Doughboy Glass

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Ive water tested his piece already. It swirls the water nicely. It doesnt seem to create a vortex but the water spins around nicely.

Now I havent played with water levels at all. I tossed some water in it, pulled on it once or twice and dumped it. I just wanted to make sure it didnt suck water.

The double recycler piece would be really easy for him the way he makes his stuff. Just say the word :)

I think the vortex comes from the uptake tube being welded to the side of the vortex chamber. This seems to cause the water to swirl around like a whirlpool and create the vortex. I also think the size of the return tube (it needs to be fairly small or pinched to restrict the drain a little. If it is too big the water will drain too fast and not create a vortex) and the shape of the vortex chamber has to do with it as well, but I'm still a beginner so please correct me if I am wrong :)

Not sure if it is possible to create a vortex with the uptake tube being connected to the top of the vortex chamber. I'm sure it recycles great (which is plenty good for me) but all the new crave for some people seems to be that damn vortex haha.

I will definitely let you know once I'm ready for the double recycle :) I gotta get back to the states first and save up a little cause I know it will be pricey being fully worked :)


Well-Known Member
which one again?

Edit: oh that's a shame. I really like those.
@CrazyDiamond's piece that @PoopMachine is sending out Monday. Towards the end of page 3

Yeah I guess it's a shame if you want a vortex, but if you just want a recycler it will be a nice worked piece that recycles well for a great price. I'm sure Trey can put the uptake tube on the side of the recycling chamber to help create a nice vortex. I'm sure if you ask he can produce :) maybe cost a little more but I can't imagine it would be much more.


H.A.L. got screwed!
:D:D:D:D:D:rockon::rockon::rockon::rockon::rockon:Vortex smortex,'s cool...besides, like PM said, he only did a quick H2O test to see if it would suck...I will play with levels and see if it'll vortex. No biggie if it doesn't since I know already that I will get two more pieces made by Trey...the "flagship piece" (can't think of a better term right now) and I want a Klein (and that's your fault @Caligula!, j/k).

Edit: Make that three pieces...the big baddie, the klein, and I gotta have one of those double recyclers that @BoogerMan posted and wants (you do yours first bro)it's so cool looking...maybe I'll get NCC-1701 printed somewhere on it, lol.
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Accessory Maker
Don't worry guys, I'm working on getting some pictures and a action video for you to see the vortex function.

It's my first recycler and I'm enjoying the piece, can't wait to share feedback in the next few days!


stay true to yourselves
I believe it's just slyme... at least that's what the image was tagged as. The top one is called Parris Green (one of my favorites it's supposed to be like a Perier bottle). The center is obviously clear with line work.

@BoogerMan uranium glass actually has uranium in it. Like literally. Also hardly anyone makes it anymore. That's why it's so pricy.
Yeah, you don't want radioactive glass.. I don't think that is practical under any circumstances.. Looks nice under black light though..


Well-Known Member
SO.... ummm... who wants it :D



H.A.L. got screwed!
Whoa...would that be called a stemline klein recycler? That thing is cool. Need a function vid, hehe. I do like it. You saw my pm about another three? Something like this is definitely one of the three. But I would like someone else to have 1st, 2nd, and 3rd shot at it. My next one I want it to be the big baddy flagship whatever you wanna call it. I need you and the Mrs. to come up with some ideas for it...we already know the "style" for chambers, percs, we need to make it unique for reasons we won't discuss here.
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I should have a function video of it tomorrow but I dont expect it wont be awesome. ALL Trey does when he isnt building pieces for people here is build Kleins. He builds at least 2 a day, every day. He designed and made this bad boy in a day. It was cooling in the kiln when I left tonight. Ill have it in my hands tomorrow night to put it through its paces.

Oh yea, if you cant tell, this is to be used as a water tool for an Evo or a Solo or some other GonG vape.


