borrow it so he had something to reference.
When he brought me Thorn's piece over complete, he said "That Chinese piece aint shit" and when we water tested it, we were like

The perc design is definitely better. Like I said, tho, Id be really shocked if most people make their own percs. But percs are only a couple of bucks each so its not like its a big investment. I do think we had to buy 10 tho.
Thorn, enjoy the piece, my friend. We ALMOST put a little bit of a bend in the stem to make it easier to mate the LSV up but I thought given how long the LSV is, that might make things a real stretch for you.
That thing would be a sick dab rig. I can get you a quartz nail to fit it for like $40.00. One of Trey's buddies makes them locally. We'll see on the honeybuckets. I actually have an idea for something better, I just need to sit down and draw it out and see if he can make it.