That dome on
@CrazyDiamond's piece is gorgeous. Looks very similar to the space theme I am trying to come up with that I talk about below. The female joint on the dome looks thick as hell too. Amazing work Trey!
I believe it's just slyme... at least that's what the image was tagged as. The top one is called Parris Green (one of my favorites it's supposed to be like a Perier bottle). The center is obviously clear with line work.
@BoogerMan uranium glass actually has uranium in it. Like literally. Also hardly anyone makes it anymore. That's why it's so pricy.
@Caligula So I think uranium glass is out of the picture and I will stick with the full slime, haterade, and Parris Green glass. I think I have some ideas for my next few items after I save up a bit
1) Double Recycler "Star Trek" ship style with cosmos/space theme
This one may be pretty pricey so I may have to save up for a while and get myself a nice christmas present lol. When I look at this double recycler it kind of reminds me of a space ship from Star Trek or something. I will definitely have a longer mouthpiece (I hate when the joint is right by your face. I don't like doing cross eyed dabs lol) I will probably leave the recycling chambers clear so you can see the vortex. I figured the vortex would kind of look like the jet turbines flame haha

Here are also some ideas for my space theme
2) Klein Incycler with 6 uptakes and 3 return tubes in all slime (or haterade) and maybe with some slime drips?
I may even talk to Trey about trying to make this even more scientific (if possible and if it would even make sense to lol. As if it isn't already scientific enough right?). I really want this one to remind me of a chemistry setup (tubes going everywhere etc) and the slime green will be like the toxic chemical haha
3) Planet rig klein incycler with the ring as the uptake tubes
Everyone has seen the hitman planet rig yeah? Well I want to revamp that and make it more scientific and bigger. Im thinking to have the mouthpiece come off the back instead of the side. I want the ring surrounding the planet to be some sort of uptake tube system to make it a klein incycler that will drain down the center to below the perc
4) Dabuccino with female dewar joint and perris green accents
Last one I can think of right now is a starbucks cup. Perris green or white straw, lid (green if i do the straw white or frosted like on the dabuccino if i do the straw perris green), and perris green down stem, clear cup, and a perris green " indented coaster" as the base maybe with some white or frosted accents on the coaster