Well-Known Member
That piece looks pretty sweet. Does the return go back into the inline instead of just the side of the can? I have never seen that done before

No, it returns back through the top chamber. There are two tubes joined together inside that you cant see.. thats why it looks kind of odd.
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I am not sure if you understand what I am asking. Or maybe I just don't understand the response.

I see that it is a Klein hydratube. I see how the vapor would travel up from the joint on the bottom to the inline. I see how it would travel to the top chamber and whirl around. I see how the top chamber drains down, out of the piece, and then curves back in.

The part that confused me is that every Klein I have seen the drain tube simply connects to the side of the can, usually below the perc.

This piece the drain tube appears to connect back to the can right where the inline perc is. Which made me think that it drains directly back into the perc.

Am I correct or insane


Well-Known Member
I am not sure if you understand what I am asking. Or maybe I just don't understand the response.

I see that it is a Klein hydratube. I see how the vapor would travel up from the joint on the bottom to the inline. I see how it would travel to the top chamber and whirl around. I see how the top chamber drains down, out of the piece, and then curves back in.

The part that confused me is that every Klein I have seen the drain tube simply connects to the side of the can, usually below the perc.

This piece the drain tube appears to connect back to the can right where the inline perc is. Which made me think that it drains directly back into the perc.

Am I correct or insane

Its below the perc somewhat. All of the Klein's he makes drain back into the same spot.

He makes Kleins all day every day. He has a guy that comes by and picks them up and takes them in like a 3 state radius selling them at shops.

I should have the piece tomorrow night so a function video will be forthcoming.


Well-Known Member
I guess that it is just my eyes and the angle of the picture. It definitely looks like he can make a good Klein. I have no use for a HT but I am excited to see the video.

Kleins are cool and all but I am personally more interested in incyclers. You should post some of those by him or suggest that he do one. Donut perc with the return going straight down through the middle of the donut


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Ok, phew! Finally got a chance to write a long review!

A few weeks ago shortly after @Cannabis Connoisseur got his piece and pictures were posted over on the cheap glass bubblers thread. I began a PM with @PoopMachine to discuss a custom recycler piece.

I really wasn't too specific other than I wanted a sidecar recycler made specifically for vaping, with cobalt blue accents, and maybe a translucent explosion/flower marble to add some character to the piece (I try to give the artist as general of a direction as possible and let them work their magic).

(FYI, I requested cobalt blue glass accents because my wife REALLY likes cobalt blue, and I figured maybe some sexy blue accents might make her hate the piece a little less - since she loathes all things related to cannabis)

Before I even paid for the piece, Trey was already sourcing the blue glass for my piece! I wasn't sure what I was expecting, and I was certainly not disappointed by the result!

Overall, she stands about 10 inches tall, but as you can see from the pictures below, 4 inches come from the tall mouthpiece! The main can is really only about 5" tall. He used round holes instead of slits to make the perc, and they do appear fire polished - all of them seem to fire quite nicely. The glass is a solid 5mm overall (some parts are probably a bit thinner, but the piece feels sturdy for it's size). The base is really nice and wide, I especially like the added hint of blue to the edge of the base (really nice touch - unexpected).

I think my sidecar request threw him for a curveball since nobody had ever asked him for one before, but he pulled it off nicely. It's hard to see from the pictures, but he actually put an indentation on the vortex-can in front of the mouthpiece stem to prevent water from splashing into the MP. I really can't get water in my mouth unless I rip hard enough to fill the whole vortex-can with water.

I did ensure he was going to pitch the water intake from the side verses the top of the vortex to achieve a better action - this was his plan and it seemed to work. She does vortex quite nicely. I'm pleased with the action and performance

Still, it's fun to watch the whirlpool action from directly above!

Ok, enough going on about the piece, here's some pictures (sorry, the blue looks more vibrant than these pictures, I was using a crappy point and shoot instead of my canon)




..... Damn those pictures don't show the true beauty of the marble! I'll need to get some better pictures on a sunny day!

Here's a video shot of the vortex action for you!
..... shoot, turns out I can't embed tinypic's into this forum, oh well, here's a direct link to a video of the vortex (turn down your speakers, sorry for the low audio!)

Overall, the piece is a bit more chuggy than I thought, but I guess this is to be expected from most all recylers. Thankfully my E-Nano can keep up with the increased draw speed required for optimal vortex action! I'm still really enjoying the piece for the price I paid.

AND my wife even admitted (without any provocation!) that it was a cool look piece.... if she was into that sort of thing, ha ha ha

Thanks @PoopMachine for all your help!


Well-Known Member
Didn't get a PM... Please resend if you already sent it. I guess it didn't go through.

I don't have use for a HT either unfortunately. Love the mouthpiece on this one though! Looks like we all need an EVO the next time it's on MassDrop ;)

Still looking forward to my triple klein incycler :) glad to know Trey makes kleins all day. This is going to be one badass piece!
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stay true to yourselves
Ok, phew! Finally got a chance to write a long review!

A few weeks ago shortly after @Cannabis Connoisseur got his piece and pictures were posted over on the cheap glass bubblers thread. I began a PM with @PoopMachine to discuss a custom recycler piece.

I really wasn't too specific other than I wanted a sidecar recycler made specifically for vaping, with cobalt blue accents, and maybe a translucent explosion/flower marble to add some character to the piece (I try to give the artist as general of a direction as possible and let them work their magic).

(FYI, I requested cobalt blue glass accents because my wife REALLY likes cobalt blue, and I figured maybe some sexy blue accents might make her hate the piece a little less - since she loathes all things related to cannabis)

Before I even paid for the piece, Trey was already sourcing the blue glass for my piece! I wasn't sure what I was expecting, and I was certainly not disappointed by the result!

Overall, she stands about 10 inches tall, but as you can see from the pictures below, 4 inches come from the tall mouthpiece! The main can is really only about 5" tall. He used round holes instead of slits to make the perc, and they do appear fire polished - all of them seem to fire quite nicely. The glass is a solid 5mm overall (some parts are probably a bit thinner, but the piece feels sturdy for it's size). The base is really nice and wide, I especially like the added hint of blue to the edge of the base (really nice touch - unexpected).

I think my sidecar request threw him for a curveball since nobody had ever asked him for one before, but he pulled it off nicely. It's hard to see from the pictures, but he actually put an indentation on the vortex-can in front of the mouthpiece stem to prevent water from splashing into the MP. I really can't get water in my mouth unless I rip hard enough to fill the whole vortex-can with water.

I did ensure he was going to pitch the water intake from the side verses the top of the vortex to achieve a better action - this was his plan and it seemed to work. She does vortex quite nicely. I'm pleased with the action and performance

Still, it's fun to watch the whirlpool action from directly above!

Ok, enough going on about the piece, here's some pictures (sorry, the blue looks more vibrant than these pictures, I was using a crappy point and shoot instead of my canon)




..... Damn those pictures don't show the true beauty of the marble! I'll need to get some better pictures on a sunny day!

Here's a video shot of the vortex action for you!
..... shoot, turns out I can't embed tinypic's into this forum, oh well, here's a direct link to a video of the vortex (turn down your speakers, sorry for the low audio!)

Overall, the piece is a bit more chuggy than I thought, but I guess this is to be expected from most all recylers. Thankfully my E-Nano can keep up with the increased draw speed required for optimal vortex action! I'm still really enjoying the piece for the price I paid.

AND my wife even admitted (without any provocation!) that it was a cool look piece.... if she was into that sort of thing, ha ha ha

Thanks @PoopMachine for all your help!

I re-read your entire post to my girlfriend and had a good laugh! I requested blue and purple on my glass so that my partner would hate it a little less as well, and I find it hilarious that I wasn't the only one out there who thought like that. Kudos, and nice glass. It's a cute little unit
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